Ah, my most visited thread is back for a 2016 edition. Thank you Fady for all your hard wotk and a happy new year!
You are most welcome buddy

Here's hoping you enjoy this one even more!
In for another great year of Vita games!
Let's go!
Much to look forward to

As with last year's, don't think this will be leaving my followed threads. Thanks as always Fady
Humbled Kresnik, good to see you here! I'll be updating this thread more frequently God willing. Enjoy
Why are there 2015 releases in this
Hi Flandy. My idea with keeping some of the 2015 releases is basically to provide a list of games that are not too old for the people who are new to the Vita and want to skim through some games they may have missed out on. By the time a game is a few weeks/months old, I add to that list.
Bless you, Vita. May you keep being an indie game heaven for many years to come.
Thanks for the amazing OP. I didn't even know Volgarr or Chroma Squad were heading to Vita, so that's great news.
You're most welcome Weltall Zero <3 That's the thing, hoping this thread will raise awareness on many upcoming games!
Project Setsuna AKA Ikenie To Yuki No Setsuna is confirmed for localization in the west. It was originally announced at E3.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel = Eiyuu Densetsu: Sen no Kiseki II so you have the game listed twice.
Wonderflick Vita was never released and is essentially dead.
Hi Hexa! I know Project Setsuna was shown at E3, but if that means a western release for sure then I'll add it there for now (and i'm praying for it as the game looks GORGEROUS)! Anyway, I moved it up. Removed Eiyuu Densetsu and Wonderflick. Thanks a lot for the feedback friend!
Thanks you for the thread. Great work as always.
You are most welcome FDC1

Enjoy it!
I like the Vita, but never really think to play it or have much of an inkling to. Most of these games are indies or niche titles, too, and not system sellers.
I have nothing against indies and some look interesting, but most are too niche.
The Vita is indeed mostly a haven for indie games, though every now and then we get a pretty sweet game from a big developer, mostly in the form of RPGs and Strategy games.
Amazing work, Fady! So many games on here I'm eager to play.
Thanks a lot mathewwhatever

Enjoy the thread, much more to come hopefully
Do we know the official release for Severed? That game was suppose to come out last year.
No release date yet though it was previously expected at the end of 2015 so hopefully real soon
Secret best NeoGAF thread. <3
Glad to be of service <3 Enjoy it bud! Much more to come hopefully
All hail Fady K! Thanks for the great work.
Get Off My Lawn! has a wrong screenshot though
You're so kind nampad, thanks a lot!! Enjoy it. Also - thanks for the feedback - fixed the image to this:
Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations is on Vita?
My bad, apparently this was announced for 3DS but not the Vita. Odd decision IMO. Removed it.
2016 will be a great year for VitaGAF!
Thanks for the new thread Fady.
You are most welcome Kalamoj

Enjoy it ^_^
Anyway, nice job Fady, can't wait to pick up a fair few of the above games this year, really looking forward to importing a few more games from Japan, grabbing the English Asian release of stuff like Digimon and giving Ray Gigant a try (really like the look of that game). Hoping Net High gets a solid confirmation of an English version this year as well, I think it was rumoured last year.
Thanks for the kind words Shadowman16

Many lovely games to look forward to this year! I bet we'll be getting many more localizations too! Net High - I expect that to come out in English due to the trophy leak
Amazing work as always Fady.
A suggestion - and maybe this is something we can all chip in with - can we get updated screenshots of things? A lot of those projects probably have more up to date images/gifs that might better reflect the game.
But still - incredible work.
Hi Moobabe! Always nice to see you, many thanks for the kind words and feedback! I'm all for it actually - I updated a few things already. If you or anyone catches anything do let me know and I'll update the images as soon as possible
Thank you very much for creating another Vita thread, I greatly appreciate it!
Btw, several of the games you listed in the opening post have already been released, for instance Nuclear Throne.
EDIT: Never mind, I see that it's now listed under "New Attractions".
You are most welcome Occam! Enjoy the thread, i'll be updating as frequently as possible
I'm sure that that Jazz: Trump's Journey, or whatever it's called, is out as well.
I left Jazz in the upcoming section as it did not release in North America and I wonder at this rate if it ever will. Game looks charming, odd omission from the developer.
Subbed. I might get back into the Vita.
Enjoy it man
Hugely impressive list. I didn't even realize the Vita had this much content coming. More then enough to warrant a purchase.
Indeed Kevin! That's one of this thread's goals - to raise awareness on the ludicrous amount of games coming out ;D
Excellent thread once again. Looking forward to a number of games on the list, Zero Escape and Danganronpa being primary among them.
Thanks for the kind words TonkatsuAddict

Good taste btw, I'm currently playing through Virtue's Last Reward ^^
So crazy seeing the Kick Off logo.
That's one revival no one saw coming!
The return of best thread.
Vita so cool.
Thanks a lot Numb

Much appreciated, enjoy the thread
Great job again, I've never heard of several interesting looking indies up there.
Also, this might be helpful too, I don't know if you've seen it before Fady K.
It's pretty much only major releases so not as in-depth as this thread.
Thanks a lot Prelude ;D Btw - thanks for that image - it looks EPIC and neat!!! Thanks to you, I added Demon Gaze 2 in the upcoming games; thought it was Japan-only so far.
Great work, subscribed!
Thanks a lot mellan_Konsten

Enjoy the thread, much more to come hopefully
Indeed!! There's so much coming out, pretty crazy and unexpected for 2016.
Once again great work Fady K.
And somehow there's always something new and cool and I didn't know about. Never heard about Dex, Lumo and Randall and they all look cool.
Thanks a lot VLiberty, nice to see you here

