Delayed at the last minute
I wonder why
Delayed at the last minute
I wonder why
This game will probably have some Game Battle series familarity to it, cause from what we know so far, this game will feature a new "Extreme Force" mode and "Force" system where you play with mission style objective while commanding your troop and battle ship fighting army of enemies and unlocking more units.
maybe Civ wil be a PS Plus game? Thats what happened when Duke Nukem got delayed last year
Its new date isn't a PS Plus update day, but it's only one week before one. I can't see them having it paid for seven days and then burning those that bought it.
Its new date isn't a PS Plus update day, but it's only one week before one. I can't see them having it paid for seven days and then burning those that bought it.
I enjoyed wrecking the enemy with overclocked cannon fodder suits.
I hope Extreme Force meets my expectations or at least satisfies me.
Most mobile suits in EXVS roster are mostly make up of main protagonist, antagonist, and side character suit. There are fodder suit in this game but mostly are CPU. EXVS game are more skill based in term of combat, however IIRC famitsu or other mag and even the 1st PV did briefly mentioned that you can customized/leveling up your suit/character, but they never go into detail on it. So would want to keep your expectation in check for now.
Here is the playable roster (which is still updating and not yet complete) on the main website so you can see if this is your kind of game or not.
I've started cutting down my physical Vita collection, and I have the following games for sale:
Tales of Hearts R (EU)
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines (Asian-English)
Breach & Clear (Global)
Retro City Rampage DX (Global)
All sealed. I'm living in Ireland, so EU preferable.
Played Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires' demo. Pretty sweet that they gave away the whole Free Mode.
It has quite a few flaws though.
1) Stratagems are hard to activate on the UI. I don't get why they were made to be used only by a small icon on this touchscreen, it's not responsive and it is annoying to use. Kinda bummed out that the horse is bound to the KO count but that works just fine.
2) The framerate is pretty shit. It feels very ham-fisted and slow compared to Dynasty Warriors NEXT. Dealbreaker for me.
3) Textures feel a bit too muted, couldn't they have been a bit more vibrantly colored? Not that big of a deal though.
Is anyone able to summarise the Vita announcements from the (currently taking place) PSX keynote later on?
Hitman Go and Last Blade 2 so far, but I need to head out
Bastion and Nuclear Throne out imminently too.
The thing with Dynasty Warriors NEXT is that it was built ground up for the platform so that it makes it stand out from all the ports. You wouldn't have wanted to play DW8: XLC pre-patch (unless you already played it) and this is coming from a die hard DW/Musou fan.
That's it I believe.
There's also a possibility that Vita versions of Rain World and Ray's the Dead got cancelled, but we need a confirmation on that one.
Don't Starve Together didn't get a Vita version too, which is a little weird, as Don't Starve was one of the best selling games on Vita. It never left the monthly digital best selling list.
PSN does a Holiday/Winter thing like STEAM right? There are a few games I'd like to get for the Vita but if there is a sale coming this month I'll hold off until then.
Ah yes. Steins;Gate 0.
Can't wait, especially Steins;Gate is my GOTY of 2015.
Zero Escape 3 and Steins;Gate 0 in 2016 EU/US? Good to be a Vita owner.
Welcome back Fady K! I'm sorry for the job.
Awesome updates as always![]()
Great work Fady, welcome back! Good to see the front page tidied up too![]()
Uncanny Valley will be out on Vita in February 2016! These are the first official screenshots from the Vita version. Follow @DigeratiDM on Twitter for more information!
If you like SRPGs, check out God Wars: Beyond Time. Announced for 2016 worldwide at a Kadokawa Games media briefing.
More info here, apparently a mix of Japanese folklore and fairytales, with various weapon/unit types etc, anime art style.
Trailer and screens look great.
They also confirmed Demon Gaze 2 for Vita (we haven't heard anything for a while) for 2016, but not whether it was releasing worldwide in 2016 though.
Day 1!
I'm really glad fady k is back with the updates , you should remove broforce from the list bro!
So for the next update fady here are some new games:
Read Only Memories
99 Vidas
This thread has probably sold more Vita games than all of SCEA's efforts over the last year
Not sure if this is posted or mention in this thread yet, but I havent seen it in a few page, Fady can you please add "Gundam Extreme Vs. Force" to the Upcoming Vita games list.
It the newest gundam game that will be released on Vita after Gundam Breaker 2. It have a combat system based on the famous Gundam 3D arcade fighter franchise "Gundam Extreme Vs Series". This game will also be the first game to be localized in English for the Asian region.
The Jpn version will be released on Dec 23 2015
While the Asian English version will be released on Feb 2016
Here is a few screenshot of the game
and here is two youtube video, one is the 1st PV with English subtitle (start at 2:00), and the second one is the first preview on Asian English version.
New announcements:
Full Throttle Remaster announced for PS4 and Vita
Hitman GO port coming to PS4 and Vita
Last Blade 2 port coming to PS4 and Vita
The BIT.TRIP (collection) port out now on Vita and PS4
Release date announcements:
Day of the Tentacle Remastered coming in March
Bastion available now for $2.99 (actually costs $3.75)
Nuclear Throne out now
That's it I believe.
