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World of Warcraft Classic |OT| We're Going Home


Currently 4400 position in queue. Been waiting for at least an hour and a half and I swear both the position and the estimate are going up from time to time. I'm a bit miffed to say the least.
Hello everyone, i got taken by the hype and subed, i never played Vanilla, was a runescape player at the time. How would Warlock be as a class to play in classic for pve?


Currently 4400 position in queue. Been waiting for at least an hour and a half and I swear both the position and the estimate are going up from time to time. I'm a bit miffed to say the least.
It is the authentic vanilla experience. Waiting hours to get on your server.
Vanilla wow was like this for the first few months but hey at least the servers are not crashing during city raids.
Hello everyone, i got taken by the hype and subed, i never played Vanilla, was a runescape player at the time. How would Warlock be as a class to play in classic for pve?
From what I hear warlock is a pretty good DPS but you only need a few in 40 man raids as Classic has a limit to the amount of dots than can be put on mobs. You also have to kill fuzzy creature for soulshards in classic.


I managed to get to level 10 last night, but just now I'm stuck in a two hour queue and my server is only on medium population.
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On one hand, I'm glad that there's this much demand for the game, on the other, c'mon Bliz. Do something to fix this server queue bullshit. Turn on sharding, spin up some more servers, do fucking something. 20k queues are just ridiculous.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Should I play Rogue or Warlock? Those seem like the 2 coolest classes.

I had the same problem, and it turned out as a warlock.
My main in retail is a rogue, and having to go back to the old energy system, leveling picklock and farming for vanish powder made me stay away from it.


Darkness no more
Someone from my old vanilla guild tracked me down and convinced me to try it out. This is suprisingly a lot of fun. It's easy to jump back in even though it has been so long. I really like the slower pace that requires you to pay attention a bit. It's very refreshing from the current batch of MMOs where you just run to the highlighted area on your map, click a few buttons to melt everything then run back.

It would be awesome if they developed new content for this version of the game eventually.
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I'm over it, I'm not excited about WoW after the Void Elf fiasco and because I've played so much Vanilla already, like I had a really great experience with my NE rogue and it went fantastically such a great starting zone Teldrassil and so many other things like that.

But It's an aging game I mean flat out Guild Wars 2 is better in literally every way, art, music, sound, style, characters, actions, everything is just better with Guild Wars 2; and yet, it's just not very promising at the same time.


Man, I forgot what it's like to actually die in WoW and have to corpse run. Experienced that again for the first time in a LONG time tonight fighting Rageclaw and getting agro'd by a few too many gnarlpines. Met a few new people, some returning, some new. I really really like the slower pace of leveling and questing. Nothing but good times tonight, and it looks like I'll finally hit level 10 (and get bear form) tomorrow sometime. It's gonna be nice to not have to play druid as a gimpy mage.
Someone from my old vanilla guild tracked me down and convinced me to try it out. This is suprisingly a lot of fun. It's easy to jump back in even though it has been so long. I really like the slower pace that requires you to pay attention a bit. It's very refreshing from the current batch of MMOs where you just run to the highlighted area on your map, click a few buttons to melt everything then run back.

It would be awesome if they developed new content for this version of the game eventually.
I do agree with you. They could just create a parallel timeline, forget all the abortions that came after the The Burning Crusade expansion and build upon that.
I don't even need BC (which introduced flying). Also I'd rather have High Elves and Ogres instead of Blood Elfs and Draenei.
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A bit late but the world first 60 has been achieved. Congratulations to Jokerd, a gnome mage

And the celebration in Goldshire. I have a feeling that he might be the reason my realm is unplayable.
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These queues are ridiculous. I've been in a queue for hours now and still far away from getting in. Luckily I'm playing a WotLK private server in the meanwhile, which is honestly also pretty great, especially considering it was when the classes felt the best to me (outside of enhancement shaman, which I honestly loved how it played with 2-hander during vanilla).

Orenji Neko

My wife and I have been loving this; classic WoW, up to WoTLK was the best for us and everything after that was where we dropped out.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I do agree with you. They could just create a parallel timeline, forget all the abortions that came after the The Burning Crusade expansion and build upon that.

Burning crusade was a shitty expansion as well. World Pvp died with BC


I played wow classic yesterday about 6 hours and I had more fun playing it than I had in the entire last 2 expansions of normal wow.
A guild already cleared Molten Core.

That's not surprising considering the mechanics of each fight have been known for 15 years. People don't have to farm for fire resist gear like they did in the past just to get through it. I'm sure that Naxx 40 and AQ 40 won't be so easily conquered. Significant resists will be needed for a good portion of the fights regardless of all the mechanics and strategies being known. If people are lacking resists, I don't know if they can brute force through heavy elemental damage fights with raw dps output.

Edit: I'm saying that AQ 40 and Naxx 40 won't be so easily conquered, because with people knowing everything about each fight, the mechanics, and the strategies involved, people won't need as much resists as they did at one time most likely. The fact that Molten Core is already cleared lends credence to the need for less resists overall.

