Brian Fargo was one of the founders of Fig, so presumably he wants to keep the platform going so that they can keep siphoning 10% of all game sales in perpetuity or whatever.
Well there it is.
And what the fuck.
Brian Fargo was one of the founders of Fig, so presumably he wants to keep the platform going so that they can keep siphoning 10% of all game sales in perpetuity or whatever.
Ahh that's right, makes sense now. Well, not sure if there is any public interest in the platform at all now days but I guess it's good for investors.Brian Fargo was one of the founders of Fig, so presumably he wants to keep the platform going so that they can keep siphoning 10% of all game sales in perpetuity or whatever.
Well there it is.
And what the fuck.
Man... i finished wl2 dc and that game still was a buggy af tour through jank city. So "eh." it still makes me worry for Numenera. While those screens look damn good, gonna have to wait and see if inXile learned anything first.
here's hoping they show that they've improved as much as harebrained schemes did.
In for it. But now it's 3 games in development. Hope they don't spread too thin.
More importantly, I'd like to see something playable for The Bard's Tale IV.Finish torment first, damn you
Tides writers
Brotherhood Games handling graphics and atmosphere
In for it. But now it's 3 games in development. Hope they don't spread too thin.
Hyped as hell, Fargo said the right things about this. Not sure about Fig tho.
Less so now. It's still janky and just feels... Unpolished. Everything about it is pretty rough. It has a diamond inside if you're into turn-based RPGs though.Was Wasteland 2 really that buggy? I backed it, but haven't got around to playing it yet. I'd like to know before considering giving towards another one.
They also switched to the milestone payment structure, so they're effectively a crowdfunded publisher.
Oh, I see they actually call themselves that these days:
I think that the crowdfounding campaign is what is going to start in October.It comes out in October but all they have are prototype screens? Am I missing something?
I've played a little with Numenara"s beta. It's very buggy and very janky. IX are not the best when it comes to polishing stuff up, and I don't expect that to change.
Fig is too new to have any finished games.whats the rate of return on a fig investment? anyone tried it?
Because unlike Kickstarter, they can get enough money on Fig.I can't see why an indie developer would choose Fig over the alternative.
“We’re thrilled to see such major headway right out of the gates for the next entry in the CONSORTIUM trilogy. Fig backers have shown more support in one day than in a month on Kickstarter.”
They probably already finished the majority of the game. It's normal for a game devs to start a new project before their ongoing near finished state.Finish torment first, damn you
I'm passing this time. Not because I don't have faith in Brian and his team, but because I've got a bit of fatigue in this genre. I still have to finish going through Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong, Divinity: OS, Pillars of Eternity, AND Wasteland 2 before I have the bandwidth for this. Ugh, just thinking about it is giving me a headache.
I never imagined I would see someone got fatigue from CRPG in these days lol
The snowy stuff doesn't really look like "wasteland" to me but then I hated Operation Anchorage's look as well. Of course there could be snow in a post-apocalypse world but I simply REFUSE to believe it. I am a snow denier in post-apocalypse scenarios.
Also why Fig? Fig is a no-no. Don't dig your own grave, inXile.
Last thing is that Wasteland 2 was an immensive resource hog. Runs like shit on mid-end laptops.
I think that the crowdfounding campaign is what is going to start in October.
Nuclear winter.The snowy stuff doesn't really look like "wasteland" to me but then I hated Operation Anchorage's look as well. Of course there could be snow in a post-apocalypse world but I simply REFUSE to believe it. I am a snow denier in post-apocalypse scenarios.