I hope this is the right thread to post this, and I did not want to create a new thread. And hopefully, someone with experience can help me out. Sorry, this is going to be long, I'm sharing my experience so far with an error known as
So roughly 1 1/2 years ago, I finally upgraded from a 8GB memory card to a 32GB memory card. Imported it directly from Japan since that saved me around 20 bucks compared to local prices. Otherwise, it was a perfectly new unused original product.
Anyway, some time after that, games started crashing with
error code c2-12828-1. I think, not sure, it started off with Wipeout 2048 (retail version, but with HD and Fury DLC installed) but it began to also show up in other games, mostly download games such as OlliOlli, Hotline Miami, Senran Kagura Bon Appetit (..yeah, I know), Metal Slug 3, Guacamelee and a few times on other retail games. At first it was only a small annoyance, popping up every few weeks. Until it got to a point where certain games would hang up on c2-12828-1 when starting them several times/day.
I researched this c2-12828-1 problem and found various different opinions on what it does and why it happens...
- Some say it has to do with network settings, so I tried to use flight mode and changed some options on my WLAN router. Did not help, it happend even if fully offline.
- Others said it is an internal issue with offset user DRM stuff and I should reset and restore my system settings. Tried that, but the problem reoccured. Tried to backup all data on my computer and put the Vita into factory settings after formatting the 32GB mem card. After the reinstall, it worked... for a few weeks. Then, c2-12828-1 came back ofc.
- Another source said the game data might be corrupted and a backup from the computer might just put the corrupted data back on the PS Vita. Instead, one should get PS+, put all save states into the cloud, put PS Vita and memory card back to factory settings and reinstall every single thing by hand and download the save states from PSN.
I waited some time to do that because that seemed like a lot of hassle (PS Vita is one of my favorite systems so I own a lot of games on it) but 3 weeks ago I used my sunday afternoon to get PS+ and do all that.
It worked... until today, when after a few weeks of Suikoden and Steins;Gate I decided to play Wipeout 2048 again. C2-12828-1 appeared once today... all other games work fine and Wipeout also still works fine after a restart.
... So I finally decide to call up Sony support and ask them directly for help. First up, German support, they're really friendly and the person tried his best to help me out. Sony apparently does not have an official data entry on c2-12828-1 so he had to check up the community boards as well where other people noted the error. After talking about what I had already tried, he suggested I try the following things and also report back to Sony support afterwards:
- use my 8GB card for a longer while with a save from PS+ to check up if this works without failure. If it doesn't happen, it's probably a broken 32GB card. If it does happen it might be corrupted save data or a broken PS Vita system so I should...
- ... also try to find a friend who also has a PS Vita and try out my memory cards on his/her system to find out if it is corrupted data or a broken PS Vita system.
Now I will try to play a bit with my 8GB card (though good luck waiting for a random mistake to happen or not happen :O), but I do not know many people with a PS Vita personally so the second step is probably more difficult.
So I thought I'll also share this story with GAF (where I also read about c2-12828-1 before in some old 2012/13 thread I think) and maybe someone who went through that error code did solve the problem. PS Vita is one of my favorite current gaming systems and I really want to be at ease playing some longer games again... currently I feel a bit ambivalent towards picking up some of the upcoming JRPGs because at this point I've got either
- corrupted save data (which would mean loosing lots of time and game progress)
- broken 32GB mem card (which would mean loosing lots of money) or (worst case)
- broken PS Vita system (which would mean loosing a lot more money and also probably loosing that OLED screen because of the newer models available. I don't buy used if I can avoid it.).
I really just want to go back to fully enjoy the system... so yeah, there it is

I hope someone here on GAF maybe knows what's up with c2-12828-1! Hug your PS Vitas and enjoy them when they work perfectly, I hope I can go back to fully enjoy the system again as well!
It might come off as if Wipeout 2048 could be the problem here because if first occured with Wipeout and now occured again with Wipeout... but after my first complete reinstall with the backup from my computer, it wasn't Wipeout which started c2-12828-1 again and also, Wipeout 2048 was my very first PS Vita game and it worked perfectly fine on my 8GB mem card and I also played like 30 minutes of Wipeout 2048 on my 8GB mem card this afternoon with my current save without problems yet. So... ehm, yeah. Just thought I mention this as some additional info on my situation.