Edit: Or I could be completely and utterly wrong.
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A guild already cleared Molten Core.

I was mostly surprised about the rep grind to get to Ragnaros, but I guess I must've overestimated how long the rep grind for the Aqual Quintessence was. And that they did it with barely any notable gear I imagine, since the first lvl 60 player in the world hit that like yesterday or so, right?
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From what I hear warlock is a pretty good DPS but you only need a few in 40 man raids as Classic has a limit to the amount of dots than can be put on mobs. You also have to kill fuzzy creature for soulshards in classic.
Warlocks go destruction in raids anyway.

On another note, I’m having a blast. Reminds me of 2004-2006 all over again. I hope the devs realize how much they’ve ruined retail and take some of the aspects that made classic great and incorporate it into retail. I’ve been playing wow for 15 years now and I haven’t had this much fun since the release of wotlk. I’ll be ecstatic if they do TBC servers as that was peak wow for me.
Im hesitany to play classic. I look past the nostalgia and i definitly had plenty of time with it all the way through beta and release before BC. There is some desite though. I see a lot of old friends popping up and playing it on my bnet friends list, so Im sure ill bite the bullet just play with them awesome peoples again. It definitely wont be for the feel of playing classic again.


So how's everyone's character doing now? I'm just loving this, it feels like I'm playing in 2004 all over again. My troll Shaman hit level 29 tonight and it's only getting better
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I was mostly surprised about the rep grind to get to Ragnaros, but I guess I must've overestimated how long the rep grind for the Aqual Quintessence was. And that they did it with barely any notable gear I imagine, since the first lvl 60 player in the world hit that like yesterday or so, right?
They also did it with a lot of the people being sub-60. APES is a pretty high profile guild in the PS scene. They know their stuff.


Ended up biting as my friends play it. Currently lvl 19 druid and loving it so far.

Also apes is no joke, i played on private server and they absolutely maximize and dominated the entire server on trade / world events / bg's etc. There was no competition. They are incredible devoted to be the best.
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So how's everyone's character doing now? I'm just loving this, it feels like I'm playing in 2004 all over again. My troll Shaman hit level 29 tonight and it's only getting better
Im only level 18 at the moment . I decided to play a warrior so it means my face gets beaten in a lot.


Dat raytracing in wow.

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Gold Member
is this worth me playing? i don't have the nostalgia since i only started playing just before Warlords. i enjoyed playing but i felt overwhelmed with the amount of content so i'm wondering if i might enjoy Classic more if it doesn't have any expansion content. also i'm more of a solo player who just wants to explore and do quests. not really a raiding kind of person.

i guess it couldn't hurt to buy a month subscription to give it a try but just wondering how this might be for someone like me.


Gold Member
To anyone wondering if this is all just nostalgia... n
it's good mechanics, the world feels fresh and lived in, waiting for a mob to spawn naturally makes you group up and have a chat while you wait for the respawn... something retail has lost, looking for party members for a dungeon is interesting and standing outside the gate having a chat and slapping alliance rouges trying to sneak in is always fun.

I am sinking hours reading the quest text, leveling leatherworking, cooking and fishing. Honestly it's all about the journey I kinda feel sorry for the people with the RUSH TO 60 mentality... you might as well play retail at that point.
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You will lose your job, wife and kids, but it's OK, because you are among your real friends in Azeroth where you work your way to true success..

Thats how addictive it is.
Are ridiculous queues affecting only specific, or all servers?

Both myself and my spouse are a bit afraid of it pulling us in and not letting out. We used to raid together.
Sounds good. Do we have EU people on here playing?


I somehow got talked into playing this with someone. I haven't seen a queue yet. I'm having some fun as a mage so far. I just hit level 10.


Honestly, the way to 60 is superb. What really bothers me is the "60 wall". The game changes the way you play it. You are "forced" to instance in order to progress in the game. Pre 60, you level and do quests, sooner or later you get new gear, skills, your first mount. Exploring and grouping with others is really fun! Having 30 minutes or the whole evening, you experience some form of progress, but once you reach 60, you need to group up and go dungeons. Dungeons are great, diverse and fun, but making a group, moving to the instance, and clearing it could take like +2 hours easily (without wipes, replacements, afks). Game is casual difficulty, but not casual "short periods of time" friendly, at least once you reach 60.

And PvP progression is a joke. It's a grind which forces you to play a lot every week in order to maintain the rank.
Do not misunderstand me, the game is unique and great. Probably the best gaming experience I ever hard. It's just that I have way less time now that 15 years ago :)


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Naturally, I've been completely absent since launch. Clocked about 75 hours in this last week, it's been a hell of a ride already. Sitting pretty at level 38 with all expert/artisan skills and about 60g in the bank. It's wonderful and it's absolutely all I'm gonna be playing for a good while now. If anyone's on Razoregore EU Horde, hit up Torn.

