Just finished the game and absolutely loved the story. Really interesting and about half way through I just stopped doing the side missions and ploughed through the story as I found it that interesting.
Gotcha!I was thinking that too; must have been a new player. Feel free to add me to your contacts, we'll have to have a few gamesIn fact, it may be worth setting up a thread for the ctOS mobile mode alone; there's great scope in it for competitions / tournaments, and it'd be nice to have a set place for sharing the videos - but I'm only a junior & can't create threads yet :/
Really surprised by how much I'm enjoying this. Went from "meh" during all the previews and lead-up hype, still "meh" after reading reviews.
Then I started watching some streams and it got me curious enough to take the dive, traded in COD and Dark Souls 2 for this the other day.
I really love how it's NOT like GTA at all, something I was kind of scared of going in. I finished all of Act I only using my gun a handful of times, definitely feels more like I'm playing a stealth game with all the sneaking around I've been doing. Hope that continues.
Story is surprisingly engaging as well.
Another day, another instance of no Traced trophy. Sigh. Just to add insult to injury the last bit of online 'invasion' I got today was the first poxy Online Hacking in two days.
Fuck sake UbiSoft.
Just finished it. I enjoyed the fuck out of it from start to finish.
whats the balance I should maintain between side missions and the main story?
Im trying not to burn through the main story.
House do I use meds and what are they for? The internets are fairly silent on the matter and there's nothing really in game that tells you how to use them.
Are you on PS4? Can you retrieve a previous online save?20 hours in, only one act completed, but nearly finished all investgations - final ctOS Tower unlocked, and... *boom* hit by the gamebreaking glitch that resets skills, clothes, and investigation progress, wiping the last few of each type from my map.
Absolutely pissed right now.
Are you on PS4? Can you retrieve a previous online save?
gang hideout... I thought this might take out downtown from there too, but alas
in terms of "let's just try something" scenarios during typical gameplay, this is the most sastifying title I've played in a long time.
same could be said for grenade launcher with convoys, really, it's just cool that it lets you handle it however you feel like it.Yeah, even though it lets your reduce a smaller mission's set up down to ~10 seconds of gameplay, it's still immensely satisfying to turn out the lights and then move in and finish the job before the lights come back on.
same could be said for grenade launcher with convoys, really, it's just cool that it lets you handle it however you feel like it.
I've been trying to get the traced trophy but I've only ever been tailed once, and I've reset my notoriety repeatedly. Is there anything else I can do to boost my chances?
The mission In Plain Sight was getting on my nerves.
Then I thought, how bout a blackout?
Also my skill tree is maxed out and I'm right at beginning of Act 4. So much for XP.
Just finished the game and absolutely loved the story. Really interesting and about half way through I just stopped doing the side missions and ploughed through the story as I found it that interesting.
Smart. I used the "disable helicopter, take boat ride" move.
First attempt, I tried hiding in a garage, and the damn cops spawned inside. :/
This is amazing, with you picking off civilians in paranoia. Doing stuff like this, where you realize you've been invaded and setting a trap is totally in keeping with the theme of the game to me. I just don't know about the locator thing when you go to start an online contract...
Another day, another instance of no Traced trophy. Sigh. Just to add insult to injury the last bit of online 'invasion' I got today was the first poxy Online Hacking in two days.
Fuck sake UbiSoft.
Got a couple of missions left to finish Act 4 (loving this act) and one song left to get for the song trophy too.
For those of you who have finished it, can you estimate a straight story run play time?
I'm curious, because a lot of people are reporting 30-40 hrs with side missions. Is 20 hrs of story too much to hope for? I'm just not much of a fan of side missions in open world games.
The platinum for this started out easy and slowly devolved into me doing menial repetitive tasks for hours.
I just need Bright Idea by Drew Gress. Any idea where I can get?Bah, stupid SongSneak and drinking games are all I have left before this gets sold. SongSneak is total crap since it's 100% random for 3 of the songs you have to get, and the only one I have left is one of those three.
Is PC still fucked? I have no inclination to play the studdering piece of shit I fired up last week. I finally learned my lesson with Ubi PC games, just don't do it.
I just need Bright Idea by Drew Gress. Any idea where I can get?
So I've been playing this for the last two days and I'm loving it but man does the driving in this game suck. Hopefully for Watch_Dogs 2 they go back and do it all over.
For the Alone mini-game, does it save your progress if you quit, or is each time you play it its own isolated session?
I just need Bright Idea by Drew Gress. Any idea where I can get?
You can get that in the poker lounge in the upper-middle area of the map. You might have to sit for a while for the song to come up.
Man, if stupid Blvck And White doesn't show up, and I can't get these Drinking Games done, I may just get rid of this before I can complete it. Such a shame, too.
All chess games can be found by the pier in The Loop.How do you play a full game of chess? Every chess board I find is a mini game...