Giallo Corsa
I’m not interested in replaying TLOU or TLOU2 because it’s not fun games but a story, heavy super depressing too gorey series.
I’m more of a RE4, RE2Remake, The Evil Within and Days Gone kind of guy.
I don’t want to play hyper realistic psychopath simulators.
Let me get this straight, TLOU2 is way too gory compared to...RE2RE where in its first 10 minutes you're shown an Uber close up shot of a cop with a mutilated face and with his jaw dangling , RE4 with peasants spiked to the wall via a rake through their face PLUS all the various gory mutations (Mendez/Krauzer/Salazar), The evil within where just in the 2nd stage, there's corpses rotting all around you/ hanging from the ceilings/inside bags like pieces of meat but somehow, TLOU2 is where you draw the line ?

'Cause, you know, the REs and TEWs are all about roses and rainbows, amirite ?
"Psychopath simulators" man, them double standards and all that but, do you even know what you're typing ?
If you told me that you prefer playing my little pony games over violent ones I could understand that but...
Pro-tip : EVERY action game in existence (and especially shooters) revolves around - you guessed it - violence, I suppose though that - say - Call of duty games where the sole purpose is to shoot virtual peeps on the head as soon as they appear on screen is...not violent nor depressing 'cause it doesn't feature a gib system, correct ? War is fun !
The fook am I reading JFC

PS : the fact that you have Jack, a literal psychopath as your avatar makes the whole discussion/point even more cringy
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