Nice job with the updates Fady K!
Thank you so much Parakeetman

Working on today's update btw
Man, I love this thread! I've been following quite a few Vita games, but this thread has reminded me of how many games I let slip through the cracks! So many upcoming games! It's frigging amazing.
I do the vast majority of my gaming on my Vota and 3DS, so multiplats and ports have never been an issue for me. I've been working on my Vita backlog, but I have too many games.
Also, buy Freedom Wars, people. It's a fun, beautiful game with a compelling premise and really satisfying combat. A little grindy, but I think it works well within the context of the narrative.
Thank you for the kind words Figboy79, glad you're enjoying the thread. There's another update coming today, stay tuned.
And you're right - too many Vita games indeed. I'm planning on picking up Freedom Wars as well, word of mouth got to me
The Yakuza Ishin app could be played without owning the actual game, so I imagine the same will be true for 0's.
Great! Thanks Takao, I may add it to the list then.
Okay, here we go! Please excuse the garbage photo quality.
Those little blue cases are too adorable~
You're right about the little blue cases
What an awesome extensive collection Infernal! You have so many lovely games! Thanks for sharing
Another awesome collection! That Danganronpa 2 box looks awesome ^^
Has a release date been set at all for Axiom Verge? I played the demo of this at Best Buy yesterday and I fell in love with it.
Oh there was a demo on display? That's awesome! One of my bigger Vita games this year.
As for the release date, most Vita games don't get release dates till right before the actual release (sometimes even as little as a few days before release!)
Awesome collection Yasumi ;D Loving all the collection pics you guys are posting ^^
Yup, no games here.
Too bad I won't buy LEs from NISA any more.
Great collection robotnik! But what's the story with NISA LEs?
What. A. Collection!!! Destroys mine!!
Awesome!!!! Such a nice clean setup for your physical games btw! Very organized.
Guys, does anyone know Grim Fandango will be physical release?
I've heard that Double Fine would consider a physical version if digital sales were good! So do we have to double dip here? Not sure, I want the game so bad on physical format
Why is Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax on the upcoming games section? Wasn't that one released a while ago? Also, my humble collection:
Hoping to add a Steins;Gate LE (pls) and XBlaze: Lost Memories if it comes out!
How is Xblaze for someone who doesn't play the BlazBlue series?
I leave released Japanese games on the list (like Corpse Party: blood drive) as a reference of recent releases that have the potential to be localized, whereas they would be shifted to the upcoming Vita games section if they were to be localized.
And since we're posting libraries here's mine (sorry for the quality)
Looking at all the Vita collection posts here, one thing that always surprises me: variety. The Vita library sure has it.
Brilliant thread, convinced me to re-buy a Vita, now to find out how to play my legit UMD backups on it because my PSP screen sucks :hmm:
First of all, congrats on the Vita bro! Secondly, enjoy the thread and let us know if you need any recommendations.
The UMB situation really sucks, I have over 70 PSP UMDs and the only way to play them is on my PSP.
And this, my friends, is why Fady K deserves to be paid for this thread. It's more effective than (what probably is) the janitor closet called the "Vita Advertising Department" in the Sony HQ.
While it is a dream of mine to promote games I love to gamers, seeing all of you in this thread happy with the updates and content makes me very happy indeed

You guys are such a lovely bunch.
There's a news story about Ys 8 on the Vita Lounge- apparently It's aiming for a September release in Japan.
Awesome news. I definitely expect this to get localized
Well, I was the fence about getting a Vita again, and this thread sold me on the platform.
Woohoo! Enjoy it, enjoy the thread, more to come soon, and let us know if you need any recommendations
Looking at your avatar made me realize: I REALLY want an Ape Escape game on the Vita
Can't get enough of all the collections you guys have. GREAT collection Shizuka!
i should have photographed my vita stuff before selling most of i and moving to digital...
That said.... VITAS - ALL THE VITAS :
So awesome to see a NEOGAF legend like DCharlie in the thread

Hope you enjoy it bro!
It's done. Vita ordered with Gravity Rush and an 8gb and 4gb memory card. Now to find a list of all "collectors editions" or "limited editions" version of games and get this collection moving!
The NISA stuff look great but not sure if the games will be my cup of tea, might buy the Criminal Girls LE.....
Great start with Gravity Rush. Heard a lot of great things here on that game. May be my next Vita game to play too.
To Heart 2 - Dungeon Travelers
- April 30
- Remake of the 2011 PSP game
- Not clear if is the hinted "DT 2-2" or just a stop-gap game.
Thanks Shinriji! Is this the same game as: Dungeon Travelers 2-2?
Hmm, looking at that list, I'll likely get Steins;Gate.
Persona 4 Dancing All Night is a maybe, leaning towards a no.
Danganronpa: Another Episode and Digimon Story I'll have a look at if they get localised, and I will keep my eye on SaGa. Ys I will likely go the PS4 version.
I really wish there was games I was excited for on the way :\
What kind of games do you like other than rhythm/RPG? Maybe I can help you spot a few goodies on the list.
Saved in my NSFW folder
edit: Scram Kitty DX has been confirmed for Vita btw
Cool catch VLiberty! Adding it up.
Mee too. My meager physical collection. Tales of Hearts R Physical is on its way.
Good collection Barry, need to add Tales of Hearts R to my collection too, it is getting rare and expensive I hear.
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy releases on April 14 for NA and April 17 for EU, in both physical and digital editions!
Box art on the vita lounge

Thanks redcrayon. Btw I hear NIS America will be having a big event sometime in February, we could get a few new Vita games in English announced ^^
I hope you enjoy Demon Gaze, there is another game from the same developer coming up in April (the one mentioned on the post above yours).
What an awesome gif.
Two more JP games
- Daisenryaku: Daitou Akyou Boushi ( 大戦略 大東亜興亡史3 第二次世界大戦勃発!-枢軸軍対連合軍 全世界戦

System Soft Alpha - March 30
- Date a live: Arsu Install - Complie Hearts - July 2015
With that, vita reached the 800 games milestone (released and announced), surpassing the Gamecube, N64 and Dreamcast total number of games. So much for a dead system with no games.
Next milestone: 1000 games (surpassing the OG Xbox)
Thanks again Shinriji, much appreciated. I'll look into them to add some photos and any other released info to the next update. Wow, 800 games!