Is it possible to have a heart attack from being too scared? These jump scaresare ridiculous.from the Wonderkin (sp?)
Depends on your action,. Ha ha, J/K! Or am I?they can either die alone quickly or they can all come together at the die together
I think it's the part wherethe Wendigos can mimic other people to lure their prey.
It would be cool if Supermassive had integrated player statistics on the choices. I liked that part about the Telltale games.
It would be cool if Supermassive had integrated player statistics on the choices. I liked that part about the Telltale games.
I'm glad this game is reviewing well and the vast majority of people are enjoying it.
I do wonder how many copies it will need to sell to be financially profitable though. The game was in development before 2009 started so it has been at least six years in the making. The Killzone engine probably saved a lot of money, but still, long development.
I can see Sony doing well from the game around Halloween. Run a few trailers in the movies for the game, maybe do a special bundle deal for it.
Must admit this is the first game I've noticed non Playstation owners talk about a lot this gen. Think it has more mass market appeal than Bloodborne did (despite also been a very good game).
Done. Look in the options.
You can turn stats for each decision on in the settings. There's no game-end stats screen though, no.
I don't get the Emily hate, she's my favorite character.
Sure she's bitchy, but at least she's nota psychopath like Mike and Ashley.
Emilywent through so much shit, and she survived on her own through the most brutal parts in the game.
Best performance has to be Josh though, kinda reminded me ofperformance inThe Joker'sin certain parts.The Dark Knight
I respected what emily went through and had to endure and i was warming up to her but her (end game spoilers)interrogation scene soured me on her all over again.
I don't get the Emily hate, she's my favorite character.
Sure she's bitchy, but at least she's nota psychopath like Mike and Ashley.
Emilywent through so much shit, and she survived on her own through the most brutal parts in the game.
Best performance has to be Josh though, kinda reminded me ofperformance inThe Joker'sin certain parts.The Dark Knight
That scene changes based on her relationship status & personality bars, as well as certain dialog choices and events in the game, especially.her relationship with Matt
That scene also changes for all survivors, not just her.
I feel likeMike went through the worst of it. He was in legitimate danger more than anyone else(him and Jess are originally being chased by a wendigo, heading into the Sanitorium took balls of steel, let alone returning again...possibly getting his fingers cut off by a trap on top of it.
Also for me Emily pushed Ashley by the door at the end as they were running and being chased by Wendingos which is an INCREDIBLY shitty thing to do. Fuck her.
But.Emily went through the mines, which is incredibly more dangerous than the Sonatarium, and then had to put up with Mike and Ashley's psychopathic side AFTER going through all of that after she got bitty the Wendigo
.Let's not forget that both Mike & Ashley's characters are capable of straight up murder, all Emily does is act like a bitch, which may not be socially acceptable, but it doesn't put other lives at risk
Pushing someone while you're both running and being chased is ABSOLUTELY putting her life at risk.
I agree both Mike and Ashley are capable of super fucked up stuff, though.
is quite evidently the most evil of the main characters.Ashley
She is, her and Mike are both capable of murder, Josh is kinda crazy but all he does is play a prank on the people that terrorized his sisters, which is understandable even though he went too far, Ashley and Mike are straight up psychopaths.
Crap, sorry for not spoilering that. Have fixed it now.
I wouldn't totally blame, I mean it's a natural reactionMiketo think that a supernatural "disease" can spread through biting. It's definitely not cool but I wouldn't say he's a psychopath, not to the extent of Ashley. She's just straight up crazy. Mike just got the jitters. I guess that comes from the fact I decided not to shoot her, but put in the situation I could see why he would think about it.
I wouldn't put him in Ashley's tier, but he's certainly not guilt-free like the others, everyone else is capable of fucked up shit, but shooting someone certainly isn't one of those things, so I'd say he's a distant second in the evil scale, the other characters have flaws, but none of them has any "evil" in them other than those two.
It would be cool if Supermassive had integrated player statistics on the choices. I liked that part about the Telltale games.
Yeah, I definitely agree with that.I do like him a lot more than some characters though.
Yep. I love Emily too, always love characters like her in horror films.Oh, I like him somewhat too (but not as much after finding out what he's capable of in my second playthrough with little remorse).
I was just pointing out that the Emily hate makes no sense given the circumstances of other characters people like.
Hahaha true!
Also (chapter 10)What did Sam see in the journal that made her rush off to get Mike? I must not have noticed. Mike leaves and they're just chillin in the safe room, Sam starts flipping the journal then is like "omg we have to go get mike NOW." But it never elaborated the catalyst, unless I missed it.
I meant to ask, do the survivors gather in the end, so with each missing they have a different ending scene, which requires 255 combinations on that final scene alone, if my math is not spectacularly deceiving me.
I respected what emily went through and had to endure and i was warming up to her but her (end game spoilers)interrogation scene soured me on her all over again.
It should break even at least with 1-2 million sales. Hopefully it will do that.I'm glad this game is reviewing well and the vast majority of people are enjoying it.
I do wonder how many copies it will need to sell to be financially profitable though. The game was in development before 2009 started so it has been at least six years in the making. The Killzone engine probably saved a lot of money, but still, long development.
I can see Sony doing well from the game around Halloween. Run a few trailers in the movies for the game, maybe do a special bundle deal for it.
Question regarding relationships (and possibly towards the end spoiler):
Is there a way to make Emily not hate Ashley and/or Mike when they both wanted to kill her?
Hahaha true!
Also (chapter 10)What did Sam see in the journal that made her rush off to get Mike? I must not have noticed. Mike leaves and they're just chillin in the safe room, Sam starts flipping the journal then is like "omg we have to go get mike NOW." But it never elaborated the catalyst, unless I missed it.
I don't get the Emily hate, she's my favorite character.
Sure she's bitchy, but at least she's nota psychopath like Mike and Ashley.
Emilywent through so much shit, and she survived on her own through the most brutal parts in the game.
Best performance has to be Josh though, kinda reminded me ofperformance inThe Joker'sin certain parts.The Dark Knight
DoAshley & Josh always get captured? Can they both survive the sawblade or can that scene be skipped entirely
Well...DoAshley & Josh always get captured? Can they both survive the sawblade or can that scene be skipped entirely
Dont read the spoiler in the post above me if you havent beat the game yet. And no you cant skip it.DoAshley & Josh always get captured? Can they both survive the sawblade or can that scene be skipped entirely
Question regarding relationships (and possibly towards the end spoiler):
Is there a way to make Emily not hate Ashley and/or Mike when they both wanted to kill her?
Thats sadly not explained, so we can only assume its about how Wendigos hunt their prey. A bit cheap plot device I guess
Nah, there is one final scene that can feature between 2 to 5 of the remaining characters. 2 of them always make it to the final encounter even if you fail everything, because they wear plot armour. The other 3 can live or die. The remaining 3 are split up from the group and dealt with in a very short separate chapter where they also can live or die. You always control the same character in the final scene and all the interaction takes place between the two characters that always make it. The others only get minimum screentime, however they can live or die during that scene depending on your final choices. The base ending is always the same even if everyone dies/everyone lives. The epilogue itself also takes place in the same area and has mostly dialogue variations.
I wouldn't put him in Ashley's tier, but he's certainly not guilt-free like the others, everyone else is capable of fucked up shit, but shooting someone certainly isn't one of those things, so I'd say he's a distant second in the evil scale, the other characters have flaws, but none of them has any "evil" in them other than those two.