So the Sony Pre-TGS conference wasn't bad at all! A few surprises here and there where the Vita is concerned. I'll make sure to mention them all alongside any other recent updates before the event. Enjoy!
Deemo, a lovely music adventure for smartphones, is coming to the Vita with expanded elements including plenty of new story bits.
*A new entry in the
Way of the Samurai series was announced for the Vita by Spike. More to come eventually!
*A updated version of God Eater 2 (originally on PSP + Vita, never out in English so far) called
God Eater 2: Rage Burst was announced for the Vita. Hopefully this one comes out in English. One of the better "Monster Hunter" inspired games from Japan. Here's the
trailer for the game

*As we wait for the upcoming Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus, we can take solace in the fact that a NEW game in the series by the name of
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus will be making its way to our Vitas (hopefully in English as well) sometime next year. Here is
the teaser for it.
*A new entry in the
Ys series is coming out for the Vita. Not much is known yet other than the logo below; rest assured, the RPG series is known for its quality, as evident on the PSP games Ys Seven and The Oath of Felghana as well the Vita remake of Ys IV, all out in English.
*Previously exclusive to the DS, a new entry in the Luminous Arc series is coming out to the Vita by the name of
Luminous Arc Infinity. Not much is known about the game other than its likely genre - strategy RPG.
*A new Vita color has joined the family: Light Pink/White!
*The Live From Playstation feature on the PS4 will be on the Vita as well soon.
*Square-Enix have released a new trailer for their upcoming
Chaos Rings Prequel Trilogy. Looks pretty cool really.
Here it is!
*Here is the English
trailer for
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:birth 2!
*Sony has announced that the Vita will finally be getting themes

Not a biggie for most, but I personally loved dynamic themes on the PS3
*This game came out of nowhere for me and is coming out TOMORROW haha. It is called
Deathmatch Village, a free to play multiplayer action game. Looks fun honestly.
*Another out of nowhere game that is coming out tomorrow is
Mahjong Gold
Man, I love my Vita, every month there's at least one game to buy and one free PS Plus game to play. I don't understand how this handheld isn't doing better.
I feel the same way. System really deserves much, much better. A lot of the complaints are about not having enough exclusive content on the system, which is understandable. Thing is, the system had plenty of AAA games at first and they did not sell well enough to warrant more of those games.
Just letting you know, VA-11 HALL-A is not Japanese.
The development team is venezuelan.
I hope EDFV2 gets a physical release outside of Japan too.
Oh, thanks for letting me know Aerocrane; I will move it outside the Japan-only section then.
Why am I not already subscribed to this majestic thread! Thanks for the awesome OP and continued info. Cannot wait for don't starve vita this week. Will be ecstatic if there is a Dust: An Elysian Tale vita announcement in the future.
Thanks for the very kind words v1perz53! And you are most welcome. Stay tuned for constant updates from releases to news

Dust seems like an excellent fit for the Vita, wouldn't be surprised if it gets confirmed for it eventually.

Well said
Also, amazing job with this thread Fady K.
Thank you so much pastrami, hope you enjoy today's epic update

That's great but for fuck's sake; it means I'm going to have this, Joe Danger and Velocity 2X to play on the same day. I haven't even finished Rogue Legacy, The Swapper or started Metrico. I feel overburdened with my first world problems!
Also, such a great topic. Really need to subscribe.
Glad you're liking the thread man

There's plenty more to come, just look at today's update for an indication
Xseed have just announced the next Ys game for Vita/PS4.
That's about as major a game as you can get for me

Adol Christin is such a badass adventurer.
An excellent addition to the thread

Surprisingly, we got a few really cool announcements for the Vita today!
Where to start...sheesh. Vita has come a long way..
It really has! Honestly, around over a year ago I thought the system was screwed. Despite the poor sales, I think the system had an incredible revival. Vita is life in some form after all
God Eater 2 Rage Burst is also coming to the Vita.
Too bad the new Senran Kagura is on the PS4 only. Look like it's also on the Vita.
More great additions for the Vita
Lots of great stuff just announced at the pre-conference conference.
For a Vita round up of the announcements, check out the top of my post ;D
You start with a Vita and a PS+ membership. The rest will follow naturally.
SmokyDave, don't think i've seen you in this thread yet. What do you think

? You were among the first posters I thought would enjoy this thread when I made it. Come by every now and then, this place is loaded with Happy Vita owners haha.
Thanks for the round up Shizuka! I'll mention them in detail in the above post.
Good to see this thread is being updated. 'scribed!
Actually, I posted once in this thread saying that I'd get a Vita towards the end of the year, lol. I guess I pulled the trigger a little early.
First of all, CONGRATS on getting a Vita. How are you finding it? What are you enjoying on it most? And yes, this thread will continue to be updated as long as the Vita exists

Check out the above update for an example of how up to date we keep things in this thread