I don't know if old but CounterSpy will release on 8/19 and Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed 8/12
Next Wednesday can begin the "Is Minecraft out yet"? potentially 4 week cycle. Been waiting so long for it, I just know it'll be late August![]()
Im waiting for this too. im not a Minecraft fan but did enjoy that lamecraft PSP homebrew game , i can see myself playing a lot in the Vita the original title.
I'm starting to think I should have gotten a Vita instead of a PS4. Probably would have gotten a lot more use out of it so far.
I am getting a Vita today b/c of this thread.
(early adopter thats returning)
I didn't realize Phantom Breaker was coming so soon. I watched a video a couple weeks ago and thought it wouldn't come to the west
To OP you are missing this interesting title (japanese only but import friendly)
To OP you are missing this interesting title (japanese only but import friendly)
My personal favourites are Demon Gaze, Ys: Memories of Celceta and Toukiden.I'm finally getting a Vita tomorrow!
I haven't kept up-to-date on the games for the it though.
Can you guys guide me for the best games on the platform?
Already getting Persona 4 Golden!
What genres are you into and what platforms do you already play games on?Can you guys guide me for the best games on the platform?
My personal favourites are Demon Gaze, Ys: Memories of Celceta and Toukiden.
I also really like the Vita versions of Child of Light, Guacamelee!, Dragon's Crown and FFX too.
What genres are you into and what platforms do you already play games on?
I think others will probably recommend the standout RPGs so I'll try round out the suggestions with other genres.I'm quite of an all-rounder gaming wise, but RPG's are probably those I enjoy the most.
I do not have that much experience with JRPG but would really like to check them out!
I think that opens you up to a lot of cross-buy indie titles like Spelunky, FEZ, OlliOlli, Luftrausers, Hotline Miami, SteamWorld Dig etc. (Assuming you don't usually play indie games on PC)And I do only play games on the PS4.
In terms of gameplay their lineage derives itself from Wizardry games and other first person dungeon crawlers.The artstyle looks great but gameplaywise it feels weird.
Maybe it just because I haven't tried that many JRPGs on the market?
Demon Gaze, can't go wrong with that one.
I think others will probably recommend the standout RPGs so I'll try round out the suggestions with other genres.
The obligatory Vita platformer is Tearaway.
If you've tried any hunting games and would prefer one with a good narrative try Soul Sacrifice Delta.
For a loot-based DnD brawler try Dragon's Crown.
For a WarioWare-esque game try Frober Says! (It's free plus two DLC packs).
I think Killzone Mercenary is second to only Killzone 2 in the franchise.
Lumines Electronic Symphony has a great soundtrack and is currently very cheap.
For music-rhythm games check out Cytus Lambda and MUSYNC on PS Mobile.
If enjoy arcade sports check out Virtua Tennis 4 which is a great port with tons of minigames perfect for short bursts.
Also play Gravity Rush at some point.
There are plenty more games to recommend, but these are just some off the top of my head. Also check out the PlayStation Network thread because a lot of VitaGAF congregates there.
I think that opens you up to a lot of cross-buy indie titles like Spelunky, FEZ, OlliOlli, Luftrausers, Hotline Miami, SteamWorld Dig etc. (Assuming you don't usually play indie games on PC)
Maybe it depends on your experience with JRPG dungeon crawlers? Not having experience is probably better though as Demon Gaze is probably the most aggressively mediocre title in the genre on modern hardware.The artstyle looks great but gameplaywise it feels weird.
Maybe it just because I haven't tried that many JRPGs on the market?
Anyone tried Stranger of the Sword City on 360?
Is it playable without any japanese knowledge ? I really dig the art.
Thanks man! That was great. I'll surely check them out.
I don't get all the saying about the Vita being dead and the lack of games. It really has a jungle of games!
Maybe it depends on your experience with JRPG dungeon crawlers? Not having experience is probably better though as Demon Gaze is probably the most aggressively mediocre title in the genre on modern hardware.
Anyway, pick up Ys for a good JRPG title.
Ys looks more compelling for me! I will research some more on Demon Gaze and probably give it a shoot.
What about a newcomer to Final Fantasy? Should I just start with the first or is there a better entry point?
It's more of the issue of Sony's ineptitude at advertising the damn thing (with the exception of SCEJ).
You should also look up Dangan Ronpa and its sequel when that comes out in the fall.
Since you have a Vita you can play all the titles from FF1 to X-2. Starting with either 7 (and then moving on to 8 and 9) or 10 is a good option.What about a newcomer to Final Fantasy? Should I just start with the first or is there a better entry point?
Yes. It's sad! It has already been thrown under the bus in Europe and US.
Dangan Ronpa looks interesting. Have heard alot of good things about that one!
I wouldn't start with the first one to be honest because it hasn't aged well at all imo. Start with VII or the HD Remaster of X.
Since you have a Vita you can play all the titles from FF1 to X-2. Starting with either 7 (and then moving on to 8 and 9) or 10 is a good option.
If you enjoy SNES RPGs then go for FF4, 5, or 6 (which many will contend to be the best).
YES! Its great. Its a VN/Adventure style game, but if you like good characters and good story. It also has a bit of gameplay in the style of various minigames/logic puzzles. Not to mention, its sequel is also having its localization this year.
FF11 was a very well received MMO, and FF12 is a perfectly good game closer in spirit to Final Fantasy Tactics (which speaking of you should also play if you like SRPGs) or Tactics Ogre due to the influence of Yasumi Matsuno with an MMO-esque battle system albiet offline.I really dig the SNES Final Fantasy games. It reminds of the early Pokemon games on the Gameboy - Great times. That will probably be my entry point in the series! Is it downhill from FF10?
