Gold Member
10m$ is really not THAT much.
You get a big ass house, get a big ass house for your mom and sister too and that's like 3 mil gone already.
You get a nice ass car for you and everyone and thats 1 mill gone again.
All of that to not game again? nah.
I am voting 100 mil and +. I like watching streamers anyway
This is peak financial illiteracy wrapped in a YOLO burrito. $10M isn’t THAT much? Because for 99.999% of humanity, $10M is basically a cheat code for life
Blowing $3M on “big-ass houses” and another $1M on cars is the fast lane to broke-ville. Those things don’t just cost money, they come with maintenance, taxes, insurance. Next thing you know, you’re trying to sell that Lambo to pay property taxes on your McMansion