Having gone through 4 standard DualShock controllers since December 2020 due to stick drift In this household I bought myself an edge after my 2nd one was lost to stick drift, and got my partner an edge when the new DualShock he got when I got my edge was lost to drift too. The edge battery sucks hard, I bought a 2000 mah battery from aliexpress which is the largest that will fit still, helps a little, and means I can play more than once before it’s needing a charge.
As for the whole ideas of turning things off to increase battery life, yeah no, that’s just stupid, but I have learnt to have an official dock charger near the couch in the lounge and also 1 x wired charger into a wall socket and the clamp that comes with the edge on.
Between them this just about keeps things running when a controller starts to flash up low battery mid game.
Had to replace my 1st stick module on the edge after more than a year of use, went from working perfect to strong drift over night and wasn’t dropped or damaged, have 2 more spare stick modules waiting in the wings and will see what I can do with this one that’s drifting, from what I understand due to t(e lack of calibration software the edge modules aren’t too easy to fix - I’ve never been successful at replacing a stick on a standard controller so I doubt I’ll be any different on the edge
Honestly Sony & Microsoft needs a class action lawsuit against them about these crap controllers and their design flaws that mean that stick drift isn’t an “if” Its an eventuality and these should not be considered consumables