FF11 was a very well received MMO, and FF12 is a perfectly good game closer in spirit to Final Fantasy Tactics (which speaking of you should also play if you like SRPGs) or Tactics Ogre due to the influence of Yasumi Matsuno with an MMO-esque battle system albiet offline.
Honestly speaking it is really FF13 and its sequels where the franchise began to unravel.
I really dig the SNES Final Fantasy games. It reminds of the early Pokemon games on the Gameboy - Great times. That will probably be my entry point in the series! Is it downhill from FF10?
I'm finally getting a Vita tomorrow!
I haven't kept up-to-date on the games for the it though.
Can you guys guide me for the best games on the platform?
Already getting Persona 4 Golden!
I do the same with every port/multi-plat. It just feels right playing on Vita.Rogue Legacy in just a few days. Can't fucking wait.
I have PURPOSELY not been playing the PC version just to play in on the Vita.
Other people have covered some good ones, but I'm gonna cosign a few or give my own:
Tearaway... really heartwarming and special game that singlehandedly justifies the Vita's hardware design imo. It's about 80% adventure, 20% 3D platformer, so it's a bit of a walkabout, but has those NiGHTS & Psychonauts feels to me. It's not particularly long and doesn't have much replay value outside of wanting to experience it again, but it's something you've got to enjoy at least once to know thy Vita. I don't want to oversell it as a lifechanging experience like someone would Journey, or anything, but it's just a cool game.
Gravity Rush... the main character, Kat, is the best new character in years imo. She's awesome. The gameplay is extremely unique (can be tough to get the hang of at first and difficult to master, but give it sometime to become second nature), the setting is very creative, the music is fantastic, and the whole game feels like a long-form, episodic Ghibli production in some ways. Get the DLC for the first time play, so that the new missions and content just kind of blend right in.
Dragon's Crown... best on Vita imo, due to a few instances where touch just makes life easier, and it's a perfect game to have on a handheld, really. Beautiful 2D beat 'em up rpg, like Castle Crashers & Guardian Heroes, full of homage to Capcom's Dungeons & Dragons arcade game, classic fantasy tropes and iconography. Tons of replay value, and doses the formula up with 6 character classes & potential "skilltree" builds, tons of loot for a full suite of character weapons and equipment, new game+, a level cap of 255, multiple difficulty levels, an infinite chaos dungeon etc
LittleBigPlanet Vita... unless you're looking at both games at the same time, you'd swear it looked just as good as LBP2. The platforming physics are ever so slightly improved, it has more features in create, the story mode is great with the best level design in the series. The front/rear touch/gyro gameplay is seamlessly implemented, and that opens it up to so much more game possibilities for the community and for the players to enjoy. It's been 2 years and there's tons of great community content to play, with actually less spam and trash since the game's never been free and it's not on a system with as big an install base. It's arguably the best game in the series and seems like Vita is where it always belonged... that's coming from an absolute LBP fanatic. Unless you hate LBP already, pick it up. Almost any costume DLC you own for LBP1/2 is also compatible with it, which is nice.
Ys: Memories of Celceta... music, music, music... dat music... and the classic, fast-paced action rpg gameplay the series is known for. The art style and color does a lot for the look of the game too. Not the best looking game on the system, but not bad at all...the art style does a lot for it. The game is essentially a 3D reimagining of Ys 4, but every entry in the series has no barriers to entry and is mostly self-contained, so don't worry about where to jump in. It's an awesome Vita exclusive to have for the time being.
Killzone: Mercenary... I don't even get into FPS much, but it's an astoundingly good looking handheld game, that feels slightly faster and tighter than it's console big brothers to me. The melee system is extremely satisfying, you can really make good use of stealth instead of being entirely gungho, whichever you prefer... and the mission size/length/design really lends itself well to portability, because you can get in/get out relatively quickly, earn some currency. Multiplayer matches and maps are designed to be pretty breezy too. It really pushes the system and puts it to use in a way that nothing else does.
Muramasa: Rebirth, Lumines: Electronic Symphony, Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout 2048, Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed, Street Fighter x Tekken, Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time, Rayman Origins & Legends... all great to have too imo. Disgaea series is great, especially on a handheld, and Disgaea 3 is an excellent port but they can be an acquired taste and 4 is out next month anyway.
The good HD remasters are Metal Gear Solid 2&3 and Final Fantasy X/X-2... Sly Trilogy is pretty good too, but all the others should be treated with discretion. The technical flaws don't bother me, but I'm not gonna lie and they can be too problematic for some people.
For the digital-only stuff... I recommend Super Stardust Delta, Motorstorm RC, Stealth Inc, Sound Shapes, Guacamelee, Hotline Miami, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, TxK & OlliOlli. Just depends on what you like, what you've played already etc.
Zen Pinball 2 is also a perfect game to have on Vita imo. It's extremely polished and consistent, has tons of tables available. It's all piece meal, but it's free to DL, with every table available to demo, and cross-buy on all PSN platforms (just remember to buy for Vita or PS3, then activate on PS4, and not PS4 or it won't give you the PS3/Vita versions). Try it if you like pinball, or try it and see if you do. I never realized how much I like pinball until Vita got me hooked on it.
Can't buy everything all at once, obviously, but check stuff out and keep whatever looks good to you in mind for the future, especially if you see a good deal.
Simply just an awesome post right there. Thank you for taking your time for that! I have a handful of the games you mentioned via PS+ which is just pretty awesome. I have like 25 games ready were i have picked Muramasa: Rebirth, Dragon's Crown, Gravity Rush, Hotline Miami, Hot Shot Golf and Sly: Thieves in Time. A pretty decent start for the system in my opinion.
On top of that I got Rayman Legends and MGS HD collection of 2 and 3!
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Vita. A lot of great stuff to play!