DJ Lushious
Spoiler alert! Seriously, when in doubt, black it out..Um another HOLY SHIT, I had to choose between Josh and Ashley. Wow
Spoiler alert! Seriously, when in doubt, black it out..Um another HOLY SHIT, I had to choose between Josh and Ashley. Wow
Spoiler alert! Seriously, when in doubt, black it out.
LOL @ spoilers.Played an hour or two with my roommates. The presentation is amazing.Screw you, wolverine and goggle man.
Brett Dalton (Mike) playing until dawn
To my knowledge, no. And from what I understand the bonus scene is very short and doesn't change the story one way or another. I wouldn't sweat it.If I have bought the standard edition, will I be able to buy the extra chapter from the Extended edition on the PlayStation Store?
You get certain trophies by who survives and you also get some when you encounter specific deaths. The only other trophies are collectible ones.Are there trophies during the game, or only at the end depending on who survives? I have zero trophies,
Just keep playing and look for what you chose. A lot of the changes take place in the sessions themselves. iirc, how you rate the characters changes their attitude or something.Do my answers during the therapy or "doctor" sessions factor much into the game? I recently got spooked by a clown puppet, and I chose clowns as scaring me, so if I chose scarecrows, would it have been a scarecrow? What about choosing what characters I liked or disliked? Snakes v rats?
I recently looked at some of the collectables in the main menu, and it seems I'm missing some stuff. Are things locked into chapters? Can I go back and get them, can I replay specific chapters when I'm done, or do I have to start over to get things I might have missed?
regarding jessicais the only condition you need to satisfy to save her in chapter 4 that you can't botch any of the quick time button presses? or does the path you take matter, i.e. you need to take all of the harder shortcuts?
also lol at matt and the herdthe fucking game purposely makes it seem like they are going attack you by bringing up the weapon cursor
Hubs picked this up for me for $5 on BF. LOOOOOOOOOOOVED IT!!!!!!! I managed to save 7 in my first playthrough without looking up hints. Planning to play a few more times. Hubs has been enjoying laughing at me every time I jump/scream at any remotely scary thing in the game....including when the title pops up on the main screen.![]()
Em was redeemed when she did that to Ash. Loloh god...emilyashley had me rolling. i love how despite everything they go through emily just continues to be herself lolslapping
Is it possible to turn off the "butterfly effect" thing and status updates?
Kind of just want to play it and not realise minor choices have had consequences.
Also is this game structured similar to VLR with choices?
I also thought it was a weird choice showing you the exact spot where branching happens.
Haven't finished the game yet (close though) and just wanted to know:
Can everyone be saved ?
Finding stuff and clues has no effect on the story, right ? What about therapy, do your answers affect anything major ?
Yes, everyone can be saved.
Without going into spoilers and trying to be vague, there are clues that when found affect future outcomes.
The therapy sessions affect the therapists office. It changes based on what you select. There are minor touches throughout the story based on what you chose. For example, I chose that I was afraid of spiders and a spider crawled across the TV screen when my viewpoint changed to that of a video camera.
Just finished my first playthrough today and found it very fun. But, was the audio off for anyone else? It sounded tinny and had some echo, like the actor's audio was performed in a echo chamber or the mic was far away from their voice.
I tried my TV and my Wireless Golds with the Until Dawn preset and it still sounded off. Kinda bugged me since this game feels like it should have that part down pat.
Can I just check – just how adult is this game?
Seeing a lot of family in the next couple of weeks, most of whom are super into horror and thrillers. So I'm considering grabbing this so we can all sit and have a good blast over Xmas.
However my cousins may be in the room - they're not young young. 13 and 16 year old. Is that OK for this game? Or is there any full-blown sex/harsh violence in there?
sexual jokes but no nudity or acts (bummer lol). there is plenty of uncensored gore (think your average R-rated slasher film)...which may or may not be appropriate for the teens (depending on who you ask)
you can look at the esrb page if you don't care about spoilers.
Have fun and don't sweat it too much about making the "wrong" choices you can always play through again for an everybody lives run.Just got the game for my Christmas break, I barely know anything about it. Any tips before I get started?
You get certain trophies by who survives and you also get some when you encounter specific deaths. The only other trophies are collectible ones.
Just keep playing and look for what you chose. A lot of the changes take place in the sessions themselves. iirc, how you rate the characters changes their attitude or something.
Once you finish the game you get the option to select episodes. DON'T SELECT A NEW GAME, IT'LL DELETE YOUR COLLECTIBLES. ONLY CHOOSE THE EPISODES OPTION
Thanks for your review/thoughts. I was all set to buy this right now, but glad I read the OT first for some impressions as this has changed my mind on buying this. There's no way I'm sitting through cutscenes I've already seen on mulitple playthroughs.Also, a 'skip this non-interactive section I've already seen' feature is sorely missing. As it is, I have zero interest in replaying the game. I'm just not going to sit through seven hours of cutscenes I've already seen, just to watch the differences between one path or another.
Glad I read that too! FUCK patches that big!I got the game for 20€ and I will start playing it soon.
Well,once the almost 12GB patch is done downloading, so I guess I won't play it anytime soon.
Beat it and had fun. Only had one real death as two more were caused by the stupid sensitive motion gimmick. The controller was level on a table and still failed.
Just got the game and going to be digging into it soon but I see I missed out on a bonus chapter as part of a pre order bonus
Is the scene important or worth it?
If I have to youtube it, when in the game should I do so?
Beat it and had fun. Only had one real death as two more were caused by the stupid sensitive motion gimmick. The controller was level on a table and still failed.