Depends what you are looking for. Paladins are fun though.
You want to play a melee character? Are you looking for high mobility? Charge/leap/roll/teleport? Play a Monk or Warrior. If you way good self heals out of those two, Monk.
If you like powerful defensive abilities and self healing as a priority, Paladin is good. Or Death Knight.
Druid if you like shapeshifting and doing a lot of different things.
And of course Rogue if you want to be sneaky and kill from the shadows.
Keep in mind that all tank classes and dps classes are pretty well balanced nowadays so don't worry about picking the 'best' one.
For professions do you like gathering? Mining/herbing. If so, go for Blacksmithing/Mining fo a Pally, or Engineering/Mining. Or Leatherworking/skinning for the leather classes.
Any class that can tank will be pretty good at soloing, but Warriors have the weakest self heals out of the tanks. Prot Warriors can have some self heals if they stack the multistrike stat.
But I am sure you could do it on 10 if not 25.
Gotta get that Blazing Drake for the achieve!
Do remember though you have to do Spine of Deathwing and Madness on the same size I think. I tried spine on 10 last week and nothing was there on 25 madness, back to 10 and it showed up.
I remember that. It was all for an Argent Dawn tabard I think that made you flex with light coming out.Sitting around the portal trying to tag a mob that everyone was trying to tag
Nah the pre wrath event was amazing. You could turn into a ghoul and then infect other people. They had to hotfix it as on my server EVERYTHING in every major city wa a ghoul and nobody could do any quests haha.
Pre-Naxx had a better event than most expansions -and that event sucked.
I remember that. It was all for an Argent Dawn tabard I think that made you flex with light coming out.
It didn't even do that :lol It was just a tabard
There were also some gear sets that were a recolor of the Judgement set
Pre-launch events is really the one time Blizz should be able to just go completely batshit with it and turn the world upside down for that small amount of time. Everyone who's gonna be leveling to 90 is already there, there's nothing else to do but wait for the launch especially when all you get is a shitty 20 minute quest chain. Make elite Orcs from different clans patrol places like Felwood, Dustwallow, etc, have some events with the Warlords in Azeroth, make those elites drop stuff to entice players to go kill them.
But I guess the storyline in WoD is that we get the portal cut off before the Iron Horde can make any kind of impact on Azeroth. Which is frankly very boring storytelling.
Undead Slayer, My friend's dad still has his set.
Would anyone here be interested in purchasing my standard digital WoD key if I get one from blizzard? (As part of the reimbursement program they're doing for CE buyers)
Agreed 100%. This is the time to take some risks, even if they break a few things in the process. It's all just for a short while anyway. Why not go crazy for a bit and really shake things up?
Does the drake drop on 10? I was gonna try deathwing once i hit 100. I'm focusing on firelands at the moment and ICC.
Would anyone here be interested in purchasing my standard digital WoD key if I get one from blizzard? (As part of the reimbursement program they're doing for CE buyers)
Blazing Drake absolutely drops on 10 and 25 normal. Saw it drop on 10 in Cata.
You might have to put it on heroic for the Life Binder's Handmaiden, but that can be 10 or 25 too.
If no one wants to buy it, just make a ticket and ask for credit or compensatory free months. I've heard you can get them to do that sometimes.
Ever since that first Scourge Invasion world event, the WoW community has romanticized it more and more with each passing year. I honestly believe that if most people went back and partook in that event again, they'd be terribly underwhelmed. The scourge invasion pre-Wrath was better in my opinion - felt much more intense than the first time around.
Resubbed last night, haven't been able to do fuck all with instance servers down and awful latency, and then they send me the 7day thing, lol Blizz.
Got that 7day too this morning. Does that even stack if you're subbed?
Undead Slayer, My friend's dad still has his set.
I'd totally be in for that.
Edit- comments on the main thread of bitching and whining about this awful 'upgrade' process indicate that Blizzard's already shut down this avenue.
