You should. It's alot of fun!So many good games!I think I'm going to dive into Dragon's Crown next!
You should. It's alot of fun!So many good games!I think I'm going to dive into Dragon's Crown next!
Has any third party shown an interest in bringing Tokyo Xanadu to the west?
TK: This I something that we definitely want to make a reality and are currently working towards. Please wait just a bit longer.
Tokyo Xanadu localization more or less confirmed by Falcom prez
Tokyo Xanadu localization more or less confirmed by Falcom prez
Really fun game. Totally worth 3 bucksOpinions on Dokuro? Got 3 bucks left on my wallet.
No new Soul Sacrifice pains me.
No new Soul Sacrifice pains me.
Tokyo Xanadu localization more or less confirmed by Falcom prez
CS 2 summer, TX fall!
That's pretty much exactly how I'd imagine the president of a traditional and conservative Japanese company to answer questions haha. Polite and positive answers, without revealing any kind of actual details about success or future plans. Please be excitedThat interview was really awkward to read, knowing that it's coming from the president of the company. Lots on non-answers, which makes interviews mostly useless, and "someone wants to help me?" requests that which makes things weird, since this is the president of a 35-years old japanese developer.
But my summer is already packed with Odin Sphere and Grand Kingdom!!!
Y U DO DIS!?!?
Opinions on Dokuro? Got 3 bucks left on my wallet.
Opinions on Dokuro? Got 3 bucks left on my wallet.
I never finished it, but I liked it. Kinda janky and low-budget, but that worked for me. Cool art style. They definitely stepped their game up and had more money to work with on Murasaki Baby.
Paid $20 for it when it came out and also picked up the import copy off ebay for $40. $3 should go down smoothly, but it's your call.
That interview was really awkward to read, knowing that it's coming from the president of the company. Lots on non-answers, which makes interviews mostly useless, and "someone wants to help me?" requests that which makes things weird, since this is the president of a 35-years old japanese developer.
Must've heard someone say it was former Dokuro people when Murasaki Baby had been unveiled. Or maybe it just got compared to Dokuro so much because of the art style and escorting.
Dokuro was made by legendary JRPG developers Game Arts, who also made Grandia and Lunar. After GungHo's acquisition, they have kind of disappeared. Last thing they did was Grandia PC port and nothing since then. I hope GungHo realizes mobile is not the only platform around and have their precious developers (they own Grasshopper too) develop some awesome PS4/Vita stuff.
Murasaki Baby was made by some Italian indie studio, funded by SCE.
Oh, so I guess there was a R3 English release of Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires.
Now time to find it.
CS 2 summer, TX fall!
Whoa what! I imagine that's going to be a nightmare to find. Not even Heavy-Arm have it listed, and they had the English SSD and Oreshika in stock for ages.![]()
Whoa what! I imagine that's going to be a nightmare to find. Not even Heavy-Arm have it listed, and they had the English SSD and Oreshika in stock for ages.![]()
Maybe Wil can help us out this time, I only ask for his help when there is no other way.
Oh, so I guess there was a R3 English release of Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires.
Now time to find it.
Whoa what! I imagine that's going to be a nightmare to find. Not even Heavy-Arm have it listed, and they had the English SSD and Oreshika in stock for ages.![]()
Why does Heavy-Arm say that the Helldivers physical Vita copy is out?
Wish he also mentioned PSP compatibility too.
Why does Heavy-Arm say that the Helldivers physical Vita copy is out?
Is Heavy-Arm reliable? Never know there are some R3 Asia version for Final Fantasy X HD Remaser AND X-2 HD Remaster. Now I need both.
I'm in Germany with an european PSN account. I know that DLCs from US or ASIA versions won't work but how about patches? I'd like tom import Soul Sacrifice Delta and I know that this game has many patches. Can I download them with my EU account or do I need a asian PSN account for this aswell?
That would be wonderful, thanks Kresnik258!
Good to know that patches are regionfree aswell!