Well, I'm on my 1st week of 3rd phase. My weight has been flatlining at 173. From 187 to 173, I have no complaints - as I am much slimmer and can fit in my older pants.

Must be the muscle weights.
After a week of recovery and getting into Phase III and doing Chest and Back... I was quite shocked how intense the workout really is. I almost forgot about it. I did much much better, though - and unlike first few weeks - I am feeling the results in the chest and back. In the beginning, I was mostly feeling the effects on my biceps area when I did Chest and Back... I was wondering whether I was doing it wrong. (Maybe I had too little of muscle on my arms, so I wasn't effectively working out the chest/back) Too bad there's only 1 more session of this workout.
Yesterday was my arms and shoulders workout day - and I was little afraid how big my tricep has become. Not much so on biceps - it's still pretty tiny, but I see most result on my triceps - although it's nothing to brag about.
I was quite happy, that I was able to do at least 15-20 side-pushups. I remember I couldn't do even 1 on my fist tryout. The result from all of this is also affecting quite a bit on my normal day-to-day performance, such as running few hundred yards to not to miss my commute bus from my house in the morning! I used to be not being able to finish the run and stop in the middle and walk while the bus goes by... but now, when I run all the way to the bus stop, I don't even lose my breath!
Still, I'm not even 30% of what I want to be. What I want to be, is at least do whatever they do on the screen. I'm still on my knees all the time for push-ups, and all. Plyo, somehow is getting tougher and tougher every time (as I engage much more), and I still can only do about half of the ab ripper X. I can feel small group of muscle in my tummy when I touch deep - but I don't think I'll be seeing my six pack any time soon. Oh well.