haha yeah. This IGN stream has been much more enjoyable as opposed to the other which was actually annoying me at that point. Wanted to pull the controller from him heh.
Can see myself spending a lot of time just messing about in the open-world/doing side activities.
Fuck traffic.
Tons of pedestrians, even in 8 player online.
The multiplayer looks like fun. I just watched Jack Frag's video on it and I wish he would have showcased other MP types.
Well the fact you claimed it looks like an early X360 game just makes me think it is a rather hyperbolic statement, up there with the previous PS2 comments. You guys have really forgotten what it was like eight years ago hey?
Also relevant to the discussion, here is some YouTube Xbox One footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WuZ8wuQvw0
Driving looks great.
Driving looks great.
Everything went better than expected.
I don't know.
Part of me hates how ridiculous it looks.... the other part of me remembers he had more fun in saints row driving over GTA's more realistic driving.
So... maybe a happy medium?
I wonder in what state is iambladders? Now that we saw how good and fun the game looks on PS4.
I was wondering if I had some sort of low standards for driving in games or what but I have a blast with the cars in Saint's Row so I guess that explains why I have no issues with this.It's too similar to Saints Row which I don't like.
I'm seeing rumblings on Twitter that there is / was an 8 day long review event in Santa Monica for the game. Keep that in mind when the reviews go live.
Big name outlets probably were there, and played all the multiplayer in a closed environment, and were pampered by Ubisoft.
Nexus tablets anyone?
It really does.
GTAV's is terrible, which is so annoying because I loved IV's.
Yes please. Looking fun as hell.
nada for pc, aw
Is that PS4? good lord this game's gfx's really are disappointing. GTA V looks just as good.
I'm seeing rumblings on Twitter that there is / was an 8 day long review event in Santa Monica for the game. Keep that in mind when the reviews go live.
Big name outlets probably were there, and played all the multiplayer in a closed environment, and were pampered by Ubisoft.
Nexus tablets anyone?
Feel the complete opposite. Hated the crap out of IV's driving model.
Any videos showing different outfits?
And how would they be able to test MP when game is not out? At that event they could connect with other players easily.
I'm seeing rumblings on Twitter that there is / was an 8 day long review event in Santa Monica for the game. Keep that in mind when the reviews go live.
Big name outlets probably were there, and played all the multiplayer in a closed environment, and were pampered by Ubisoft.
Nexus tablets anyone?
I said "borderline" and beside Elder Scrolls Oblivion came out in 2006, and Watch Dogs barely look better than it. At least I didn't say PS2. You're crazy.
Watch_Dogs barely looks better than Oblivion?
What planet are you guys living on?
I seriously can't tell who is trolling or who is blind at this point
Level of detail, Shadows, Reflections, Ambient Occlusion, Motion Blur, Depth of Field, Water Quality, Shader Quality (based on google translate
The multiplayer if had interiors could pass even as Socom, at leat the decrypt the file mode.One thing i like is that it seems characters are not bullet sponges that makes it more tactical.I stopped the stream, the hype will kill me!
K um:Pic of PC video settings:
34 minutes HQ singleplayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsxYXeHpjss
14 gigs for the PC version? Uh, what?
I kept staring at this for like 2 minutes, his eyes look so weird with that sudden movement.