I had no idea Broken Sword 5-2 wasn't available in the US yet.
If we're listing games already released in Europe but not in the US yet, you might as well add the Ratchet and Clank Collection.
I added it earlier by the way; apparently it comes out this Tuesday ^^
I wish PSN had a wishlist for an easy way to keep track of these games...
I agree. That's one thing I love about google's play store - it has that feature.
Glad I saw this thread. It's my first time hearing of Cosmic Star Heroine and I had no idea it was a Kickstarter. Hoping it makes it this year because it looks awesome.
Glad you saw it as well. Plenty of lovely games to look forward to.
I clicked this thread expecting all retail games.
Left disappointed. 99% of the picks I simply wasnt interested in. Every platform has several hundred games if you include smaller digital releases.
To be fair to the Vita, the majority of the downloadable/digital releases, I wouldn't consider small at all. Some of them are among the most promising games coming out in the next couple of years.
You're welcome. And thanks for putting this list together. I usually know what games there are on the platforms I own, but a lot of those so-called indies really went under my radar.
You're most welcome as well yaffi. Believe it or not the same went for me, I did not know about at least a dozen or so of these games. I only found out after some research earlier!
This is the best thread. I am going to play so freaking many of these games!!
Really glad you liked it, much to play indeed ^^
I know right? I'm still a bit upset with Sony ignoring the Vita for Powers but I'm such a better mode now thanks to all nice looking third party games.
I love Sony but that Powers segment really did not belong there IMO. I would have really, really preferred that amount of time allotted for the Vita, minimum.
Just want to repeat it again: Amazing, AMAZING thread!
Good job, buddy ^_^
You are most welcome Bundy
Nice list, but you've got Sen no Kiseki 2 listed twice. Double the pain. No way is that getting localized any time soon, and I'd hazard a guess it'll be the same situation for some others on that list.
Good catch! Thanks. While chances are low, on the bright side we're getting SC of Trails of the Sky. Slow, but hopefully we'll get there!
Thanks for putting this list together with all the screens. There was even a handful of games that I didn't know about. I'm slacking.
You are most welcome Ninjamic
Wow, very impressive homework, OP. There's a lot of good looking stuff on this list. My Vita won't be in danger of collecting dust anytime soon.
Thank you very much for the compliments matmanx!