What I long way we've come, from this:

... to this:


(not my screenshot)
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is this worth me playing? i don't have the nostalgia since i only started playing just before Warlords. i enjoyed playing but i felt overwhelmed with the amount of content so i'm wondering if i might enjoy Classic more if it doesn't have any expansion content. also i'm more of a solo player who just wants to explore and do quests. not really a raiding kind of person.

i guess it couldn't hurt to buy a month subscription to give it a try but just wondering how this might be for someone like me.
As far as solo playing is concerned. You can level solo but the game encourages you to group with others for harder quests and you definitely need a group for elite quests. It's not all that bad though. Even as someone really anti-social it's fun grouping up, strategizing with other players and people are usually really friendly.
Naturally, I've been completely absent since launch. Clocked about 75 hours in this last week, it's been a hell of a ride already. Sitting pretty at level 38 with all expert/artisan skills and about 60g in the bank.
Hah, I thought that's what's happening seeing your complete dead silence. :D
Do we have EU people on here playing?
I'm playing on Mograine EU though I can't really recommend it. Queue times are insane past noon into late at night.
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Gold Member
As far as solo playing is concerned. You can level solo but the game encourages you to group with others for harder quests and you definitely need a group for elite quests. It's not all that bad though. Even as someone really anti-social it's fun grouping up, strategizing with other players and people are usually really friendly.

Hah, I thought that's what's happening seeing your complete dead silence. :D

I'm playing on Mograine EU though I can't really recommend it. Queue times are insane past noon into late at night.
can you find others in game or do you need to go looking for them around the internet yourself? that's one thing i hate about destiny is that you need to come on forums/discord to find people to join.
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I gave it a shot. Got up to level 10, while battling server lag, then got randomly disconnected and thrown into a 7+ hour queue. I'm out. It's amazing that giant corporations are still so bad at practically everything they do.
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Honestly, the way to 60 is superb. What really bothers me is the "60 wall". The game changes the way you play it. You are "forced" to instance in order to progress in the game. Pre 60, you level and do quests, sooner or later you get new gear, skills, your first mount. Exploring and grouping with others is really fun! Having 30 minutes or the whole evening, you experience some form of progress, but once you reach 60, you need to group up and go dungeons. Dungeons are great, diverse and fun, but making a group, moving to the instance, and clearing it could take like +2 hours easily (without wipes, replacements, afks). Game is casual difficulty, but not casual "short periods of time" friendly, at least once you reach 60.

And PvP progression is a joke. It's a grind which forces you to play a lot every week in order to maintain the rank.
Do not misunderstand me, the game is unique and great. Probably the best gaming experience I ever hard. It's just that I have way less time now that 15 years ago :)

This is why i prefer lineage 2 over wow really when it comes to level system. There is no level cap really. U always are leveling exploring and teaming up as result. U also lose experience when you die and even your own faction can kill you. So u really need to watch out and make fights with other clans etc.

I never liked endgame wow in any expension.

However so far i enjoy this, leveling a bit doing some professions and running around a bit.
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Spent five hours trying to do the elite quests in Redridge with randoms and failing. Ended up joining a guild and doing the quest with them instead of pugs. Absolutely wrecked all of Redridge in two hours and I got myself two rare blue weapon drops from it. It's amazing how big of a difference working with competent players make.


I've been leveling nice and slow with my gf over the weekend, it's just like the old days. I got enough gear on my feral druid that I felt comfortable trying tanking in Deadmines at level 19. One of the dps disconnected right after Sneed, so we actually went on and 4 manned the rest of the dungeon. It was actually a good bit of fun. Then we wiped hard on Cookie, one of the other dps left and we 3 manned him afterwards, lol.

Maybe it's just due to low level and having to ranged pull out of bear form, but Druid tanking is a hell of a lot of work. I've done both Warrior and Pally in the past, and this is definitely the most involved tanking out of the three. The big thing working against me is the lack of a true AoE move, (swipe only hits 3 in a cone) and the lack of gear with +Hit on it. Every time i miss/get parried/dodged, i cry a little inside because I know that not only did i not generate threat and I have a hella slow auto attack, but I also know that I'm not building much rage.

Questing goes slower than I remember with 2 people, mostly due to low drop rates for quest items, but that's fine. I'm not in a rush to get to 60. The leveling experience, learning new skills and how to use them, that's the part I always enjoy in MMOs. There have been a few times where a bunch of people are bottlenecked into the same quest mobs, which makes it take even longer, but they're not that common.

I was exploring Stormwind a bit, because it's so tiny (relatively) now, and I noticed that King Wrynn is just a little kid in vanilla. I never bothered to look at that before, so that was actually kinda cool. It's really something how the game grew over the years, but there's a lot to be said about the original vision.

Anyways, I just re-subbed to see if WoW could even hook me again, and the answer is yes.
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