Uta no Prince-Sama Repeat is coming to Japanese Vitas. The otome series from Broccoli was on the PSP previously.
Eve: Burst Error R launches April 28th in Japan
Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea - here's a
character trailer. Due in March 3rd in Japan.
Rose & the Old Castle of Twilight - from Nippon Ichi; due out in April 28 in Japan; comes from the director of the Firefly Diary.
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 has been delayed to March 24th in Japan so that the developer can improve its quality.
Odin Sphere: Leifdrasir comes out in the NA regions on June 7 and Q2 2016 in Europe.
Dragon Quest Heroes II launches on May 27th in Japan.
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2016 screens (out in Japan in spring 2016):
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Success Special is another game heading to the Vita in the series, it is a F2P game. Also out in Japan in Spring 2016.
*On the topic of baseball,
Baseball Riot is coming as soon as next week!
Hatsune Miku X: Project Diva X - here's a new
song trailer.
Digimon World: Next Order - new screens (out in Japan on March 17):
Grand Kingdom - as noted in this thread, Grand Kingdom is coming west thanks to NIS America

Game looks beautiful. Scheduled for release this summer - PHYSICALLY too
Announcement trailer here.
Gundam Breaker 3 - enjoy some cute new screenshots and the new Japanese
TV Spot:
Earth Defense Force 2 has been confirmed for Europe on February 12, thanks to publisher PQube. Will be coming out physically as well.
SwapQuest is a new addition to the upcoming Vita games. It's a puzzle RPG from sole developer Constantin Graf.
Announcement trailer here.
I mentioned this in another thread but this or ROTK on Vita would be the way I'd play. There's some touch-control stuff to that engine that makes me really want to control a strategy-RPG that way. (Actually, what I really want is something like RUSE or WarGame AirLand Battle, but nobody's made a massive touch-based RTS for Vita or mobile that I'm aware of, mostly it's Advance Wars-type strategy games.)
I'm hoping we end up getting Xcom
Thanks for this thread. Some potential gems in the OP list!
Civ, Full Trottle, Children of Morta, Slain, Banner saga, Darkest Dungeon and Salt and Santuary all have my attention.
You are most welcome Bradach, enjoy

Civilization should be out soon!
Man I love this thread. I just made a list of everything I need to look out for.
Also, I'm not sure if there's much confirmation on this, but it looks like Downwell will be coming to [VERTICAL] Vita at some point (fingers crossed).
I'm just waiting to see if the project will be actually releasing for the Vita. Thanks for the kind words, glad that you're loving the thread
This thread makes me so happy! I love my Vita, honestly more than my consoles most of the time, and it's great to see that there's still a healthy line-up for this year. Thank you so much for doing this, Fady! Sub'd and anxious for the year to come ^_^
You are most welcome rafa, it's my pleasure! Enjoy today's update as well

Happy gaming!
Fady K thread rules!
Its great to see the amount of games already announced for this year. it shows me why i love the Vita , there is a strong support around the device (except from sony)
Thanks a lot incpdo <3 Nice to see you here

We had a handful of cancelations in the last few weeks, but only a little ;D
htol#niq is getting a sequel! Named "Rose and the Old Castle Twilight" and it's coming on April 28th. Producer said they will address the difficulty problems. Hopefully it will be toned down.
We're still yet to get Night Watch, but considering htol#niq took 6 months, there's till time. I'm ready for year full of NISA Vita announcements.
Fantastic news

I'll add it up. I'm hopeful for Night Watch - I would love to suggest it to NISAmerica's twitter but I don't think they ever read anyone's tweets
I'll have to remove it. Surprising to hear and sad, the game looked like a good fit on the system
wow i wanted that for my vita so badly
Sucks to see Square Enix not bring over their Vita games in English, especially when some of them are already fully in English like Chaos Rings on ios and such :/
YES!!!!! Based NIS. Now please localize Night Watch
Never Alone is no longer coming to Vita.
This one really bums me out. This has been a rough couple of weeks. Most of the indies that dropped support weren't games I wanted, but I really wanted Never Alone.
No reason given right now. I don't know if we can keep tagging Gio Corsi every time a game gets canceled. A little deflated about this one.
Edit: They are citing technical challenges.
Oh no, that sucks. Thanks for the note, i'll remove it. Been a rough start to the year with a few cancelations, thankfully there's much to look forward to. I wonder what kind of technical difficulties they face...
Positive vibes homies, positive vibes. Vita has a lot of great games coming this year regardless of some cancellations, let's get the thread back on track.
Is Exorcism still coming to Vita? It fell under the radar for a lot of folks but I haven't heard much on development of the game since it was announced. Also if you're still on the fence about Nuclear Throne or CotND, I highly encourage you to give it a shot. They're some fantastic games.
Also SwapQuest is coming to Vita, looks charming:
SwapQuest - cool adding that up

You lose some, you get some ;D Thanks bud