Started picking up a few physical Vita games as I want a small but nice collection of around 20 games, but I think I left it a bit too late
There's basically no Vita stuff in EB Games and JB Hifi except for Lego games and I had to call around to see if they had copies of the stuff I wanted.
I got
Grand Kingdom
Stranger of Sword City
Everybody's Golf
Muramasa: Rebirth on PSN
I'm pretty torn about ToCSII discount: on one side I want to have it physical (which would cost me 40 and having to import), but 25 is a very good price for a game that came out just about a month ago in Europe,and I could save my money for Atelier games when they go on discount or buy some of the many other games I'd like to play.
The choice in the end is beetween physical at full price or digital half the price .......what to do?
Man this has been my dilemma for the past week or so. Most stores (in Aus (and UK)) aren't discounting the physical copies, and when they do the discounts are not as deep as the online store.
I think in the end for people like myself on a budget, I will just stick to my budget and buy the games I want to play and allow for some physical and some digital. I just bought Muramasa: Rebirth for AU$8 and the physical was around $30 at most places. Play-asia had it for a daily sale for $24.
On a different topic, I bought Everybody's Golf yesterday preowned for AU$15 (there weren't any NEW copies anywhere left except Play-asia for $40), but I forgot it needed the online pass. Of course the person who had the copy before me, used it already

. The online pass on PSN? $15 Grrr
The digital version is also $15 (and sometimes discounted to $7). So yeah, if I want to play online I have to fork out another $7. I wish they would patch that online pass thing out considering there are hardly any 'NEW' copies left.