Should I play on East or West server?
From what I hear, East still has people that does public runs. West became almost very inclusive to guilds and people that meet stat requirements.
Should I play on East or West server?
From what I hear, East still has people that does public runs. West became almost very inclusive to guilds and people that meet stat requirements.
Hopped back into this game after only trying it a bit during launch, and it's surprisingly fun aside from all the boring MMO shit that all of these games have. Playing with a friend probably helps, but getting new combos etc feels pretty good.
East or West? I would love some folks to play with.
The game really has it's hooks in me. The gameplay is fantastic fun. While the typical Nexon stuff is there, as someone alluded to (either here or on Reddit), it's definitely the least P2W game I've played. Skill > gear, similar to Monster Hunter...And I love that! Been playing with a Bow Kai and my MH skills have definitely crossed over into this game.
I'm on EU![]()
So I haven't played this game since October 2011....I logged on to my old Karok and hold crap, so many things and I don't remember anything. How can I get back into this game? I've got like 28k ability points and no idea what does what anymore. It looks like he has a secondary weapon now? I assume they reset my skills or something?
I'm just so mega lost, I don't remember what anything does and can't figure out where to start. Any help would be great.
Buffing Lann? What'd they do? I used to play over a year ago and just stopped because I got bored...Hmm they are finally properly buffing Lann ehh. Too bad I quit ages ago.
Not a bad strategy really... They know their audience!http://vindictus.nexon.net/Community/#/showthread.php?1306266-Found-news-on-lann-buffs&nxid=15
Well I just read up on it recently. Up until recently Lanns and Karoks were the most neglected class. This game caters to female characters a lot due to it being a cash cow. People generally buy multiple inners for female characters.
Not a bad strategy really... They know their audience!
I looked up some vids... seems for Sword Lann they haven't solved his problem of stamina (thanks Double Crescent!) but he crits more? Doesn't change his core gameplay which needed some refresher...
Spear Lann doe. Supremely buffed... gets a shortcut to Moon Splitter/Spin after a Fury AND increased invulnerability on roll? Health recovery on attacks after Fury Infusion? Invulnerability on Lightning Fury? Skill that increases DPS while increasing damage received? They buffed his ass to Kim Kardashian levels!
31 last night. Finally starting to feel like I have to work for some of my kills. The boss that looks like Jack Skellington at the end of the mission "End of the street" or some shit like that (it's the 3rd location where the town is on fire) required me to really plan my special ammo loading. Lots of dodging in that fight!
I started a new character as Lynn since I was super confused when I tried to play my level 52 Karok after a 3 year hiatus (as mentioned above).
She's alright...not totally sold on her so far, and I cannot stand her skipping around town...why can't she just run like a normal person.
I have a few questions:
1) Did they make it easier to level up? Me and my friend only played for a day or two and we're already level 20. For some reason we both recall it being much more difficult to level up.
2) Has gear progression changed in general? Last time we played we would grind each major boss until we can craft their entire set + weapon, but now it seems like that doesn't really matter anymore? Bosses drop gear now, and you can only fight them a certain amount of times per day. We grinded the Gnoll Chieftain for two whole days and still don't have enough Red Gnoll Leather to craft the entire set, and are already on the Polar Bear. We're just confused how the gear progression should go...is it even worth it to grind for the exquisite sets anymore?
3) Why does Lynn's weapons cost money on top of the mats to craft? My friend is playing Hurk and he's saying the Blood Prince weapon has a 0 gold fee for him yet for me it's...well I don't remember exactly but it certainly didn't say 0 gold. What's up with that?
4) If I were to jump back onto my Karok, what should I do? His gear seems solid...should I just continue the story? Is there anything in particular that I should go for first when jumping back in to a high level character?
5) Is leveling up the DK/Pally paths still the same? 100 exp per hour? That's what all the research I've done yields, but when I used it the other day I got like 600 exp? But only 100 the next time. Am I missing something?
Looks like Arisha is coming soon.
Downloaded the full game from Nexon.
Launching on Nexon Launcher but I always get --
"The product cannot be launched" or some error message to that effect.
What am I missing?
Looking pretty good. I haven't had much fun with Sylas but Lynn is fun (I haven't tried Arisha). Delia looks like a nice mix between Hurk and Fiona, something I always wanted to play![]()