Definitely going to buy it due to the positive feedback from people playing the beta and the fact that it's only £20, great pricing 
Seiken said:Okay, so tomorrow, every one of you will play Warhawk...?
Oh, and where can I read about how many GAF Europe people there are?
Aww what the hell?!Raist said:
JB1981 said:Does the disc version come out tomorrow? If so, I will probably just pick that up instead of downloading.
Raist said:No. Somewhere around mid september IIRC
tha_con said:^^^^ Uhh, that won't happen. I don't think we'll see a PS3 game get a sticky anytime before...well...ever. It just won't happen on GAF.
BenjaminBirdie said:Didn't Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Virtua Fighter 5 get tha stix? I'm pretty sure even Sony keynotes have gotten stickied at one time or another. It has nothing to do with bias.
tha_con said:That wasn't necessarily what I was trying to suggest. What I'm saying is, there generally aren't enough members of GAF playing game (x) to justify a sticky thread.
With Bioshock, there were dozens of members posting up threads every hour. That just won't happen with Warhawk.
Though, it still puzzles me why the Halo 3 beta thread got 'stickied' yet the Resistance thread, which still runs strong as ever, has never recieved a sticky.
tha_con said:That wasn't necessarily what I was trying to suggest. What I'm saying is, there generally aren't enough members of GAF playing game (x) to justify a sticky thread.
With Bioshock, there were dozens of members posting up threads every hour. That just won't happen with Warhawk.
Though, it still puzzles me why the Halo 3 beta thread got 'stickied' yet the Resistance thread, which still runs strong as ever, has never recieved a sticky.
sonycowboy said:So, midnight download party / clan warfare tonight? GAF East is full, so I got bumped to GAF North.
Here's hoping the downloads are good speed tonight.
Something for me to actually turn on my PS3 for, and to put aside Bioshock for.
tha_con said:That wasn't necessarily what I was trying to suggest. What I'm saying is, there generally aren't enough members of GAF playing game (x) to justify a sticky thread.
With Bioshock, there were dozens of members posting up threads every hour. That just won't happen with Warhawk.
Though, it still puzzles me why the Halo 3 beta thread got 'stickied' yet the Resistance thread, which still runs strong as ever, has never recieved a sticky.
Seiken said:Okay, so tomorrow, every one of you will play Warhawk...?
Oh, and where can I read about how many GAF Europe people there are?
levious said:it's going up at midnight? I was expecting it not until tomorrow night.
Well, that explains the Metroid Prime and Halo 3 threads being stickied...sonycowboy said:The Bioshock thread really shouldn't be stickied according to the "rules". It doesn't need it. Sticky's are primarily intended to be for news related, don't miss this kind of things, or public service kinds of threads where the volume may not necessarily be high enough to keep it on the first page.
levious said:it's going up at midnight? I was expecting it not until tomorrow night.
besada said:So the downloadable will be out tonight, but those of us that were going to get the in-store will have to wait until September? Screw that. I guess I'll buy the downloadable and pick up a headset. Bad enough that so many people were in the Beta, but there's no way I'm going to catch up if I have to wait until September.
besada said:So the downloadable will be out tonight, but those of us that were going to get the in-store will have to wait until September? Screw that. I guess I'll buy the downloadable and pick up a headset. Bad enough that so many people were in the Beta, but there's no way I'm going to catch up if I have to wait until September.
Huh? Where did you hear that? I thought pretty much every piece of media out there releases Tuesday. Why would that change?sonycowboy said:It's shipping Wednesday and will be some gamestop/EB's late Wednesday and everywhere Thursday, right?
Raist said:If you live in the US? you can get it tomorrow afaik.
It's in europe that it's "delayed" until mid sept.
Madman said:Huh? Where did you hear that? I thought pretty much every piece of media out there releases Tuesday. Why would that change?
PleoMax said:Hey so, for those of us in Europe, we will get the game earlier right?
(PSN of course). I gotta get it downloading sooner anyway, my download speeds from PSN aren't that great.
So are we going to play against each other tonight on private servers or our we going to form up into 16 man teams and slaughter unsuspecting victims on the public servers?sonycowboy said:So, midnight download party / clan warfare tonight? GAF East is full, so I got bumped to GAF North.
Here's hoping the downloads are good speed tonight.
Something for me to actually turn on my PS3 for, and to put aside Bioshock for.
All I know is that my Best Buy has every new game, CD, DVD, ect. on Tuesday. They had God of War 2 on a Tuesday.sonycowboy said:Sony, for some stupid reason, almost exclusively ships titles on Wednesday, unlike every other publisher out there. In the cirulars this week, I saw the ads mention in-store Thursday.
I haven't seen the official PR, but I figured their form would hold true on this. Have they changed this policy of ship date lately?
I know pre-release reviews are good for consumers, but it is nearly impossible to review an online game without the online community being present imo.Madman said:Oh yeah, where are the Warhawk reviews? It's hours away from release, and not one of the major sites has reviewed it.
UnholySpectacle said:UPDATE FOR GAFe: Since I pre-ordered the disc version I will not be on till Wednesday night. I will send out clan invites at that time. If the retail version works the same way as the beta I will not be able to send you an invite till you log into Warhawk at least once.
If the game tells me I can't invite you on Wednesday I will attempt to send out invites again on Thursday so you can join for our showdown.
I just checked my local flyer, and you're right. It releases Thursday. Why in the hell do they do that? :lolsonycowboy said:Sony, for some stupid reason, almost exclusively ships titles on Wednesday, unlike every other publisher out there. In the cirulars this week, I saw the ads mention in-store Thursday.
I haven't seen the official PR, but I figured their form would hold true on this. Have they changed this policy of ship date lately?
UnholySpectacle said:UPDATE FOR GAFe: Since I pre-ordered the disc version I will not be on till Wednesday night. I will send out clan invites at that time. If the retail version works the same way as the beta I will not be able to send you an invite till you log into Warhawk at least once.
If the game tells me I can't invite you on Wednesday I will attempt to send out invites again on Thursday so you can join for our showdown.
UnholySpectacle said:UPDATE FOR GAFe: Since I pre-ordered the disc version I will not be on till Wednesday night. I will send out clan invites at that time. If the retail version works the same way as the beta I will not be able to send you an invite till you log into Warhawk at least once.
If the game tells me I can't invite you on Wednesday I will attempt to send out invites again on Thursday so you can join for our showdown.
Firewire said:Just spoke with my local EB, they think there's a good chance they will have them tomorrow afternoon. Although they aren't positive about it, they think theres a 50-50 chance.
I guess, but that doesn't explain Lair. Lair comes out before HS, but HS has been reviewed yet most sites have not reviewed Lair.Safe Bet said:I know pre-release reviews are good for consumers, but it is nearly impossible to review an online game without the online community being present imo.
I hope reviewers are waiting to publish until they get a chance to play with more than just a handfull of people.
Xater is leading GAFu until he returns to school, iiuc...PleoMax said:So nobody is leading the Euro Clan?
Split screen with a friend or make a private game.DemDereNads said:Sorry, don't feel like reading through the 29 pagesbut read an argument a few pages back and just want to be clear...
There is no offline mode vs Bots?
How else are you suppose to train and get use to the game without getting wtf owned by eleven year olds?![]()