So many quality games have come out and there are plenty more to comeEnjoy the thread and stay tuned. The OP will be updated weekly with new releases ^^
Excited for Risk of Rain and Hyper Light Drifter.
A questions:
What genre is Aztec from?
Thanks!I'm definitely subscribing to this and recovering my Vita this week. I think I'll get Y's and FF X while I'm it. I have like 30 games for Vita on my account so I will have to get a 32GB card too :/
Thanks to the OP for such a great thread. At times, it's hard to be optimistic being a Vita owner, mainly due to the way that Sony seems to regard to the console with total disdain.
Luckily, when I bought it, I wasn't looking for first party games (although that would be nice) but primarily for indies, which seem to come thick and fast.
It's my main platform these days. I don't get much time to game at home because we have baby, but I get a good couple of hours a day on the Vita on my work commute. I've played through Steamworld Dig, Fez, Hotline Miami, Guacamelee, Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate, Alien Breed, Uncharted, Thomas Was Alone, Spelunky (well, I beat Olmec anyway...), and loved every second of it.
So seeing this massive list of games reassures me that there will be PLENTY of games to play in the coming months, years even.
Now, hurry up VVVVVV and BoI...
Seems like my local stores have their hands on Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited. Not sure if I should pounce on it since I already played the original Disgaea 4+still waiting to finish off Disgaea 3 on Vita.
Like I said, the OP will be updated weekly with all the new releases (genre, developer info, trailer too) So stay tuned friend and enjoy!
I just picked up a new Vita a few days ago. And love it. I only got two games for it so far but I'm sure I'll dive a little deeper into the software and the Playstation Plus goodness in a few weeks to come.
This is a cool thread. I was looking for something like this!
I *think* by continuing to update you'll risk of making this thread closed, since I *think* it will conflict with the Playstation Network thread (the reason why the Vita thread was forcefully changed into PSN Network thread).
Well, hopefully I am wrong. You should probably consult a mod first though; I'd hate it if you continuously update this thread only for them to close it later on.
Isn't Phantom Breaker kind of released in UK already? A couple of my UK pals are already playing it on their Vitas.
Yeah, they released it in Europe one week ago.
I sat opposite a bloke using a Vita this morning, and we struck up a brief conversation as I plugged my headphones into my own machine. He was on the last stages of Guacamelee, and I'm close to the end of Ragnarok Odyssey. It's funny that he's in exactly the same position I am- mid thirties, young family at home, and the commute is his main gaming time. Seems to be a popular demographic for the Vita, at least here in the UK.
Awesome, welcome and congrats! PS+ is a huge recommendation for all PS platform owners IMO. Enjoy the thread![]() raise some good points. My idea with this thread is more about the focus on the upcoming games and updating their status as they release rather than just the weekly updates. Do you think that is enough to differentiate them?
Thanks! I got the 2000 model. I had a choice between the two. I decided this model was better. I like the feel, the look of it.
The games I own so far are:
Borderlands 2
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
I'm looking for Persona 4: Golden! I haven't played that one yet. I hear it's one of the best, sought after JRPG! Is this correct?
I mean, I really like this thread--kudos to you!--but there have been cases before IIRC where threads like this got closed because it is considered as a "megathread" or something like that.
Like I said, you should probably consult a mod, but I dunno... maybe you don't have to. Up to you.
That good huh? If it wasn't for the backlog I am currently going through on my Vita I would have picked it up already! It looks great and it's on my buy list for sure![]()
Persona 4 golden is the best game I've played in a long time. I clocked about 25 hours in during my 3-day weekend. @_@ I love this thing.
I played a bit of the Toukiden demo. Gameplay feels pretty good, but the mmo-like quest structure feels a little boring. Does it open up at all later on?
Galak-Z looks amazing, I cant wait to get my hand on it.
Galak-Z looks amazing, I cant wait to get my hand on it.
it's also on the vita?
This thread and other GAF hype finally got me to buy a Vita 2000 as I sold my 1000 after finishing Celceta, the device is amazing and I'm enjoying it so much.
Here's the first screenshot I took with the games I installed: (I should play Gravity Rush as everyone seems to love it)
I'm excited about Danganronpa 2, Senran Kagura, and Brandish mostly btw.
Two questions:
Are the other Persona games as good as 4 (golden)? And are they playable on Vita/PS3/PS4?
1 and 2 are more like mainline SMT games if you've played any, they don't have the time mechanic. 2's got a pretty decent story, but the remake for psp breaks the difficulty(waaay too easy) and ups the random encounter rate to painful levels. 3 is great, better than 4 imo. P3P adds some stuff, takes away the cutscenes and expansion part that are in 3 FES, but has better gameplay(4's gameplay, 3 FES has a stupid system where you only directly control the main character, P3P allows you to control everyone simultaneously). There's no definitive choice between P3P and FES.Two questions:
Are the other Persona games as good as 4 (golden)? And are they playable on Vita/PS3/PS4?
I just want don't starve on my vita.
New gameplay trailer of the upcoming PINBALL / RPG mash that was picked up by Atlus - Rollers of the Realm.
Hey there David, I believe Aztez is a fusion of side-scrolling beat em up like Viewtiful Joe and strategy.
I'm buying this game if it gets that physical release and I'm going to like it. Deal with it.
Its my game of the year now. I had 4 days off and spent the entire time playing the game, and I never usually do that any more! I've cleared the game three times now in a row, the two game + play throughs getting progressively harder (the last playthrough was insane, even though I was highly leveled).
I've now turned my attention to finishing the last trophy I'm short for the plat which is clearing the game in 15 lives or less. That's hard, I'm on the penultimate boss but he's kicking my ass (I'd rather be leveled higher). An excellent game that is well worth your time.
I've got Metrico and The Swapper downloading currently, can't wait to try both of them when I get a chance. Hows Table Top Racing? That looks great as well and the price is better than I expected.
oh god i want Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited more than ever!
aug 12th cannot come fast enough!
This thread and other GAF hype finally got me to buy a Vita 2000 as I sold my 1000 after finishing Celceta, the device is amazing and I'm enjoying it so much.
Here's the first screenshot I took with the games I installed: (I should play Gravity Rush as everyone seems to love it)
I'm excited about Danganronpa 2, Senran Kagura, and Brandish mostly btw.
Persona 4 golden is the best game I've played in a long time. I clocked about 25 hours in during my 3-day weekend. @_@ I love this thing.
I played a bit of the Toukiden demo. Gameplay feels pretty good, but the mmo-like quest structure feels a little boring. Does it open up at all later on?
Is there a date yet? I've been wanting that game since i played it at PAX last year.
Two questions:
Are the other Persona games as good as 4 (golden)? And are they playable on Vita/PS3/PS4?
I'm buying this game if it gets that physical release and I'm going to like it. Deal with it.
Wow, I had a HUGE feeling you'd love itI'll be going through Persona 3 first. Can't wait to play both!! Not so sure about Toukiden myself as I have not played beyond the demo which I really liked.
I missed these news, thanks!Some more Vita news in the past few days for those who missed it:
*A new Vita game has been announced (for PS3/4 as well): Unmechanical: Extended Edition is a unique puzzle adventure game from the developers of Atomic Ninja and Jet Car Stunts. Here is a preview with a trailer inside as well. Looks like a late 2014 release.
*Due to a lot of encouragement by Vita fans on twitter, Phoenix Force is now coming out on the Vita![]()
*Inner City Kids is coming along nicely. Here is new preview from the dev Jamo Games. Coming Spring 2015.
honestly, the muppets game actually looks pretty good.
hope it plays well
Sony needs to give us a Minecraft Bundle
Dear God, please bless those executives with some sense and wisdom
I spent the last few hours putzing around with my wallpaper and bubble placement to get everything ready for the coming weeks.
I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pumped.![]()
Yeah, I can't even remember the last time I sucked into a game so hard. I actually find myself liking the calendar days/ outside dungeons stuff more than the fighting. (Though that stuff is pretty good too.)
I'll definitely pick up Persona 3 Portable at that price.
Should I remove the following games to my awaited upcoming list?
Kantai collection game
Chronos materia
Since I haven't heard a thing about them for a few months now.
Nice thread to keep up with all the Vita releases, I won't buy any new games for now since I'm stuck with SAO but this will be a handy for the usual "sale everything!" months.
Wow, looks amazing!New gameplay trailer of the upcoming PINBALL / RPG mash that was picked up by Atlus - Rollers of the Realm.