-The graphics downgrade is not "severe." Do we have to bring up the trailer that everyone said "oh this looks amazing ps4 will never look like this it'll melt" because they assumed it was the pc version.
-Many critically acclaimed triple A games have a release day embargo so there's no reason to point it out here like it's abnormal, where were all the release day embargo skeptics when Child of Light, Transistor, South Park:SoT all had release day embargos?
-Games releasing in tons of different areas usually have several editions, that's not something that's odd or abnormal either considering it applies to other franchises and companies as well.
1) The downgrade is severe. When people were saying the ps4 would melt, i was wondering what they were all smoking because it looked horrible. That trailer still looks like trash.
2)While it is true that many critically acclaimed triple A games have a release day embargo, watch dogs is not critically acclaimed. The word on the streets was that journalist aren't impressed with the game at all. In fact, i'm almost willing to wager that this game will score lower on metacritic than wolfenstien.
3) Just because other companies do it doesn't make it right.