is voiced by Goto Yuko
Well... I had a retort to this, but...
It's classified.
Attack on Titan 25 FIN
Berserk Eren was legit. Some really nice stuff done with the titan faces too, Eren's taking on a more demonic quality while Annie's perpetual boredom was replaced with utter desperation. Eyecatch was interesting as it served the same purpose of cheap worldbuilding as the usual ones but the story about the walls being so deep was oddly compelling.
Final thoughts are pretty short. Series could have been something great. Good beginning, good end, occasional great atmospheric ep that felt like something horror, and a whole lot of garbage inbetween those too few highs. Also I fear old age will take me before I ever learn what's in the basement.
Project A-Ko
Such Garden
Much Burton
Very Action
The basement was in our hearts this whole time.
madpierrot is voiced by Miyata Kouki
filthy saki nopan trash claims another victim. rip cdig
I figured that was more about thinking your country was the best than thinking a particular country sucked.
Kino's Journey 12
I have no words. I'm sorry to disappoint you cajunator and nintendoman, but I just have no words. None. If I had them, I'd give them to you. But I don't.
Why do I have to be Fujiwara Keiji of all things? I'm stuck with Leorio ._.
JoeFu is voiced by Mizuhashi Kaori
you'd think chickdigger would learn his lesson by now lol
He didnt post anything nsfw. I even showed the pic to my supervisor. He said its tame.
He didnt post anything nsfw. I even showed the pic to my supervisor. He said its tame.
They're allowed to mention divorce in anime now?
That seems like an awkward thing to bring up.
Hey, look who's back!
For SDBurton.
If that's the message you got from that, yes, all screenshots are banned. Watch out, Narag.
He didnt post anything nsfw. I even showed the pic to my supervisor. He said its tame.
If that's the message you got from that, yes, all screenshots are banned. Watch out, Narag.
Well shit. Anime is done.
I see some armpit there Narag..
So basically all anime screenshots are banned?
Indeed , enigma has some serious issues i remember saying " what the heck are you doing ?" at linda in golden time and getting pissed off ..but enigma flashback was like on a whole new level of " what's the heck are you doing ?"Phi Brain (S3) 62-65
And thus we finally learn Enigma's deal. Honestly...Enigma, you obviously have issues. A lot of issues. And unlike Rook or Freecell, who were warped by the rings? You have no excuse. You're just flat out insane.
And now that I'm caught up... I have to agonizingly wait for the next one. Maybe I'll pick up Hunter x Hunter or something.