Hopefully there'll be even more cool things to add to your list eventually.
Any news on Not a Hero? I loved OlliOlli 1 and 2 and thought it was supposed to come out in 2015
No news yet, but I'd expect Q1 2016 at the latest.
Amazing support Vita gets. I especially love the Namco and KoTec support.
Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo have had an incredible turnaround this generation, they are super awesome and listen to their fans a lot more.
subscribed again, thanks for the hard work
This year is going to be insane for vita too.
Awesome, you're most welcome bud

Enjoy it; i'll be adding plenty more as more stuff gets featured and announced.
Thanks for the list!
La Vita è bella
You are most welcome retroman

Enjoy it
Thanks for another year of hard work.
This year I want to work on my backlog and buy only the essential: Dragon Quest Heroes 2, DQ Builders, SAGA and Cosmic Star Heroine.
You are most welcome Shinriji, been seeing u in these threads since the first one ;D I too have a big backlog to work on *_*
Thanks for the awesome thread!
You are most welcome wowbaggerBR, enjoy it ^^
Fantastic work yet again Fady; looking forward to another great year of games for the platform.
Good to see you here bud, thanks for the kind words and enjoy the thread
Has Star Ocean been confirmed for an NA release?
No, though it would be easy for Square Enix I believe as they already have the second game on the PSP in English
Ehh still not cleaned up a lot of the supposed releases. Wonderflick is not coming. Imagination is the only escape caught my eye again in this year's thread just to my interest be shattered because the project is dead. And there are probably more.
Hi eFKac, I removed Wonderflick, thanks for the feedback. As for Imagination is the Only Escape, the developer mentioned last summer that it's still being worked on. Did you read a more recent report? If you notice anything else that is outdated/canceled, do let me know and I'll be sure to remove them ;D
Fantastic OP.
Loving my new Vita. My 64GB card is ready for the new year.
Thanks for the kind words

Your 64GB should serve you well
It has to be the best-supported hardware flop of all time. Considering that more and more retail stores are completely phasing it off shelves, there sure are a lot of games coming out this year.
You know, there may not be a lot of exclusives to the system, but who gives a shit? Same can be said of the home consoles, honestly, and the point is that there's games to play, damn good ones, with cross-buy, cross-save, ps plus and all that shit. Not too mention that these are portable versions of these games and isn't that the real point and not whether or not the game can also be played on other platforms? I personally love having these indies on my PS4 and Vita for one price. Unprecedented. Nintendo doesn't do that.

You totally hit it, spot on. Agreed with every word ;D To be fair content wise I think the 3DS doesn't come close, and I say that as a 3DS owner who was more impressed, at this point, with the original DS's games.
Awesome list, those Japanese games though haha, all i saw was girls hehe.
Haha! I notice that when I add new images for the upcoming Japanese games; the funny thing is - I try to look for other pics not just focusing on girls to avoid confusion, but alas
I wish my computer handled all those gifs better, but it's so hard to just casually scroll through them. Great thread as always... though I suppose eventually it might make sense to just remove the 'aleady released' section since it just increases page load issues.
This thread is for you guys, so if most of you would like to have the number of released games cut down (as in, have the oldest games removed), I'm down for it ;D The only reason I have them there is for: a) new Vita owners to have a look at what they may have missed out on and b) for current Vita owners who want to pick up something they missed after finishing their latest games.
not enough sogood.gif to describe this thread!!! always read these even before my account was approved
Humbled by your words man, enjoy the thread. I Love Vitagaf <3 <3 <3
i feel like a lot of these games have been quietly cancelled, there has been no news since they were announcement ie The Legend of Raven. Risk of Rain, Mercenary Kings, and a few others
Hi baddvision, I know there are at least a dozen games which haven't been updated in ages; though I left them there due to not hearing of any official cancellations. Let me know if any of them have been killed off already and I'll be sure to remove them ;D Btw Mercenary Kings is still coming, Tribute Games said so as of December 2015.
Hey hey! I see the game I am doing programming and music on, The Legend Of Doodle, is on this post. It's also got a very, very, very, very, very, very out of date and poor quality
screenshot (and one not at Vita res, either). It now looks like this:
Happy Vita-ing in 2016, everyone!
Always a pleasure to see a developer here <3 APOLOGIES for using such an old pic. The image has now been fixed

Enjoy the thread and good luck to you and the team on the game!
Fady means life!
GOAT thread returns!
Goddamn it hurts to look at these threads, so much Vita goodness.
Expecting great things from the Vita this year.
Zero Time Dilemma and New Danganronpa V3 better be pretty damn good.
I really hope we'll get a Net High and New Danganronpa V3 localization!
Good to see you here Funyarinpa, welcome to the 2016 thread <3
So much goodness indeed <3 I bet you we'll be getting Net High and especially DV3 ;D
Great work as always Fady.
P.S Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations is definitely not on Vita. It is available on PS3/PS4 though.
Thank you kindly Malik ^^
Yeah - I messed up on that one: totally thought it was on the Vita after seeing it was for the PS4/3 AND 3DS. Removed it now
I love myVita! Great work!
Thanks for the very kind words Dream_Journey. You will see in this thread that many of us totally relate to your for the Vita
King of threads has returned. Hail.
Thanks for the very kind words Gray Fox ;D
Isn't Children of Morta announced for Vita as well?
Indeed it is! Thanks to you, we now have this on the list:
Children of Morta
My old friend AgentOtaku, your passion for games is contagious. Nice to see you here man! Many more updates to come
Love my Vita! So many great games this upcoming year. I know i'll splurge on it, but no regrets. Who says the Vita is dead,
Sony can do so much more with the system, it hurts </3
Nice job OP. 2016 looks good for Vita.
Still no news on Sony approval for The Grisaia Trilogy ? :/
Thanks a lot Pheonix944

As soon as I hear any updates on that, I'll be sure to post about it here