I'd rather have Uppers. Now if THAT doesn't get localized I'll kick up a fuss.
I'd rather have Uppers. Now if THAT doesn't get localized I'll kick up a fuss.
Net High and NDRV3 are the only localizations I need
Looking at replies from their Twitter, Marvelous Europe seems more than willing to release Valkyrie Drive. I guess XSEED doesn't want to localise it.
I don't care aboput Uppers personally. But I'll beg for a localization if you help out here. Vita muffins unite!
I still haven't played Shinovi Versus yet. But I suppose more Vita games is always a good thing so yeah, fair enough!
(And how can you not care about Uppers, Kenka Bancho is awesome!)
I know VD is a "special" case, but I hope that doesn't signal the end of Vita exclusive localizations from XSEED
Anihawk has been saying that for a while thoughAnihawk has got me worried that NISA are going to end their Vita-only localizations soon, to see XSEED stop them as well would be really upsetting. I know the console isn't setting the world on fire with hardware sales in the west but I'd hoped the actual games have been selling well enough to justify bringing more stuff over.
While you're all talking about Uppers and VD, I'm still bothered with Luminous Arc Infinity. I guess each one of us is looking forward to a different game!
Anihawk has been saying that for a while though
I'll give it another 6 months and see what is announced before I really start to worry. I wish localization companies were a bit more transparent and let us know when Vita isn't doing well for them anymore. Last I heard XSEED was happy with it.
Valkyrie Drive localization doesn't seem to happning for now
Start spamming (be nice)
[email protected] (<- more likely to reach the boss)
Anihawk has got me worried that NISA are going to end their Vita-only localizations soon, to see XSEED stop them as well would be really upsetting. I know the console isn't setting the world on fire with hardware sales in the west but I'd hoped the actual games have been selling well enough to justify bringing more stuff over.
While you're all talking about Uppers and VD, I'm still bothered with Luminous Arc Infinity. I guess each one of us is looking forward to a different game!
The thing is that Tokyo Xanadu is guaranteed to come to the West at this point, with Falcom aggressively pursuing the market with their latest games. LAI, on the other hand, is in a dire situation.
Tokyo Xanadu will take some time though. I remember Tom from XSEED saying that Falcom isn't responsive enough for them to have a fast localization. I expect fall or winter 2016. Til then they need to release other software but they don't have anything but Vita games. So it's going to be a year full of XSEED games: Net High, Valkyrie Drive and Uppers.
The thing is that Tokyo Xanadu is guaranteed to come to the West at this point, with Falcom aggressively pursuing the market with their latest games. LAI, on the other hand, is in a dire situation.
Any updates on Yoru no nai kuni getting a western release on the Vita?
Don't even care if its just digital, I really wanted to play it.
Any updates on Yoru no nai kuni getting a western release on the Vita?
Don't even care if its just digital, I really wanted to play it.
what is the deal with preordering Digimon on PSN?
i've seen a lot of people excited about this game, but i don't know anything about it, where can i get some information?
I wonder what Marvelous EU will be doing in the near future though. There will have to be some Marvelous titles coming over or they'd be kind of redundant. And most Marv titles are for Vita.
The Ac!d games were never released on PSN anywhere. To play them on Vita you'd have to use one of the exploits on the platform.
Yeah that was heavily hinted at by Devolver multiple times. Looking forward to it. Is it in the OP? Because it should be.Man I love this thread. I just made a list of everything I need to look out for.
Also, I'm not sure if there's much confirmation on this, but it looks like Downwell will be coming to [VERTICAL] Vita at some point (fingers crossed). Source
With Falcom, it's always a year up to a year and a half from the japanese release to the western release. I'm expecting Winter 2016, but they may delay it not to coincide with Cold Steel II.
Yeah that was heavily hinted at by Devolver multiple times. Looking forward to it. Is it in the OP? Because it should be.
wow, that could be great if done right. I'll keep an eye on itSomeone dared to make a game consisting almost exclusively of Donkey Kong Country barrel levels.
Someone dared to make a game consisting almost exclusively of Donkey Kong Country barrel levels.
htol#niq is getting a sequel! Named "Rose and the Old Castle Twilight" and it's coming on April 28th. Producer said they will address the difficulty problems. Hopefully it will be toned down.
We're still yet to get Night Watch, but considering htol#niq took 6 months, there's till time. I'm ready for year full of NISA Vita announcements.
sooo, no Vita version of Not A Hero anymore?
sooo, no Vita version of Not A Hero anymore?
sooo, no Vita version of Not A Hero anymore?
I don't why but it seems PS blog doesn't allow developers mention Vita version when it's not coming out at the same time with PS4. There have been many examples like that. The Banner Saga, Rain World, Volume... Not A Hero Vita might be still in development for a later release date, but blog post wouldn't be the place where we can learn about it.
@goldzuka yup. Unfortunately that's a limitation placed by Sony thanks to the graphics settings we use to get those framerates![]()
@goldzuka certainly on our list, but low priority, and the text unlock trophies are definitely working, seeing lots of platinums![]()
Im sad cuz Sony should just make A Vita 2 but I know they wont
Handhelds (including mobile) should rule the world yet they are dying, losing the war against home consoles. I really don't want a future with only home consoles.
Handhelds (including mobile) should rule the world yet they are dying, losing the war against home consoles. I really don't want a future with only home consoles. I may have to quit my job for that kind of future.