whats this?
This is the 2nd time i've played this game, and the first time I only got like 3-4 missions before being distracted by something else.
When you are first offered squadmates to join Squad 7, they randomize with resets. However, I'm not sure if the same goes for unlockables like Audrey, as she showed immediately after I met the requirements.
Also, I think you can roll for offerings from the Aged Gentleman off Chapter Starts as well, but I don't remember if that's true or if I just wanted it to be true. It has been a little while.
like are some units better than others? Do I need to channel my puzzle and dragons?
Yes, but stacking them is far from necessary to complete the game comfortably.
Some people need their raifu waifus ASAP.
Damn straight. All of my favorites (sans Audrey) are enlisting at the same time.