Just take it easy on it. You'll have to spend a bit of time with it until the game really clicks, that's all.
Trust me, you will know when that happens.
Be sure to stick with one fighter when you do find someone who's style you really like.
I've been playing with Pai Chan almost exclusively since 1997 and still love doing so.
You might hive her a try as she really has a very nice flow to her style.
But again, it's all very personal.
It's certainly not the easiest fighter to get into and have fun with from the start, so be sure to give the training modes a go in between fighting.
Learn 5 moves or so that you feel will come in handy and build on them from there.
Don't try to remember everything at once because it'll complicate things to the point where you won't remember what to do at all during a fight.
That all being said, this is still my favorite fighting series and has been for a long time.

It's simply perfection.