Good day to you guys

! Here are some updates for the day, enjoy ^^
First up, we got plenty of new releases, starting with Xseed's much anticipated ninja action game Senran Kagura, to the Vita version of Minecraft (finally!) and another big indie game that looks unique to say the least and is a hit with indie-loving PC gamers, Nidhogg. If none of these are your cup of tea, go for a slower pace and enjoy some board games, the best of board games to be precise.
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (E)
Minecraft Vita
Nidhogg (Cross buy with PS4 version!)
Best of Board Games
*Which upcoming Vita game will we get to play soon?
Freedom Wars , which is merely 2 weeks away. This one is one of the bigger Vita games of the year, and a rarity at that as it is a full-on Vita exclusive. It is an action RPG and it looks great!
*One of the most promising looking games coming to Vita is the RPG
Zodiac and Siliconera have posted a very
lengthy interview with its developers.
*It has been a while since we heard about the Vita RPG
Dragon Fin Soup but thanks to Vitaboys, we have an update: apparently BlitWorks (a team who is superb at porting stuff to Vita - from OlliOlli and Don't Starve to Fez & Spelunky) will be porting it over to the Vita soon.
The Unfinished Swan is definitely hitting the Vita, as Sony Computer Entertainment Japan announced a release date (Oct 23) for it. Good times :0
*New Vita game (thanks to Korialstrasz!) - Another Atelier game is coming to the Vita as an enhanced "+" version, this time
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus . Check out all the
details from Siliconera here. The game should hit Japan on January 22 2015.
*(Thanks to 2+2+5!) New Vita game -
Robo vs Dragons is a fantasy RPG where you take control of a robot weapon and fight dragons. While it is free to play, the developer promises a full single player mode with 30 episodes. The game should hit Japan this fall.
*New Vita game -
Invokers Tournament is heading to the Vita from StormBASIC games, creator of released Vita game Ecolibrium. It is a free to play game where you get to duel with up to 5 other players. (Thanks to for this info!)
*Vita gamers who missed out on any of the following classics can pick up a bundled version (with DLC) for a special price:
Sound Shapes ,
Muramasa ,
Toukiden: Age of Demons and a bundle for Futurlab games (Velocity, Surge Deluxe and Coconut Dodge). Let's see if the other PSN stores offer similar deals, as this is is NA only at the moment.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song have received new gameplay details in this
preview from Gematsu.
Thanks Korialstrasz, added it up

More RPGs on the system is a good thing.
Just to be complete today was announced even that Arc System Works is making a f2p rpg about robots vs dragons
But it's f2p and probably Japan only, so it's just for this thread to be complete more than anything else.
As always 2+2+5, thanks for catching more missed games for us

I'm guessing this will stay in Japan as well, but I added it up anyway in case.
Beautiful. I really hope it's coming out tomorrow! Been looking forward to this for months.
I wish it came out today but alas, at least it should be hitting soon
SCEJA is sony though :/
The original devs or santa monica may not be aware since they aren't probably porting but at least one branch knows what's up. SCEA will release without letting us know, that's how they have throughout this year. I hope their arrogance will teach them a lesson when PS4 business starts to fail.
You're right, and a release date was announced too: Oct 23rd in Japan. SCEA have been doing better at mentioning all their release dates. To be fair I feel like they lost much of their arrogance from last gen, if I had to complain about something is that I wish Sony Japan produces more games like they used to back in the PS1/PS2 era :[