Hi guys, wishing you all a great Sunday. Here's an update for you to enjoy:
Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon - 2D mystery platformer where you play as a spider in a manor where conspiracies are happening behind the scenes, intriguing concept (game is a big hit on iOS devices).
Trailer here.
Assault Android Cactus - the co-op dual stick shooter will be arriving on the Vita in the first quarter of 2016.
New trailer here.
Dragon Quest Heroes II - the musou game set in the DQ universe is set to hit Japanese vitas in Spring 2016.
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky (thanks redcrayon!) - one of the bigger Vita announcements in recent memory. Exist Archive is a new "side-view" RPG from developer tri-Ace (think Valkyrie Profile 1 + 2 - incredible games) and publisher Spike Chunsoft. The game has similar elements to Valkyrie Profile as well. For those who have not played the series, know that this is a very good thing

The game will take place in present day Tokyo. Here's a teaser
trailer. Those who preorder the Japanese version get the soundtrack (Motoi Sakuraba is the composer, from the Tales series) and an artbook (sample of the limited edition shown below). The game is due in Japan on December 17 and I would be SHOCKED if this beauty of a game does not get localized.
Cross Reverie - A Japanese style RPG from Sinxsoft. Here's a
kickstarter trailer. Note that the game has been pulled off kickstarter as it secured a private investor.
Elliot Quest (thanks Infernal Monkey!) - Ansimuz Games describes their game as the spiritual successor to the Legend of Zelda II. The game is due on the Vita in 2016. Here's a
trailer (of the WiiU version).
Double Focus - from developer Aqua Style comes a new exploration action game. The game is due out sometime this year in Japan.
Toho Sky Arena: Matsuri Climax - a new "spell battle" action game from developer Area Zero.
Drei - an upcoming multiplayer puzzler from Etter.
Great update as always Fady!
I think I might finally get my hands on Danganronpa 2 as well as a few DS titles soon. HYPE (though I watched an LP already)
Thanks a lot Funyarinpa ;D I plan to play the Dangranronpa series soon! Enjoy
Another awesome update. Nice to see a few more rythmn action game coming out for the Vita. I'm playing through IA/VT at the moment and the platform really has transformed into a nice little machine for music games. Pity Rockband Unplugged isn't backwards compatible on it, as I love that game on the PSP.
I also can't wait to get Super Beat Xonic, I loved DJ Max Technika Tune (probably my most played Vita game) so this is a day one purchase.
Can't wait for Odin Sphere either, I never played the original game so this is another game that I'll grab immediately on release.
Thank you kindly as always Shadowman

The Vita is becoming a surprise hit machine for rhythm games! Crazy how Super Beat Xonic is getting a retail release!
Like you I haven't played Odin Sphere yet either, so the fact that we'll get to play it for the first time in a "remade" game will be awesome
Thank you for all your hard work, Fady K! I will just wait patiently until we hear some (new) news, but it is comforting to know that both are still in the works.
Anyway, still disappointed to see those (IMO boring) background videos in Supearbeat Xonic. Part of the charm of DJ Max was, undoubtedly, related to those great videoclips that accompanied the songs. These scream Windows Media Player all over
You are always most welcome Jacqli, happy to be of service! Strange how the backgrounds seem to be downgraded in Xonic, hopefully the gameplay will be up to par at least ;D