Awesome update Fady
Nihilumbra is an odd game, its too easy in the main game, then you unlock "Void" mode which cranks the difficulty up to 11 right from the get go. I really need to get back and give that mode another try.
Unrelated, is it me or did Dungeon Hunter get pulled from the store? I am in the mood for a non-roguelike dungeon crawler. Yes, DH was mediocre.....but i still need to scratch the itch.
It's still there, for an outrageous price. I noticed it doesn't show up when you search for it on the Vita store. I'm going to guess it's another game SCEA accidentally removed. Before it was limited to PSP games, but I guess they're including Vita titles too ...
Is there away to tell which upcoming games will work with Vita TV? Mainly Persona 4 Dancing All Night.
Where in the hell is Oreshika? Or at least an update or something. I've really been wanting to play that game.
Oreshika was playable at PlayStation Experience. I fully expect that game to get a stealth launch. The first and only pieces of English media we'll get is the week before/of release.
Oreshika was playable at PlayStation Experience. I fully expect that game to get a stealth launch. The first and only pieces of English media we'll get is the week before/of release.
Is there away to tell which upcoming games will work with Vita TV? Mainly Persona 4 Dancing All Night.
I hope Sony isn't that stupid.
I hope Sony isn't that stupid.
Damn, if Oreshika gets a stealth launch I might cry. That game needs all the exposure it can get.
All new games should be compatibleIs there away to tell which upcoming games will work with Vita TV? Mainly Persona 4 Dancing All Night.
Where did you get this impression?DAN looks like it's goin to be mostly touchscreen-based so it's very unlikely.
Wow, reading this thread makes we worry about how big a backlog I could build up!
Uh I guess I looked at those screenshots wrong, did not notice the button icons.
Just noticed some sliding elements like osu's there though.
They may be analog stick driven though, ala Gitaroo Man.
I tweeted Terry Cavanagh asking if I got a prize for being the millionth person to hassle him as to when VVVVVV was coming to Vita:
Okay fellow Vita bros... I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge and get a 64GB card... Amazon has them for $91, any place have them for anything better?
Needless to say, Nicalis never responded to my follow up tweet.
I'm starting to wonder if they even own computers. Maybe that explains the hold up.
Great update, thanks. Looking forward to a lot of these. La Mulana EX, especially.
Great update, cheers Fady!
With regard to Suikoden II, while it's now out on the EU store, currently you can't download it directly to a Vita, although you can to a PS3. Konami are aware of the issue according to their EU twitter account, and are working to resolve it. No timescale yet though.
Awesome job Fady. There are a lot of good looking games coming.
That anime mecha game reminds me in a way to Panzer Dragoon.
Thx for those posts Fady.
I feel like whenever you post something like the above, I learn of a slew of new titles or gain interest in ones I initially passed on.
Awesome update FadyNihilumbra is an odd game, its too easy in the main game, then you unlock "Void" mode which cranks the difficulty up to 11 right from the get go. I really need to get back and give that mode another try.
God i love this thread. Thanks Fady. It is so great to have this thread as evidence that Vita is loaded with upcoming games. Anyone who tries to be smart with 'Vita is dead' i just redirect them to this place. That 'll show em.
Unrelated, is it me or did Dungeon Hunter get pulled from the store? I am in the mood for a non-roguelike dungeon crawler. Yes, DH was mediocre.....but i still need to scratch the itch.
Wow, reading this thread makes we worry about how big a backlog I could build up!
This thread is overwhelming. So much games to keep an eye on.
I think this thread just sealed the deal for me. I'll be re-buying a Vita. I've been away for too long.
Did you tweet to @nicalis? Don't do that, tweet to @tyronerodriguez instead since he's the founder and actually works for Nicalis.Needless to say, Nicalis never responded to my follow up tweet.
I'm starting to wonder if they even own computers. Maybe that explains the hold up.
Did you tweet to @nicalis? Don't do that, tweet to @tyronerodriguez instead since he's the founder and actually works for Nicalis.
Glad you liked it redcrayon! Think it was my biggest update to date! Did Konami fix that issue yet?
Thank you kindly Shadowman16I like the art style in Nilihumbra; is that what you're playing now?
I think this all shows us how we still don't know enough about DAN's gameplay. Kinda worrying.
- Players are tasked with beating back Shadows by dancing.
- Players will tap buttons that appear on screen in time to rhythm. (Left side of screen: Up, Left, and Down. Right side: Triangle, Circle, and X.)
- The game features familiar twists like simultaneous button presses, long presses (seen as a pair of Hs inside a long oval), and such.
- Players can build up combos and trigger special scenes. More information on that is coming at a later date.
- Duets with two dancers also occur in the game, in addition to characters dancing solo.
- The enemy icon from the Shin Megami Tensei Super Nintendo games appears at the top of screen during dances.
Yep, all sorted now, EU vitacats can happily download Suikoden II straight to a Vita, without using that obscure accessory known as a PS3![]()
Me too, I'm about ten hours in, such a good feeling winning the story battles, gives a really epic feel to it.O
Good to know thanks man. I'm yet to finish the first game but I'm loving what I'm seeing so far.
I hear you. I took a stand on memory card prices for about six months before crumbling. It was awful paying £60+ for it, but I've had so many hundreds of hours of play out of the Vita that I've come to terms with it. PS+ alone has easily saved me that kind of money last year.Man, everytime I see this thread I hug my vita and play some games on it. But why have the memory cards to be so expensive. This bothers me so much..
