I cant make any guarantees just yet, but I will say that Im very, very interested in seeing a PS Vita version. Its a very popular request, and I think it would be a great fit.
194 games according to my spreadsheet. I'm aiming for a complete english collection with all US, EU, Asia and JP titles. Collecting for the vita is really fun - if you exclude the japanese exclusives. It's like a door to another world there...
No luck at Heavy Arm Store? They are usually in stock there for the last couple of months. You might also ask fellow gaffer wilflare if he is still helping out with imports. He is from Singapore and bought a few games for me.
Heavy Arm Store doesn't post a restock for those two for months. I asked Wil on Twitter, he found one of those, but never got back to me.
It'd be a perfect fit, haha. I'm buying the PS4 version when it comes out next week, mostly to play it but also in the hopes of an eventual cross buy Vita port in the near future.Stardew Valley Dev on Vita (he's said this near exact same thing before, but he's saying it again now):
Too much positivity for a vita thread. I'm amazed it's coming over but somehow not surprised the vita version isn'tIt was about time this thread succumbed to negativity again anyway
I have 12 and it consider it a high amount. Still won't stop me from rebuying some of my digital purchases but I doubt I'll ever come close to some of the collections here.You guys are crazy, I think I have between 40-50 and I consider that high.
i found a relatively cheap copy of tales of hearts r, i'm thinking of buying it because it'll only get harder and harder to find right?
Thank you for the answer and for sending Square Enix an email about this.
Is anyone still waiting for their copy of DQB from Play-Asia? Supposedly shipped over a month ago but still nothing.
194 games according to my spreadsheet. I'm aiming for a complete english collection with all US, EU, Asia and JP titles. Collecting for the vita is really fun - if you exclude the japanese exclusives. It's like a door to another world there...
I cant seem to find the EU exclusive retail release list anywhere. Anyone have it handy? thanks.
0. I have exhausted every avenue to try to get a phys version but it's not going to happen
I asked John Hardin about whether there was any chance of a physical release of Caligula and got a pretty flat-out no.
Boo. I wonder why they just gave up on Vita physical with this release, they managed it fairly well up until this point.
'exhausted every avenue' makes it sound like they've probably even tried LRG, to no avail. :/
I asked John Hardin about whether there was any chance of a physical release of Caligula and got a pretty flat-out no.
Boo. I wonder why they just gave up on Vita physical with this release, they managed it fairly well up until this point.
edit: Even more clarification, this one's a definite definite no huh?
Super Robot Wars V Asian English release is up for pre-order at Heavy Arm Store:
I know - trust me, I've gotten a lot of the same sentiment which is why I went to bat for a solution, but none to be had![]()
not even a 1-in-a-million chance.
Every game is its own special snowflake. Caligula does not signal the end of physical for Vita from SEGA/ATLUS
More on Caligula:
But some good news at least:
Dunno what else they could bring over except the new Valkyria game.
I wish they did a limited physical release of Caligula, just like with Ar Nosurge Vita
13 Sentinels
We kinda need literally any info for that to be on the radar lol. At this point I would expect it to be a Vita/PS4 title anyway since they've gone so long without saying anything.
It's already been announced for PS4/Vita, I don't quite get this sentence.
If you're saying you don't expect it to be PS4/Vita, I don't see why Vanillaware who released a PSP title in September 2011 would have a problem releasing in 2017.
It's already been announced for PS4/Vita, I don't quite get this sentence.
If you're saying you don't expect it to be PS4/Vita, I don't see why Vanillaware who released a PSP title in September 2011 would have a problem releasing in 2017 on Vita.
Vanillaware tends to be pretty quiet until the game is nearing completion. Outside of development troubles with the game itself, I wouldn't be too worried, as Odin Sphere Remake and Dragon's Crown did real well for them.Ah thought it was Vita only when they announced it, thought the complete lack of info was because they decided to add another system, guess not.
Dunno what else they could bring over except the new Valkyria game.
Maybe we'll get Dungeon Travelers 2-2 if that rumor about them having a falling-out with Aquaplus wasn't true.
Maybe we'll get Dungeon Travelers 2-2 if that rumor about them having a falling-out with Aquaplus wasn't true.
3WIREL is having a special game awards poll, and we have a large Vita section.
If you guys feel like voting, please feel free to do so.
Aren't you in Canada? If you are then it's normal. Up to a month after it arrives in Canada is when I get my Play-Asia orders. Feels more like the Canadian border's fault than P-A's. If you have a P-A account then you should be able to see if it arrived in the country at least on Singpost.com using the tracking number.
Done. Also fam no odin sphere? I am disappoint.
So we are near the end of the year and I wonder : what are your most wanted ps vita games for 2017?
Summon night 6
God wars
Ocean horn
Forgotten memories ( if it ever comes out)
13 Sentinels ( I have hopes for this in the west)
Salt n sanctuary
The longest five minutes
Cladun returns
Mary skelter
Danganronpa v3
Fallen legion
Boi afterbirth ( I'm hoping this will be a reality next year)
Hearth forth Alicia
And a few more I don't remember now.
I asked John Hardin about whether there was any chance of a physical release of Caligula and got a pretty flat-out no.
Boo. I wonder why they just gave up on Vita physical with this release, they managed it fairly well up until this point.
edit: Even more clarification, this one's a definite definite no huh?