Not working on this or other games, and yes I have used SweetFX before.
The game has lots of replay value, for me anyways lol
Been replaying the first world for 30 mins now, with no sight of finishing it. Ya.
I just spent $10 on a game where you have the start from the beginning of level 1 every time you shut the game off.
I'm fucking retarded. Wow. I thought it'd save your progress at the last checkpoint or something.
I think you can jump to the last level you got to by going left. I'm not sure since I'm still stuck on the first one.
Just tried, it took me to the first checkpoint (I was on level 3). So going left just seems to skip the little tutorial bit.
I just spent $10 on a game where you have the start from the beginning of level 1 every time you shut the game off.
I'm fucking retarded. Wow. I thought it'd save your progress at the last checkpoint or something.
Deadstar said:This game looks awesome. If I had to choose one, Volgarr or Rogue Legacy, what would you guys recommend? Both is also an acceptable answer.
Can youbreak that first wall you spawn to?
This game looks awesome. If I had to choose one, Volgarr or Rogue Legacy, what would you guys recommend? Both is also an acceptable answer.
This game looks awesome. If I had to choose one, Volgarr or Rogue Legacy, what would you guys recommend? Both is also an acceptable answer.
I kinda like it's roughness. Real 16-bit games weren't these super colorful hyper detailed pixel dreams that every indie game seems to perpetuate. Sometimes 16-bit games were ugly, with ugly color pallets, with ugly simple backgrounds. Sometimes games weren't Yoshi's Island, sometimes they were Altered Beast and Golden Axe.ASG has definitely been going after indies for Steam publishing of late. It's an interesting business move.
Oh and I just realized the Steam page doesn't have a trailer yet, so here's the last official video they put out on the game some time back showing off different stages and stuff:
It's definitely rough graphically, and lacks some of the polish that I like in the background art for 2D games, but I'm hoping the mechanics and level design itself will make the game worthwhile.
Got it a couple hours ago and I'm enjoying it a bunch. I'm on level 5 and one question is racking my brain. Has anybody figured out how to get up to this treasure chest?
Is there a good explanation of the save system? I went left at the title screen and it restarted me a crystal warp back from the stage I left. I booted again and going left did nothing. Does it punish you for quitting by removing a level from your progress? If so that is not difficulty, it is pure bullshit. Some of us have lives and have to quit the game before we beat another two levels.
That makes no fucking sense. Why did they do that?You go left on the title screen. Then when you spawn in the first stage crystal there's a hole in the wall on the left, jump through that.
I'm using arcade stick. I have attack on index finger, jump on middle finger, spear on ring finger, roll on pinky, and view to the right of that. The controls sucked balls till I set everything to separate buttons like that.How is everyone setting up their controls? On my Classic Controller (Wii), I have jump on B, sword on Y, spear on X, roll on A, and zoom out on R.
That makes no fucking sense. Why did they do that?
Got ending C and wanted to play through again to see how far I could get in the alt levels. Managed to beat alt level 2, but alt level 3 got me. You have to get a certain treasure to go to the alternate levels from what I understandOh hey alternate level 2 wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff is going on.
Not working on this or other games, and yes I have used SweetFX before.