No idea however for the last 16 years they have produced numerous classics and been top 3 developers in existence
You should take Bruce's advice with all your rampant speculation
Imagine stating Straley had no impact on story and narrative of his game, and a thousand other aspects of the whole creative process, and then telling others to stop the speculation.
And Straley's role was to push back on his retarded ideas and come up with better stuff, together.I never said he had NO impact
but Druckman's influence on story was literally his main job for TLOU1
And Straley's role was to push back on his retarded ideas and come up with better stuff, together.
It's just silly trolling at this point, surely. It definitly doesn't feel sane.There is a new ND or Druckman thread on this site every fucking day. This guy living rent free in some heads here holy shit. Let it go
God no. Was the second worst of all.Uncharted 4 is my favorite, I actually can't believe Drucmann wrote it, Sam is so likeable. He's got talent, you need to give him that.
God no. Was the second worst of all.
Uncharted 2 is gold standard. The rest fuck it.
Tlou was different but came at the time when walking dead was at its peak.
Short version would be before microcuckman ND games were about fun and light harted humorous stories. Ever since TLOU cucktransformerman is chasing over the top depression . Which i do like but seen better done in many other games.
I want the old days back when ND or other devs had 2 teams working on different type of games with different vision.
Lately its all one style for decades see gurrelia games that are stuck on horizon for a very long time .
Ever played distruptor on ps one? Its an insomniac game and now they are stuck with super hero games that i really dont care for
Absolutely not.omg please just lay off ND, whats the point of this stuff.
There's no way you people actually believe it was better with janky ass crash, Neil has been around since Crash 3
Nope UC4 is the best game, objectively.
has the best narrative and best combat
yes, it was, period.Absolutely not.
this provides good insight. I kinda wanted to knee jerk reaction and say yes but after looking at this.... I just want to say no. it wasnt
Where is the proof that Neil had only retarded ideas and that Bruce made sure they weren't retarded?
Guess who believed the revenge nonsense (basically the exact plot of Part II, Druckmann's baby) was convoluted and impossible to buy into, forcing the person who wrote it to hammer his head on the wall trying to come up with something better..
Feel free to also take a look at the names credited for Story, and the order they are listed.
Someone buy this guy a bar of soap and some shampoo. Greasy bastard.
Then you never played the others and you have the lowest standard a gamer can haveyes, it was, period.
The interactions and story beats were thee most engaging of all of them and the grapple adding combat variation never seen in the previous ones. Driving was also significantly smoother than previous iterations
Nah, that’s uncharted 2 but a strong argument could be made for 4. Uncharted 2 is pretty much perfect. You can replay it 10 times and have a good time. Replaying uncharted 4 is a slog and TLOU 1 and TLOU 2 is unbearably bad.The last of us is the best thing ND did by a far margin. So no.
yes, it was, period.
The interactions and story beats were thee most engaging of all of them and the grapple adding combat variation never seen in the previous ones. Driving was also significantly smoother than previous iterations
you just have really shit taste, i bought the first game at launch. Im an OG, kid.Then you never played the others and you have the lowest standard a gamer can have
Nah you just have really shit taste, i bought the first game at launch. Im an OG, kid.
you couldn't even give me a single reason as to why you're correct, just called me a beta. You're just not very smart.Nah you not.
You are an OG beta.
You wont succed with your little jabs against my 45 years of life on this prison couldn't even give me a single reason as to why you're correct, just called me a beta. You're just not very smart.
Uncharted 4 is my favorite, I actually can't believe Drucmann wrote it, Sam is so likeable. He's got talent, you need to give him that.
Didn't know Druckmann was not involved lost legacy. I think Nadine was alright, as least having a consistent personality and background.So because it was Druckman we got Nadine, one of the most awful girlbos in the game.
Funny enough she was redemmed and somewhat likeable in Lost Legacy, which didn't have Druckman involvement.
Exactly this. This story should be a sticked thread even. TLOU's story was saved (salvaged even) by Straley and also by the actors themselves who brought realism and humanity to their characters. What Druckmann wanted to do with TLOU1 was basically TLOU2 which he finally did once Straley was out of the picture. We know how it turned out. Great gameplay, great graphics... shitty woke story.And the Druckmann-only version of The Last of Us would have been a completely different game.
Don't know about you, but I'm glad Straley and company were there to prevent the game from being a revenge story about Tess, as a main antagonist, torturing Joel after chasing him for a year, before being killed by Ellie.
The fact the entire Part II plot is nothing more than a recycled, rejected nonsense from the previous game, mixed with a total fan fiction tier "NPC #4790 had a family who seek revenge", starring that joke of a character Abby, should make it crystal clear what kind of complete hack he really is.