Brother, I get it, I really do, besides, I'm no stranger to "quirky" games it's just that the general lack of polish is really something in this game, I mean, I can excuse the mediocre animations, I can deal with the camera (still have PTSD from IS guys on Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja), I can deal deal with the terribad aiming, I can deal with the horrible frame fluctuations even when doing basic things like playing the crane minigame, I can deal with the BS off-camera 1shot kills (spider tank), the terrible checkpoints etc but...I gotta draw a line when It's all of the above AND the constant crashes (PS5) AND the total lack of support from the company, heck, tried to search on the web earlier regarding the rectangle graphic bug and nothing came up, searching for "Wanted dead" results in a couple of hits only on Reddit.
Heck, there are things in this game that should have been patched months ago and yet there has been total radio silence on Soleil's part.
I've played shitty games like the Onenchanbara ones amongst others but nothing, nothing has ever come close to how this game is unpolished.
Again, I am having fun when everything works but most things in this game work against it - the fact that this was sold for 60 is a crime no matter how much of a dispensable income one has.
PS : Tried to find this on the sales tab on PSN and...nothing - get this - it is under the "Playstation
indies " sales tab

EDIT : Forgot to mention something very important :
On Playstation, The game has the " Free upgrade to PS5" tab on its cover, and yet, there's no upgrade option when you try to upgrade the PS4 version since it actually requires you to BUY the game AGAIN.
Same thing for the digital version, got the PS5 one and I wasn't also offered the PS4 one like 99% of the games on PS.
Smells like a (literal) scam