Confirmed Release Dates
Title Publisher Platform Release Date
htoL#Niq: The Firefly Diary NIS America PS Vita 2/24/2015
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart Idea Factory PS Vita 2/24/2015
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Aksys Games PS3 / PS Vita 3/10/2015
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin Warner Bros. PS Vita 3/24/2015
Toukiden: Kiwami Koei Tecmo PS4 / PS Vita / PSP 3/31/2015
MLB 15: The Show Sony Computer Entertainment PS4 / PS3 / Vita 3/31/2015
Alone With You Benjamin Rivers Inc. PS4 / PS Vita
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer Playdek PS Vita
Assault Android Cactus Witch Beam PS4 / PS Vita
Axiom Verge Thomas Happ Games PS4 / PS Vita
Aztez Team Colorblind PS4 / PS Vita
Baboon! Relevo Videogames PS Vita
Badland: Game of the Year Edition Frogmind PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Bastion Supergiant Games PS4 / PS Vita
Bigfest Sony Computer Entertainment PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Blast Em Bunnies Nnooo PS4 / PS Vita
Bodycheck Ludometrics PS Vita
Broforce Devolver Digital PS4 / PS Vita
Broken Age: The Complete Adventure Double Fine/ 3rd Party Production PS4 / PS Vita
Chroma Squad Behold Studios PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Color Guardians Fair Play Labs PS4 / PS Vita
Cosmic Star Heroine Zeboyd Games PS4 / PS Vita
Darkest Dungeon Red Hook Studios PS4 / PS Vita
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Double Fine Productions PS4 / PS Vita
Death Ray Manta Bagful of Wrong PS Vita
Death Tales Nine Tales PS Vita
Desert Ashes Nine Tales PS4 / PS Vita
Dragon Fin Soup Grimm Bros PS4 / PS3 / Vita
EarthNight Cleaversoft PS4 / PS Vita
Energy Hook Happion Laboratories PS4 / Vita
Fenix Rage Reverb TripleXP PS4 / PS Vita
Flame Over Laughing Jackal PS4 / PS Vita
forma.8 MixedBag PS4 / PS Vita
Foul Play Devolver Digital PS4 / PS Vita
GALAK-Z: The Dimensional 17-Bit PS4 / PS Vita
Gunship X Hidden Elephant PS4 / PS Vita
Hatoful Boyfriend Devolver Digital PS4 / PS Vita
Helldivers Sony Computer Entertainment PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Heroes of Loot Abstraction Games PS Vita
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Devolver Digital PS4 / PS3 / Vita
HTR+ Slot Car Simulation QUByte PS Vita
Hyper Light Drifter Heart Machine PS4 / PS Vita
Imagination is the Only Escape Nine Tales PS Vita
J-Stars Victory VS+ Bandai Namco PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Klaus La Cosa Entertainment PS4 / PS Vita
Kodoku Carnivore Studio PS4 / PS Vita
Krinkle Krusher Ilusis PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Kyn Vs. Evil PS4 / PS Vita
Legend of Raven Nicalis PS4 / PS Vita
LEGO Jurassic World Warner Bros. PS4 / PS3 / Vita
LEGO Marvels Avengers Warner Bros. PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Metal Slug 3 SNK Playmore PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Mighty No. 9 Comcept USA PS4 / PS Vita
MilitAnt Xibalba PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Monster Bag Sony Computer Entertainment PS Vita
Moon Hunters Kitfox PS4 / PS Vita
Murasaki Mist Hollow Games PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Storm 4 Bandai Namco PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots Pocket Trap PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Not a Hero Devolver Digital PS4 / PS Vita
Nova-111: A Cosmic Voyage Funktronic Labs PS4 / Vita
Nuclear Throne Vlambeer PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Young Horses PS Vita
Oddworld New N Tasty Oddworld Inhabitants PS3 / PS Vita
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood Roll7 PS4 / PS Vita
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 Bandai Namco PS4 / PS3 / Vita
One Way Trip Beret Applications PS4 / PS Vita
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy NIS America PS Vita
Oreshika Sony Computer Entertainment PS Vita
Persona 4 Dancing All Night Atlus PS Vita
Pier Solar and the Grand Architects Watermelon Co. PS Vita
Project Root Reverb TripleXP PS4 / PS Vita
Rays The Dead Ragtag Studio PS4 / PS Vita
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Capcom/3rd Party Production PS Vita
Salt & Sanctuary Ska Studios PS4 / PS Vita
Scram Kitty Dakko Dakko PS4 / PS Vita
Severed Drinkbox Games PS Vita
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero WayForward PS4 / PS Vita
Shu Coatsink PS4 / PS Vita
Sketchcross Spiky Fish Games PS Vita
Skullgirls Encore Lab Zero Games PS4 / PS Vita
Soft Body Bodysoft PS4 / PS Vita
Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype EastAsiaSoft PS Vita
Son of Scoregasm RC Knight PS Vita
Squares Leap GS PS Vita
Starbound Chucklefish PS4 / PS Vita
Starwhal Breakfall PS4 / PS3 / Vita
SteamWorld Heist Image & Form PS4 / PS Vita
Steins;Gate PQube PS3 / PS Vita
Super Exploding Zoo Honeyslug PS4 / PS Vita
Super Time Force Ultra Capy Games PS4 / PS Vita
Supermagical Tama Games PS3 / PS Vita
The Banner Saga Vs. Evil PS4 / PS Vita
Titan Souls Devolver Digital PS4 / PS Vita
To Leave Freaky Creations PS4 / PS Vita
Tower of Guns Grip Digital PS4 / PS3 / Vita
TowerFall: Ascension Matt Makes Games PS Vita
Ultratron Curve Digital PS4 / PS3 / Vita
Volume Mike Bithell PS4 / PS Vita
Massive list on US PS blog of every game out this year, I've edited it down to just the Vita stuff in case anyone wants to sift through it![]()
Massive list on US PS blog of every game out this year, I've edited it down to just the Vita stuff in case anyone wants to sift through it![]()
Is there any news on hell divers? Where the hell is that game?