Halfway through Über so far.
I think I've been playing for about 10 hours. Maybe longer.
As someone who is bound to the embargo atm, I kinda wish the same. There's some stuff I'd like to share but now I have to wait till release day. I'm actually surprised at the release day embargo, usually means said game isn't that good...
Also, just something I should be able to share...
The AI in that one video is not a good representation of the game. Sure, I'm playing on über but if a game really had bad AI, I'd notice it on that difficulty as well. But no problems there...
You sexy Dawg!
Off-topic, been playing through RAGE right now to test if my laptop will be ok for Wolfy. Performs like 45-55 on my meh laptop which is very good. Man, how I did miss such an excellent shooter back in 2011?! The guns, the feedback, the death animations! It's quite an easy game on the hardest difficulty (Ultra Nightmare) so can't wait for Uber on Wolfy TNO.