ClaDun Sengoku -
New Trailer
Day of the Tentacle Remastered is coming VERY SOON - March 22nd!! Adventure gamers - keep an eye out for this classic!! Pre-order for a small discount (at least on the NA store).
Hatsune Miku Diva X -
New trailer, enjoy!
Zero Time Dilemma - the sequel to one of the very best Vita games EVER (Virtue's Last Reward) is coming soon and finally, we have a few screens to look at.
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders -
English trophies have popped up! Is there hope for a localization. I think so
Coven & Labyrinth of Refrain - we finally have a full
trailer for Nippon Ichi's upcoming dungeon RPG and it's looking quite nice! Out in Japan on June 23rd.
Skullgirls 2nd Encore should be hitting soon. It got approved by Sony Japan for the Vita and now the devs are waiting for approval from Sony US & EU.
Fallen Legion - Here are some screenshots from the upcoming Vita action RPG. Due for release this summer.
Amazing stuff.
Thanks a bunch my awesome friend ;D
I don't think this is coming anytime soon. They said "later this year" and said nothing since then. It's either coming around summer or they have scrapped its release altogether.
Hey bud. It's so strange how long this is taking 2K to release...I'll remove it from the coming soon section for now to avoid confusion.
Ah yes, the good old lost potential. Tbh I don't really want more AAA because the majority of them didn't work well on Vita for me (i.e. I thought Killzone did, but Uncharted definitely didn't).
However, I'd have loved more AA games that aren't from Japan. Just the mid-tier stuff that's barely still alive in gaming these days.
I see what you mean...though I personally LOVED Uncharted on the Vita (gimmicky as it was with touch controls). Unfortunately I got bitten by the AC Liberation bug!!! I bumped into a game breaking bug where the game keeps loading my file forever. I fear I may have to restart the game. Shockingly Ubisoft's patch meant to address the bugs didn't help
Thanks man, that's sweet.

Yeah, we notch up some serious Vita time in the small hours when I should be asleep and my little 'assistant' decides that sleep is for other people
You're most welcome man

Hahaha!! Honestly, the Vita is such a great choice for bedtime

My wife herself recently beat a famous mystery game on her tablet called "The Room 3", all good fun
Well there we are certainly in agreement. I did feel like I had to marathon Uncharted, while with Persona I could play it for a 20 minutes and put it down very easily. It's a tough balance to strike on a handheld I suppose. Back to Fady's point, I think AC:Liberation did a pretty good job of finding that balance. Do a quick 5-15 minute mission, take a break. 5 minutes to manage your ships, take another break. I think if they had decided to make a tie-in for Assassin's Creed 4, we would've seen a near perfect portable AC game.
Indeed Jon, I feel AC Liberation is tailor-made for the Vita. It's a damn shame that the game is loaded with bugs, including the game breaking bug I experienced yesterday

Bugs remain a major problem with Ubisoft titles on handhelds and consoles alike.
Salt & Sanctuary has a PS4 release date (next Tuesday!) but the Vita version is delayed. Any word on when that will hit?
Is this Tom?? I love your Vita passion

No date yet unfortunately though it will be cross buy