I'm nearly 6 hours in and can provide a bit of early game support to alleviate ~some~ frustrations.
-Be mindful of room exits. The first major game area is a big one and has a couple particularly awesome optional rooms with bonus treasure to find(some doors require a bit of box manipulation to reach).
-Stick to the recommended 3-weapon types(Blunt/Edge/Pierce). As mentioned already, the enemy class and element is less important, and I can so far truly confirm this is all you need to focus on. In fact just switch between using the rapier and the axe(or starter sword) for the entirety of the first major dungeon and you'll be fine. The axe will decimate almost everything in the first several hours alone, but a few enemies will require the PIERCE damage of the rapier(some mini-bosses require it!). It should be obvious when to switch to rapier given the meager axe damage output.
You -will- get a blunt weapon(named Pink something) but you only ever need to use it against a single particular boss late in the dungeon. (HINT: It's made of a substance you would think to SMASH with a blunt object...)
-Once you hit the first workshop midway through the dungeon, you really don't need to bother crafting at all. In fact I recommend NOT doing anything with your weapons as you'll want to save those components for when you hit Workshop 2 just after the dungeon ends. You can screw around mixing your shields and armor though...some combinations will give very slight improvements and better 'named' equipment. But really you can skip this first workshop and not get hung up trying to make anything cool(which you won't).
-Oh but

O: store excess weapons and armor in the workshop chest. You have limited on-hand inventory and you don't want to trash any new loot because you have no space on hand...
-Finally when you do finish the dungeon, step outside into the green city, and reach the second workshop. Here are some great recipes for new equipment

You should have all components if you didn't futz around in workshop 1.)
-Combine (Bronze)Scimitar+(Iron)Spear=(I) Spatha.
Then, (I)Spatha + (B)Rapier = Super cool (Hagane)Short Sword!!
-Also you can mix your (B)Axe blade with an (I)Mace 6to get a (Hagane)Blunt Mace.
Both those weapons are great for what's ahead...and you'll get a new rapier soon to replace the one you just molded so you have all three damage types again in your inventory.
Oh and just after you craft those weapons you will get the Analyze spell...basically use it constantly to figure out what weapon you need to use against an enemy. It's never really cut and dry based on class(Some humans in same fight have different weaknesses).