Damn - Crossing Souls looks pretty cool! First I've heard of it
Hi Moobabe! Shame that we lost yesterday but Courtois was in top form! One of the main reasons behind my updates is to help introduce games a guy like you might have missed out on ;D
Cosmic Star Heroine looks nice.
Regalia reminds me of Banner Saga which is awesome.
Land of Night is the standout for me though, that game looks great, been interested in it since it was revealed, is it Vita only?
CSH looks nice indeed, the developer of the game is awesome too
Speaking of Banner Saga, it is coming along nicely apparently.
Land of No Night will also be hitting the PS3 + PS4.
I think you used Lost Dimension's trailer twice, hah.
I did! Thanks BTA - fixed it up.
Crossing Souls and Night Watch look amazing.
Without this thread I wouldn't know of any of these games. Where do you get all your info?
Thanks so much!
They sure do, Night Watch in particular is a highlight for me. NIS America better localize it!!
What I basically do stan is I look at all the great sites out there that provide plenty of updates on Vita games like Siliconera, Gematsu, Pocketgamer, the official Playstation Blog as well as the awesome posters in this thread for little nuggets of info we may have missed. The purpose of this thread is to make sure to give every Vita fan here exposure to literally every upcoming Vita game and all the updates tied to them <3
You are MOST welcome, it is an honor to be a part of such a great community that is the Vita fanbase here. You guys absolutely rock.
Another awesome update Fady. I can't wait to get Night Watch when its released. I like the concept and art style, hopefully the gameplay will back it up.
Also glad to see that Resident Evil Revelations 2 is getting a English physical release in Asia at least. If it plays smooth enough I'll be happy.
Thank you very much Shadowman16

Glad you liked it! Next update today hopefully

I can't wait for Night Watch either! Hoping NIS localizes it
Great update, Fady! Thanks for all your hard work. Question: Any word on Drifter? The game sounded really interesting when first announced.
Also, wanted to throw in that I picked up the Persona 4 Dance All Night Vita bundle recently. It was hard to put down my OG white model, but the 2000 is amazing. Add on the grip with the L2 and R2 buttons, and you have a perfect handheld/remote play companion.
Thank you for the kind words CousinLump! I hope to release another update today

And you are always most welcome.
Here is the last update from the devs behind Drifter, as of just a couple of weeks ago on twitter: "As soon as we hit 1.0 we're finishing the port and putting it on Vita and PS4. Trying to get there ASAP" Looking good
The P4DAN Vita looks *awesome*, one of the better ones IMO - congrats to you
Wow, awesome job Fady. And that's an amazing list of games!
If only I had more time (and money ha)
sigh :/
First of all, thank you very very much for the kind words FTF

It's a pleasure! Stay tuned for another update today hopefully.
As for the money, worry not - the Playstation Store tends to have insane sales from time to time, from weekly sales to flash sales, and you can pick up plenty of great games for an insanely low price. I'll try to update you guys on sales as well!
Everytime I fall in love with my Vita, it's like doing it all over again for the first time <3
The last time I saw you here you were banned, good to have you back here friend ^_^
Hmm, the battery on my 1000 is going, I might jump on a 2000 if there is a good sale.
As to the Rocket League comment, while I would love that on the go, I just dont ever see it coming to the Vita. If games like Galak-z, Nom Nom Galaxy and other indie titles ran into resource constraints on the Vita, I cant see a game like Rocket League coming over.
Also, Fady, great job as always! I religiously check these threads. Always great information. How I hope the swathe of games coming to Japan (ie Tokyo Xanadu, Night Watch, Land of No Night, Maker Trilion, etc) come out to the west. I completely fell out of JRPGs from PS2 to PS3 generation but I feel they are perfect on handhelds especially for someone like me has to take the railroad to work (and even better when I was traveling around the country).
Thank you very much for the compliments sturgboski! It's an honor

! I hope to have another update ready for today! As for the games you mentioned - I have a great feeling about Tokyo Xanadu being picked up by Xseed, Night Watch better be localized by NIS America, and I wouldn't bet against Maker Trillion either ;D The Vita has become an incredible system for RPGs - something I would have never imagined when the Vita was seemingly in decline a few years ago and the 3DS was stomping on it with support of Japanese devs before.