Edit2- I just tweeted at the chief CMs: let's see if I get a response. It really is an insulting and poor upgrade process, lol
I keep getting logged out and when I log back in it's like I just used my Hearthstone and it's on cooldown. Is this typical server behaviour or am I getting hacked? Note: I have an authenticator.
Ever since that first Scourge Invasion world event, the WoW community has romanticized it more and more with each passing year. I honestly believe that if most people went back and partook in that event again, they'd be terribly underwhelmed. The scourge invasion pre-Wrath was better in my opinion - felt much more intense than the first time around.
I did the Throne of Thunder LFR last night, got Friendly with Shado-Pan assault and now I can buy some ilvl 522 gear. Don't have enough to buy up all of it yet, though.
I do have a question, though: how do you upgrade gear? I see a few of my pieces say "0/4." I read that you have to use 50 Lesser Charms of Fortune to upgrade a piece, but I can't find out where to do that.
I got that too, it's when you're someplace you're not supposed to be so it /unstuck's you and uses your hearth.
There's an ethereal NPC in your faction's shrine in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Up near the transmog/void storage guys.
The Blasted Lands questline was obviously done with Alliance first in mind. I mean...why the hell are there dead orc vendors in Nethergarde?The scourge invasion had some neat mechanics, it didn't have a lot of useful gear from it (I still have the undead set on my rogue for instance) but it DID have some cool stuff. It's definitely been more in depth than most of the pre-expac stuff. Not this though, this blasted lands questline is pretty sweet even if it's short.
What's going on with the CE that I've missed?
Make sure you all redeem your 7 days of free game time that went out today. Looks like it stacks with existing subscriptions.![]()
Make sure you all redeem your 7 days of free game time that went out today. Looks like it stacks with existing subscriptions.![]()
Not the best response from @Bashiok, but I'm glad he responded at all:
So I talked to a GM on the phone about this last week. She told me to call the day before (you can do this buy going through the ticket system, say you have a payment issue and blizz will call you) and say "I got a physical edition, please refund my money for the digital. She said they will refund the money and lock the boosted character. Once you put in your key on launch day from the physical box, the boosted character will unlock and you can go about your way.
I fear WoD launch day is going to suck so hard. If they are having trouble with the instance server, what can we expect when WoD comes out.
When Ulduar launched, I wanted them to do something with the insane dwarf digging site in Northrend. I found that area very eerie, and I wanted to see it used more than just in 3 throwaway quests. Though it did do a good job of setting up Yogg.
Blizz bring back Ulduar please, or make a raid as cool as it. Was just an awesome combination of scenary, bosses, mechanics, and especially lore.
I enjoyed Ulduar but I raided it for so long (as did everyone else) that by the time it finished I was ready to never see it again.
I would much rather have a new Black Temple. It had trash that actually meant something, the most interesting boss mechanics in the entire game, it wasn't overly huge like Ulduar was and it was just awesome all round.
BC. The most interesting boss mechanics in the entire game. What?
The Black Temple has been the stage of the Orc Horde's blood curse, fortress for the then-mortal Ner'zhul, and a prime staging ground for the Burning Legion's campaign of destruction...
I'm pretty sure it did. It wasn't called the Tabard of the Argent Dawn but it looked just like it. Let me see if I can pull it up.It didn't even do that :lol It was just a tabard
There were also some gear sets that were a recolor of the Judgement set
I'm pretty sure it did. It wasn't called the Tabard of the Argent Dawn but it looked just like it. Let me see if I can pull it up.
EDIT: Here it is.
Tabard of the Protector was its name.
Does this mean it might be returning for WoD as a raid area?
I can't for the life of me kill Yogg-Saron on 25HC, the rest of Ulduar was easy...
I can't for the life of me kill Yogg-Saron on 25HC, the rest of Ulduar was easy...
I enjoyed Ulduar but I raided it for so long (as did everyone else) that by the time it finished I was ready to never see it again.
I would much rather have a new Black Temple. It had trash that actually meant something, the most interesting boss mechanics in the entire game, it wasn't overly huge like Ulduar was and it was just awesome all round.