Not really.
The combo of Series S & X is just magnitudes less appealing to the market than the PS5 & PS5 Pro combination. SIE have the marketing deal for GTA6. Xbox hardware sales have been in freefall for over a year now.
Most importantly, the vast majority of gamers who want to play GTA6 around launch...either have a PS5 or will be wanting to buy a PS5 to play it, so they can be on the same platform their friends are on, sharing their experiences and whatnot. The PS5 is also a system that looks to have a healthy future; the same can't be said for Series consoles and even most casuals have picked up on this (or are coming around to notice such).
Generally, people want to be on the winning team: console-wise that's without question PS5 at this point. With no PC version planned this year,
maybe Series X & S can get a small boost back to late 2022 sell rate when GTA6 comes out, but how long will that last? A month? Two months? I don't see it being much longer than that especially considering the momentum PS5 has (and will have even more of by the time GTA6 launches), not to mention the licensing deal.
If anyone out there knows someone saying GTA6 is going to miraculously revive Series console sales to be competitive with PS5's again, tell them to put down the pipe.
GTA doesn't even have cross play nobody is buying an Xbox for it
OOF! Yeah, that's a death knell right there. People are going to want to play with their buddies, and even if GTA Online 2 isn't at launch, chances are they may at least have online co-op for the story mode.
GTA6 is going to be a very major social event...why go to the rinky-dink party in a failing basement (Series S/X) when you can go to one at the 5-star beach hotel (PS5/PS5 Pro)? Even casuals and mainstream will be asking themselves this, let alone enthusiasts.