What's everyone playing on their Vita? I managed to finish Escape Plan (a great puzzle game that makes use of the Vita very well!), Echo Night (a PSone horror game from From Software, started in back in 1999 but lost my copy, the wonders of digital gaming) and more recently, Silent Hill: Book of Memories. It's nothing like the rest of the series, but a fun spinoff that is akin to Diablo games but nowhere as deep obviously.
Welcome back!
Lately I've been playing DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours, Earth Defense Force 2 (English version), and Helldivers. DARIUSBURST is the best shoot 'em up in ages, although the Vita version inexplicably lacks multiplayer features. I've also experienced several crashes when my high scores upload in CS Mode, but I'm not sure if the problem is widespread or not. DARIUSBURST official topic.
EDF2: Embargoed, but I can point out the translation is very different from D3's translations of past games. The Ravagers are now called Buggernauts, for example. I think XSEED should've tried to stick closer to the other games, but it's still awesome being able to play EDF2 in English at last.
Bombing Busters
Thanks eastx! I *really* want to pick up Dariusburst once it's cheaper as I really love SHMUPS (Gradius V is my favorite, I also really liked the Soldner X games). You found a copy of EDF2 already? How is it? Hopefully a patch is out for dariusburst soon!
You'll likely want to pick up Earth Defense Force 4.1 on the PS4 soon as well ;D
Wow. I'm all over Bombing Busters. I'm a huge Bomberman collector and was once a top-3 player in Saturn Bomberman. (Screw you, Konami!)
Yeah, I'm a journo and streamer so XSEED hooked me up a bit early with both EDF 2 and 4.1, mwa ha ha. I've had the Japanese version of EDF2 since early this year (wrote a translation FAQ and even bought copies for 4 friends and relatives, heh). I don't think it's better than 2025/4.1, but it's still a really big and fun game. Online co-op is where it's at.
I always wanted to play Gradius 5 (and R-Type Final), but I mostly skipped the PS2 generation so I never had the chance. DARIUSBURST is easily the largest shmup ever, with crazy piles of content, even if the bosses get recycled too much. Definitely a must-buy for genre fans.
Yeah I researched the Warriors series quite a bit, NEXT feels smoother at times but overall it is a mess. DW8E is still more entertaining- wish Stratagem would make it to the regular instalments, it's a great mechanic but I 1) want an established storyline 2) Am not interested in the other strategical parts of Empires, so Empires itself is out of the question for me. Actually I haven't bought any full Warriors game but I love the demos of DW8E and NEXT (which did get some things right such as smooth performance, varied bases). Watching out for a sale on Samurai Warriors 4 right now (I know 4-ii was on sale a few weeks ago). Xmas, pls
Yeah I know a lot of fans who only play the mainline stuff as Empires isn't their cup of tea and that's cool, I love'em all though. No doubt we'll probably get a flash sale on Samurai Warriors 4 some time next year, and you'll get it for cheap since Samurai Warriors 4-II and by then Samurai Warriors 4: Empires will be released.
How much life left does the Vita have outside of Japan? It seems like 2016 will keep the system going but beyond that? I originally bought the system back in 2012 solely for Persona 4 Golden and after that is collected dust until I found this thread a year ago. Since then it's become my JRPG/SRPG/Interactive Novel machine and I love it.
From what I understand Sony does not have any interest in bringing out anymore handhelds (at least outside of Japan) and while I like my 3DS it doesn't come close to looking as good as the Vita. The 3D feature just gives me headaches so for me it's a super sized DS and nothing more.
I love handheld gaming, especially at this time of year when it's cold and gets dark early. I was just wondering how many more winters I'll get to look forward to new games for the Vita?
Glorious update (^________^)
I think a few games need removing though. Broforce is gone. Hand of Fate is cancelled. Guns Up isn't coming. MotoGP 15 ain't coming. Road not Taken seems to have been cancelled. Is Specta: 8 Bit Racing still coming? Orc Attack seems long gone too.
Also, not in the OP: Minecraft Story Mode & Game of Thrones (Telltale) - both were included in that Vita sizzle reel from PGW (I think?)
On another note, I wish Telltale would hurry up with their Vita ports, I'd really like to play Tales from the Borderlands on Vita.
Rayark Con was this weekend and SCEJA have officially announced Deemo's physical release:
Hey guys. So I felt compelled to use my first post to thank Fady for the incredible work. I've found so many wonderful games thanks to this thread. Recently I've been trying to remember the game that Vanillaware showed off at E3, but for the life of me I couldn't find anything about it online. Imagine my frustration, since I supposedly have excellent researching skills. Fast forward to today's update and there it is! I can't wait to hear more about 13 Sentinels and to see some gameplay (Now that I know the name, this should prove much easier for me to find).
Thanks for all the hard work Fady and co. and I hope everyone has a Vita filled December.
Hope your job and everything is sorted out.
Sweet-ass update.
