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What do you want from the Ghost of Tsushima sequel?

Give up on the 3 Act repeating structure. I had to bail on Ghost, Days Gone, and Rise of the Ronin in Act 3 on all 3 games. Personally I felt it was too much. I find it very unsatisfying to feel like you're just following the exact same template broken up into 3 similarly sized Acts. Play around with the pacing for once, or some surprises. Put something unexpected in there maybe. The acts don't have to all be the same size too. You can have the ending arrive with more upbeat pacing to keep people on the ride towards the end when they're tiring out. I don't think they think about pacing at all in any way.
i've been doing this way more often (last instance, dragon's dogma 2). quantity as 'value' has its limits. i keep finishing games i'd been enjoying up to a point with a bad taste in my mouth because of this...

Boss Mog

Honestly I don't like the supernatural shit they added. The demons in the MP, the lady witch doctor bad guy in the DLC. I don't want any of that, I just want an authentic samurai game, period.

I would prefer the game not be about Jin. A new story in either the sengoku or bakumatsu eras. I prefer bakumatsu since I'm a fan of Rurouni Kenshin but Rise of the Ronin already takes place during that time and I doubt they'd make another 1st party game in that period.


- Way more enemy variety, better and more varied bosses too
- A couple of new weapons, for example the Naginata would be cool
- Better sidequests, more stuff in the style of the Mythic Tales and less copy pasted quests about following footsteps and/or tailing someone and then fighting the same 4 enemy types for the 40th time.
- Better stealth with harder to exploit AI
- More actual interesting locations to go to with good level design (think something like the Legacy Dungeons in ER), maybe some more fleshed out towns/cities would be cool too.
- More interesting traversal, specially the climbing and platforming. For example make it so reaching those temples actually feels challenging instead of just being some Uncharted style autopilot climbing.
- Less linear design structure for the story with a bigger focus on exploration instead of chasing waypoints

Other than the compelling main story, nice visuals and enjoyable but repetitive combat I thought the first one was just OK. I hope this is their Assassins Creed 2 moment.
A black protagonist. I always wanted to play as a black samurai.
No thanks. I prefer a mexican samurai.


Writes a lot, says very little
I personally have no love for this game, I didn’t liked the combat, story and it’s open world design.
-Different weapons, if they wanna make the game still based on counters, they can give you an heavier weapon that maybe need more skill for the counter but does more damage and it's slower\can break guard easily, a lighter weapon that does the opposite, larger window, less damage, maybe a spear or naginata for better range etc., monoweapon for 20-40+ hours is BORING.

-cut the fucking precanned death animations bullshit that get boring after you kill 20 enemies and give me proper dynamic deaths with good ragdoll

-way better gore, gore in sushi 1 was dog water

-give jin a better personality, dude was pretty bland.

-way better main villain that it's not only good for the first 2 hours (and that doesn't turn into a scared bitch in the finale)

-cut the honor bullshit, especially if he goes outdoor in the mainland, i don't wanna hear the japan main general risking their land\men to save the fucking honor, that's not how samurai fights.

-maybe better sidequest that don't involve only combat?!

-make more legendary tales, they were definiteyl the best part of the game by far

-way better stealth with better enemy IA

Make the stance system more deep, not just X stance to do more damage to X type of enemy, do something like nioh where it change general damage and speed and you change it based on personal preference and not based on the enemy you fight (or a mix of both)

-Maybe cut some foxes and birds stuff and make exploration more organic\mysterious (and make loot more worthy, cosmetics can only interest me that much personally)

-Maybe 1-2 main cities?

-not fixed points for the grappling hook, let me use it freely ala halo infinite

I like Ghost Of Tsushima I think it is a good game although I do not believe it is a great game. I agree with you both regarding a lot of the issues with this game this is one of those games that has an amazing looking setting and has great presentation but starts to fall flat the longer you play It.

There does not seem to be a great deal of depth with the actual gameplay and even amongst its peers it seems to be lesser in so many areas especially in stealth, The artificial intelligence hurts the stealth mechanic simply because in order to get satisfaction from getting past an enemy you first must have an intelligent enemy to even feel rewarded in the first place, The enemies in Ghost Of Tsushima seem to be so dumb that you literally could kill a whole camp In leave only 1 person and he will continue the same path from A to B never once reacting to everyone magically disappearing.

So it's clear Sucker Punch took a great deal of inspiration from assassin creed in terms of the actual structure design and format of the game.

In my opinion what the sequel needs is to continue that same inspiration behind those that have already been through this path... Like a weather system, The ability to use boats to travel between the islands this will add a whole new dimension to gameplay and exploration on top of just atmosphere

More moves regarding stealth to make it feel like a real viable option

Smarter enemies that recognize their friends have died or can recognize different sounds or are smart enough to realize their dog is alerting them to something, And like in the last of us 2 the dogs should be able to smell and going through water or putting dust over yourself or something like that should confuse the dogs.

I would also want a bit more substance from the actual city cut across. Like give the character the ability to go in the city to do certain trade stuff like sleeping in Inns.

This would open the door for different scenarios like let's say somebody comes to assassinate the character when he's sleeping

There is a lot of room for this to be an amazing RPG, But I think the team has a long way to go.

I VASTLY prefer to get Sekiro 2 instead…..despite having lot more fantasy element, it was much more true it’s time period than Ghost ever did.
True, don't even get me started lol Certain weapons in Ghost literally never existed during that time, even the whole Samurai code wasn't even a thing then, its like they just mash together things they liked from Samurai films and really, really wanted that invasion as the setting, disregarding a lot of those ideas, weapons etc didn't exist during that invasion.

I feel, if you are not going to be as deep in fantasy, at least be deep in telling something that is more true to the time period.


The nicest person on this forum
True, don't even get me started lol Certain weapons in Ghost literally never existed during that time, even the whole Samurai code wasn't even a thing then, its like they just mash together things they liked from Samurai films and really, really wanted that invasion as the setting, disregarding a lot of those ideas, weapons etc didn't exist during that invasion.

I feel, if you are not going to be as deep in fantasy, at least be deep in telling something that is more true to the time period.
That mostly my problem with this game, they are mostly try to be Kurosawa film, which to me makes the world feel fake as if im watching play more than experiencing proper time period in Tsushima invasion.


Gold Member
Not sure.

I liked my first hours with it but I eventually dropped it because it was so mind-numbingly boring. Especially the side-quests

Stopped playing at the point where you need to climb a mountain and you can't get cold or you'll freeze to death. I hated everything about it. There is nothing clever or engaging about it, it's just fucking annoying.


Gold Member
-Different weapons, if they wanna make the game still based on counters, they can give you an heavier weapon that maybe need more skill for the counter but does more damage and it's slower\can break guard easily, a lighter weapon that does the opposite, larger window, less damage, maybe a spear or naginata for better range etc., monoweapon for 20-40+ hours is BORING.

-cut the fucking precanned death animations bullshit that get boring after you kill 20 enemies and give me proper dynamic deaths with good ragdoll

-way better gore, gore in sushi 1 was dog water

-give jin a better personality, dude was pretty bland.

-way better main villain that it's not only good for the first 2 hours (and that doesn't turn into a scared bitch in the finale)

-cut the honor bullshit, especially if he goes outdoor in the mainland, i don't wanna hear the japan main general risking their land\men to save the fucking honor, that's not how samurai fights.

-maybe better sidequest that don't involve only combat?!

-make more legendary tales, they were definiteyl the best part of the game by far

-way better stealth with better enemy IA

Make the stance system more deep, not just X stance to do more damage to X type of enemy, do something like nioh where it change general damage and speed and you change it based on personal preference and not based on the enemy you fight (or a mix of both)

-Maybe cut some foxes and birds stuff and make exploration more organic\mysterious (and make loot more worthy, cosmetics can only interest me that much personally)

-Maybe 1-2 main cities?

-not fixed points for the grappling hook, let me use it freely ala halo infinite

Holy fook. endthread. Perfection. The only thing I would add to this is a nitpick when it comes to walking stairs animation. Give me proper animations for stairs. I need them lol


Writes a lot, says very little
That mostly my problem with this game, they are mostly try to be Kurosawa film, which to me makes the world feel fake as if im watching play more than experiencing proper time period in Tsushima invasion.

True. Its almost as if they LOVED one time period, but had to make the plot about the invasion and you feel a bit of that disconnection, especially if you really like that type of history stuff. So for us to really have a deep Samurai type concept, it should reflect the time period when that was a deeply relevant thing. I want more depth with the story and allow it to earn its M rating, its a game about a people being invaded that seems to want to soften that idea

A game about the Mongol invasion, that seems to want to talk about codes that didn't exist with Samurai then.

I think they can do much better, let them have the Edo time frame so they get Kurosawa the fuck out of it, maybe about a ronin type samurai without a lord or maybe about a Samurai serving an unjust lord or some shit lol I feel Sucker Punch needs to trust that we are ok with M rated game that behaves as such, Ghost Of Tsushima to me felt like a game rated Teen, that was listed M cause they saw blood and the team ONLY has the rating cause 1 element lol (I kid, but I do mean to suggest it feels like a light M, like a PG-13 moving for the 90s or something)

I felt even the Samurai code type stuff they wanted us to take seriously, comes across as cringe and funny and to much of a trope type thing. I just never felt anything with the whole Uncle and any choice that was made with him, it was like......"ok, I guess, I'll kill him to get another boss battle" lol I only choose that expecting a boss battle...thats it. If that dude lived or died meant nothing to me, I was more worried if my pizza rolls was done lol Ghost Of Tsushima is a great example of something with great presentation, that believes it can live off of that with a "meh" story. When they have the story match those visuals, fucks will be given. Ghost Of Edo Osaka: The Revenge is still a day 1 for me don't get me wrong, but I'm ok with a 7 out of 10 game, I just wish for them to seek that 10/10 in all areas, instead of some.

(edit, there should never be any plot where a character is betraying people for food that is literally found freely in the open world) lol #NeverForget
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GoT is good and complete as it is. Leave it alone, even the DLC was unnecessary.
The story has been told.
If then I would rather experience a different character and a different story, but it doesn't have to be.


Assassin's creed Odyssey orgins mirage Valhalla has side quests literally like witcher 3 what are you baffling about
Oh nice.. they also have less bullshit checkmarks objectives ? No they dont because is the same bullshit every asscreed/ubisoft game.

So I want for the next GoT more witcher 3 and less Asscreed type bullshit.


A more fleshed-out multiplayer component.

As for the game itself, more of the same would be enough for me. Couldn't really care much about side-content, just gimme an immersive world.


Absolutely Cozy
  • Better side quests (existing ones ranged from being great to shit; get rid of the shit ones)
  • More overworld activities - the bamboo shrikes and Torii shrines were all awesome, the Haiku and hot springs were great. The foxes sucked, and there were far too many of them. Add more variety of activities as well
  • More dynamic, better, and more random encounters - the only thing you run into is bandits/mongols/ronin. Have more types of encounters on the road, including non combat ones
  • Add more platforming and traversal abilities. I enjoyed what there was, but go all in on the movement set you give the protagonist
  • Lean more into diagetic world design without relying on markers and guidance. The first game did a good job of deploying this over a Ubisoft style world, hopefully the second game can change its approach to the world design from the get go
  • Stick to Feudal Japan for the setting - but go elsewhere within Japan (rather than reusing Tsushima as the map)
  • Build on the already excellent stealth and combat options in the game
You mentioned most of the things I want improved.

I didn't really care for how static the world felt. Let me kick a mongol from a cliff. Don't put invisible walls everywhere. It needs to have the freedom of movement that the Sly Cooper games had. If I fall I fall. This game had some of the worst and most repetetive sidemissions I've ever played. Only in the DLC did they begin to get interesting. It also needs to have much better sidecharacters. I can't even describe how much I loathed the granny with anger issues. Why not have at least one female character with whom you can have a romantic relationship. It just feels weirdly platonic otherwise. RDR2 had the same problem. Oh, and they seriously need to kill that yellow bird that ruined all exploration. Well, not that there were much to explore. I pretty much stopped exploring because I realized there was nothing exciting to find or experience.

The sequel has a good foundation to stand on so I hope they knock it out off the ballpark.

Call it slightly different, so it can be on mainland Japan somewhere, even though the Mongols never really set foot there cause of a storm.

Maybe have some lore character teach you how to make a really cool sword, so you can then craft your own with certain traits? Might add to the stance dancing in combat vs different enemy types.

Don’t really know, to be honest. The side content stuff is mentioned already.

Edit: I actually think this game doesn’t need a sequel. Rather have them do something similar but then as a knight/rogue in the Dark Ages
Well, I mean, the main character is the embodiment of that storm so they could have him kicking them out of Japan. I was quite disappointed in the variety of the katana. It was pretty barebones and they didn't even make one with a completely black sheath and handle. A sequel as a knight would be pretty cool and could add some very nice variety. They could call it the Ghost of [Insert European Feudal State].
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My real answer is:
  • More architecture. After I played Rise of the Ronin it really stood out how little there actually is in the way of buildings in Ghost. Some small huts, tents, shrines, etc. Almost nothing that you even go inside, let alone see the outside of. Just this alone would change most of the game.
Glad you brought this up. This makes me want to play Rise of the Ronin even more now. Even Tenchu 3 had larger castles you could enter and sneak around in. It's definitely what I would want more of too. Who wouldn't want a legacy dungeon size architecture/castle with various hidden paths, shortcuts and traps?


the combat can improved more. more responsive combat would be nice.

most importantly, maintain same philosophy. no woke shit. main attraction is to be able to play as cool japanese samurai and relive the culture and tradition from same japanese person perspective.


Gold Member
- new anumation tech, motion matching
- improved AOE abilities and smart battlefield aware allies
- stealth not being shit
-no crafting, no loot trash, reworked economy
- campaign pushing grounded design
- expanded balls to the wall Legends MP pushing design as far from grounded as possible


  • Smaller world
  • One big town
  • A few small villages
  • Strongholds and bases to attack
  • The ability to raise a small group of assassins we can send to missions like MGSV did, so we can gather materials.
  • Dynamic weather.
  • Random events.
  • Dynamic enemy hit list, maybe something like the Nemesis system from Shadow of War.


Better climbing gameplay.

New weapons like Naginata and Odachi.

Large scale battles.

More armors and customization (different builds).

More story and npcs development, maybe even some dialogue choices with consequences (kinda like Infamous evil and good choices)

A No Return (TLU2) or Valhalla (GoW Ragnarok) type of mode with coop would be awesome too.
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