Yes, you do.If I use a 30 day trial for playsattion plus do I get the discount for the sale?
Yes, you do.If I use a 30 day trial for playsattion plus do I get the discount for the sale?
Looks like that are targeting July/August
VITA is still a go babay!
Has anyone tried stranger of sword city in vita? How is it?
Now if only we could get some news on Hyper Light Drifter and Salt & Sanctuary.
I think Gundam Breaker 3 is out tomorrow! Hype!!
I still don't know if I should get EVSF too. They're so close to each other.I think Gundam Breaker 3 is out tomorrow! Hype!!
I thought this was going to be taken down! Glad to see this is still up but I did break the lock button on my iphone because I took so many screenshots of the site lol.
NA Vita GE2 is indeed digital only, some people in the chat asked WHY there is no physical release but the question guy never brought that up.
PS4 day one edition is $59.99, Vita GE2 is $39.99, Steam is $49.99 for both GE:R and GE2. It seems like Vita is the only one that doesn't the get Resurrection bundle, but Resurrection on its own is $19.99, so buying them both is literally just the same price as PS4's day one edition.
PS4 and Vita are cross save/play.
They didn't have any info on whether or not your save can carry over from GE:R to GE2.
No content has been cut from the games, "just a slight edit here and there" to maintain the rating but nothing has been omitted or is missing.
Some info for the US version of God Eater, taken from a Bandai Namco livestream.
Pathetic. Digital only and going to still charge $20 more?Some info for the US version of God Eater, taken from a Bandai Namco livestream.
I'll probably grab GER at launch and GE2 on a sale then.
Alright I need help Vitagaf. Just bought myself a 32GB memory card in anticipation for Zero Escape 3 and Odin Sphere.
In the meantime I want something that isn't story heavy, has no PC version, on the shorter side and has zero grinding. Kind of limiting I know, but what can you do? As of now I have:
-Dragon's Crown
-Soul Sacrifice: Delta
-Virtue's Last Reward
-A LOT of PSP games
Games I'm eyeing:
-Severed: I've played my share of dungeon crawlers, but the swiping looks like it gets repetitive.
-Atelier Ayesha: May as well start with the first game in the Dusk trilogy. I've never played one of these, but the time management makes it seem like there isn't any grind. Thoughts from someone who has played them?
-Brandish: Its an older Falcolm game, so odds are its good. Just don't know if its worth diving into for a completionist run.
Heres what I'm skipping intentionally:
Persona 4: I didn't like Persona 3 at all aside from the music, don't care to try this one.
-Trials of Cold Steel: I have First Chapter on PC, want to get through that arc before I consider Trails of Cold Steel. Plus, I don't like the idea of jumping into this one until the third game is confirmed for a US release because fuck cliffhanger endings.
-Celcetta: Ys Origin and Felghana are a couple of the best games ever made. Seven took the series in a direction I didn't care for nearly as much. It is still good, but nowhere near the two games I mentioned. Given that this is more of the same I'll pass on it for right now.
I'd go with...In the meantime I want something that isn't story heavy, has no PC version, on the shorter side and has zero grinding.
I'd go with...
Tokyo Jungle Mobile
I'll probably get GE2 physical from Europe, sell the GER code and wait for a NA sale for GER.
Ah crap, I forgot about that :/
There's a lot more I could recommend too but "not on PC" excludes a lot of them...
Here are some non story-intensive games that I've enjoyed on Vita:
Velocity 2x - really awesome shooter/2d action-platformer hybrid with great controls.
Axiom Verge, Hotline Miami - two indie games that are arguable best on Vita.
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles - PSP remake of an amazing Classicvania, with Symphony of the Night as a pack-in.
Proteus - "walking simulator" (hate that term) with a really cool, relaxing absorbing vibe.
Alien Crush - TurboGrafx-16 game, one of the best digital pinball games ever.
Guacamelee - there's the occasional cinema but it's mostly just a really well made metroidvania that looks amazing on Vita.
Lumines: Electronic Symphony - Lumines has always been a must on a Sony portable.
Where Is My Heart? - a PS Mini puzzle plaftormer with a really cool vibe and a neat hook that has you navigating a fractured screen.
Wipeout 2048 - Perhaps the pinnacle of Wipeout...and likely the last one we'll ever get.
Stranger of Sword City - this just came out, it's a dungeon rpg that I'm really digging; it's really tough but light on story.
-Atelier Ayesha: May as well start with the first game in the Dusk trilogy. I've never played one of these, but the time management makes it seem like there isn't any grind. Thoughts from someone who has played them?
Severed is the closest I've gotten to a GOTY in 2016 so far. Get the game, Vita players!
Severed is the closest I've gotten to a GOTY in 2016 so far. Get the game, Vita players!
Severed is the closest I've gotten to a GOTY in 2016 so far. Get the game, Vita players!
Yeah, I can vouch for its non-repetitive character. They keep building mechanics, it gets puzzle-y quickly, and has style for dayyyys.
Alright I need help Vitagaf. Just bought myself a 32GB memory card in anticipation for Zero Escape 3 and Odin Sphere.
In the meantime I want something that isn't story heavy, has no PC version, on the shorter side and has zero grinding. Kind of limiting I know, but what can you do? As of now I have:
Brandish: Its an older Falcolm game, so odds are its good. Just don't know if its worth diving into for a completionist run.
I'll probably get GE2 physical from Europe, sell the GER code and wait for a NA sale for GER.
Is that whats happening?
this thread constantly reminds me I just need a 128GB memory card
TxK (only on vita, awesome)
Super Stardust Delta (delta improves on the original imo)
I finally stopped trying to keep a bubble installed for every physical game. Just backed them up with patches/saves etc through CMA in a separate folder and deleted about 75% of them. Freed up a good 15-20 GB of breathing room to enjoy new stuff without having to play inventory Tetris every time.
Cosign both of those. Totally agree that Delta is better than it's predecessor too. I think everything just works better, and looks/sounds cooler to me.
I'll add Motorstorm RC.
It's on PS3 too, but it's a Vita game through and through for me, due to it's bite sized everything... and also excellent. Get the complete edition.
this thread constantly reminds me I just need a 128GB memory card
Just be like me and buy physical copies of games you already own. This clears space on your memory card without compromising the look of your library. It also makes you want to cry every single day. It's a good fix!
I've started doing that with some of my bigger games, like P4G. Might get MGS Collection physical soon, too.Just be like me and buy physical copies of games you already own. This clears space on your memory card without compromising the look of your library. It also makes you want to cry every single day. It's a good fix!
I back them up via QCMA too on my PC... but that too is taking up too much space - 119GB... and that's not ALL the games :/
Just be like me and buy physical copies of games you already own. This clears space on your memory card without compromising the look of your library.
Against all odds and reviews and everyone i have talked to i got Natural Doctrine Vita. This game is becoming quite rare in my country and i wanted to try it. Im quite surprise actually , its a nice game , very hard and sometimes unforgiving but i like it.
I just keep the save files for the digital vita games I own on my pc while deleting the game data.I feel ya. Mine is 170 GB, even with all the physical games I own.