Played a bit (read: a LOT) of Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires demo- I love Stratagems, wish they were in the main game (not Empires), but the whole empire management aspect isn't my thing, so much for that. Apparently runs close to post patch DW8XL, not as smooth as NEXT's demo but I really like it despite the worse performance. Might give this a try after playing a mainline Warriors game (currently decided on a Samurai Warriors 4 sale). Tip: If you find that you can't open the stratagem menu or close it, try SWIPING instead of touching: Swipe the Stratagem icon to the left to open the deck, swipe right to close- It works flawlessly that way, and you get rid of the moments when you're frantically trying to open the menu to activate Unity. Arrow keys (R/L to choose, U to activate) also work once you have the menu open. Call the horse by tapping the KO count.
Besides that, Persona 4 Golden is my life now. You guys were right (even though the JRPG portion isn't that good, not a JRPG person). Goddamn, what's the darkest Persona? If such an upbeat game as P4G has me breaking a cold sweat over if I'll be able to save people, I can't even begin to imagine how it feels in Persona 3 or something (calling Persona by shooting yourself in the head sounds fucking horrendous and insane, therefore I'm sold on it). Rise looks like the best girl, can't wait to meet her.
Fady, my man. <3
Super Star Wars really seemed to come out of nowhere! I hope they port the other games in the series too...
Damn ain't seen Fady in a minute, thanks for the update fam
Yeah I know a lot of fans who only play the mainline stuff as Empires isn't their cup of tea and that's cool, I love'em all though. No doubt we'll probably get a flash sale on Samurai Warriors 4 some time next year, and you'll get it for cheap since Samurai Warriors 4-II and by then Samurai Warriors 4: Empires will be released.
Fady K
bastian is on my vita!!!
excellent post!!!
Edit - I read through your whole post this time - not just the first line!
Another great update Fady. Has anyone picked up Bastion on Vita? I've played it on PC but I might be down to replay it - I've heard it has some slowdown though? Also is it still more expensive in Europe? ALSO does it have any bonus content at all or is it just the base game?
Kresnik, how have you been?? I just removed Guns Up as the Vita version seems to be officially canceled; do you happen to know which of the other games you listed is officially canceled?
Yeah, as a HUGE Telltale fan I sure wish they don't take forever with their stuff. Did they ever officially confirm GoT & Minecraft SM for the Vita btw? I hope they did ^^
Hello Fady
Sorry if I sounded a little short in that post, I should've added the obvious "great work with the updates as always!". Seriously though, I appreciate it (as do many others!)
(And I'm great thanks, how are you?)
re. cancelled games:
Hand of Fate
Road not Taken isn't officially cancelled, but it is "severely delayed". If you look in the text of that article it seems like the middleware they were using was pulled for Vita, so I doubt it'll ever come.
re. the others - MotoGP was never officially announced, just listed on retailers. However 2015 is nearly over and the other versions released in June, so I think it's safe to say that's gone. Orc Attack released in 2013 for PS360 and I haven't heard anything about a Vita version since it was first announced in 2012, so it's just a pretty well-educated guess that that one's gone too. Was Spectra ever officially announced for Vita? All I can find about it online is that it's for XBox and phones.
Shame. Broforce & Orc Attack were things I was interested in. The rest not so much though.
Oh, about this, Minecraft & GoT weren't officially confirmed, but they were included in a sizzle reel from E3 this year:
Is that official? I mean, Tales from the Borderlands was 'confirmed' on stage at E3 2014 and we still don't have that![]()
Summon Night 5 for PSP®/PSVita 12.15.2015!
We're still waiting for the UMDs to complete the physical versions of Summon Night 5, but we've decided to put the game up on PSN and send out the codes to everyone that purchased the physical+digital version so the game can actually be played while we wait the seemingly eternal wait for the last (and arguably most important) piece we need to ship the physical version.
And so, Summon Night 5 will be on PSN next Tuesday, December 15th for anyone to purchase, and PSN codes will go out to those that bought the physical+digital bundle the day before so they are ready to download it once it's loaded in the PlayStation store!
SUMMON NIGHT 5 Game Description
When worlds collide and everything is turned upside-down, a new order SN5-final-cover.pngmust be created to keep chaos at bay. BandaiNamcos Summon Night 5 is the continuing story of that order-keeping society, the Eucross, and the adventures their Summoners have keeping their world and the disparate races from the Otherworlds in balance. Players can choose to experience the story as rookie Summoners Folth or Arca, and one of four possible partners (their Cross), giving the games dialogue and feel a unique flavor on up to eight different playthroughs. What players see, and how the characters react depends on what characters are chosen at the beginning of each playthrough. But whatever choices a player makes, theyre in for a charming and sometimes tense Strategy-RPG adventure as they gradually unravel a plot that threatens the balance the Eucross is sworn to protect. The game features beautiful 2D and 3D art with battles presented in user-adjustable isometric perspective, and gorgeous animation that is a hallmark of Bandai Namco productions.
Assassins Creed Chronicles coming to Vita finally next year!
All three parts of are releasing in a retail and digital bundle for 30 bucks in April after the second & third parts release on PS4/X1/PC.
Here is the link: http://gematsu.com/2015/12/assassin...-launch-early-2016-ps-vita-versions-announced
We'll need to wait two months after everything else, but hey, finally!