Gonna hop on later, play at least 'til Destiny unlocks at 3am
Hope some of you guys will be on, gotta grind for that clan key/new primary weapon.
My buddy and I would love to get in on the action
Nazo Proxy
it will be so cool to advance as a unit this way
Gonna hop on later, play at least 'til Destiny unlocks at 3amHope some of you guys will be on, gotta grind for that clan key/new primary weapon.
I tried to make the key but I didnt have any polymer bundles. I played a ton of matches but I am still way short.
Yeah, dittoThey drop in groups of ~50, but that doesn't help much when the drop rate is atrocious.
Resources drop more consistently from lockers and chests than enemies. Do a solo run on Exterminate on Mercury and inspect every nook and cranny: you should get plenty if you explore the entire map. Or do a team run: a lot of players like to rush the map and the enemies, they won't notice if you are farming or fighting. And if you are fighting they will make sure to hit your enemy before you do XD so take advantage of their one-man -show and farm. Wouldn't do this on Defense or Survival missions though.
If you wanna try a solo stealth run, buy the codex: not only unlocks important info for the enemy drops, it also acts a see through walls and highlights both enemies and chest (and hidden chests).
What the hell can you buy with credits?
I really enjoy playing this game but the pay model it has is absolutely awful. I've been stuck with my first selection of weapons for the past 6 hours. Getting kinda tired of it.
You can buy blueprints with credits, which you can eventually use to make new weapons (with a lot of resources.)
I know, however I've been playing for hours and I'm no where near getting enough resources for a new gun.You can buy blueprints with credits, which you can eventually use to make new weapons (with a lot of resources.)
Where do you buy blueprints from?
I'm starting to really get into this and would love to dig deeper into it and playing with a clan sounds awesome. I love the whole everyone contributes ideas in it. If there is room my GT: Olde Tyme Ninja
I'm in! Warframe will be my "Destiny" experience on XB1, since I bought Destiny for PS4.
I'm down to be in the clan.
GT: Judge Bergan
Go to the market and then click on the weapon category at the bottom of each group is blueprints.
Where do you buy blueprints from?
I know, however I've been playing for hours and I'm no where near getting enough resources for a new gun.
There's also the fact that to get enough platinum to buy most guns you need to spend £16. Which is absolutely insane.
I've hit a brick wall, I've leveled everything to 30 but I can't get past that first stupid defense mission on Phobos.
I've hit a brick wall, I've leveled everything to 30 but I can't get past that first stupid defense mission on Phobos.
What, everything?
I'd try and optimize vs. Grineer, if you haven't already. Make sure you've got the right kind of damage, etc.
By everything I meant I had a level 30 equipped in every slow. I managed to find a really good player is chat and we got it done.
I've hit a brick wall, I've leveled everything to 30 but I can't get past that first stupid defense mission on Phobos.
What the hell can you buy with credits?
I really enjoy playing this game but the pay model it has is absolutely awful. I've been stuck with my first selection of weapons for the past 6 hours. Getting kinda tired of it.
Is it possible to get a forma blueprint.
I added a forma to the clan dojo last night. I am so annoyed by this game right now. I spent 4 hours trying to do the survival mission on Mercury for Blind Rage, and it seems impossible. They would only do one air drop at a time and they would be spaced out so much that our oxygen would always hit zero before 10 minutes.
yep, just got one last night.The only time I got one was in a level 1 void mission. Also it's one of the blueprints that disappear when used.
yep, just got one last night.
Also heads-up for everyone the alert mission rewards on Sunday include 1 forma and 1 forma blueprint.
Hopefully they will be doable missions, sucks that they give good rewards on a Sunday though since so many people will be busy with football that day.
Today A Forma and a Forma BP are going to be available via a 24 hr alert. This is a great chance to get what we need to get the dojo ready for research!
We need 2 reactors, 3 hallways, and the 5 research buildings. That's 11 Forma Can we get one person to build one room each? Quote post and fill in name if you can help.
Reactor 1: Special C
Reactor 2: Blind Boy Grunt
Hallway 1: SwathingLeopard
Chem Lab:
Hallway 2:
Energy Lab:
Tenino Lab:
Hallway 3:
Bio Lab:
Orokin Lab:
Today A Forma and a Forma BP are going to be available via a 24 hr alert. This is a great chance to get what we need to get the dojo ready for research!
We need 2 reactors, 3 hallways, and the 5 research buildings. That's 11 Forma Can we get one person to build one room each? Quote post and fill in name if you can help.
Reactor 1: Special C
Reactor 2: Blind Boy Grunt
Hallway 1:
Chem Lab:
Hallway 2:
Energy Lab:
Tenino Lab: AlmostMilk
Hallway 3:
Bio Lab:
Orokin Lab: