It's definitely hardcore compared to everything that comes before it. Ramping things up is great (end of the episode boss battle), but difficulty is meant to be a curve...not the cliff climbing scene from Mission Impossible.
It seriously isn't, you just have to take it slower.
It's the first fight you just have to slow down, and toss spells/use skills in 1-2 phase, and the first time you have to use dodge, toss vigor mortis or turrets in phase 3, and dodge. I did it in my first try, without reading up about it, wifey, who is not a regular ARPG player at all, did it in 2 tries.
Vigor mortis, turret, I guess that is was just a lucky skillset maybe.
Nobody I play with had issues with this boss.. so, I donno wth is going on.
It was a fun fight!
I actually died more to those mini mecha bosses prior to the chapter boss..

For me it looked like it just was a fight that you were meant to spend more time on. I guess it can be the skills everyone has, but I cant beleive we all decided on the same builds, by accident.