Is the Blasted Lands portal going to go away once the expansion release and the pre-expansion quests are gone? It's the fastest way for my Horde characters to Karazhan for farming the mount.
What kind of UI mods are you guys using? I'm finding it kind of hard to process the information in raids (just doing LFR stuff) and I feel like healing on my Priest in groups could be a bit easier. The stock health bars in groups aren't the easiest to follow.
Any suggestions?
What kind of UI mods are you guys using? I'm finding it kind of hard to process the information in raids (just doing LFR stuff) and I feel like healing on my Priest in groups could be a bit easier. The stock health bars in groups aren't the easiest to follow.
Any suggestions?
what's the drop rate on those?
never seen one.
Hopefully the portal will go back to normal once WoD launches.
Is the Blasted Lands portal going to go away once the expansion release and the pre-expansion quests are gone? It's the fastest way for my Horde characters to Karazhan for farming the mount.
Is the Blasted Lands portal going to go away once the expansion release and the pre-expansion quests are gone? It's the fastest way for my Horde characters to Karazhan for farming the mount.
This is my warrior so far
Do I keep doing lfr to improve my gear? Or should I do UBRS?
Don't worry about the name either, they just made me change it ^After suspending me
Alright GAF, I switched to horde for this expansion, I'd like to play a DK tank, and I just hit 90, got to 504 ilvl and am wondering where to go next. I'd like to see some content but am a little worried about going into ToT as a freshly geared tank. I've done timeless isle chest farming and the pre-WoD quests for my items.
Any suggestions on where to go?
I had one of these bad boys. It's run out now though, so I've slowed down considerably. I'm tanking dungeons, and I haven't had any issues.
This is my warrior so far
Do I keep doing lfr to improve my gear? Or should I do UBRS?
Don't worry about the name either, they just made me change it ^After suspending me
Is it just me or does it seem like the game performance got optimized after 6.0? I feel like my 25 man raids are hitting 60fps on High settings, whereas they weren't before. It almost feels like Blizz finally started to utilize our GPUs...maybe?
Also do you guys know if putting WoW on an SSD has any benefit?
Everything I'm using right here.
Everything I'm using right here.
Everything I'm using right here.
Is the Blasted Lands portal going to go away once the expansion release and the pre-expansion quests are gone? It's the fastest way for my Horde characters to Karazhan for farming the mount.
Is it just me or does it seem like the game performance got optimized after 6.0? I feel like my 25 man raids are hitting 60fps on High settings, whereas they weren't before. It almost feels like Blizz finally started to utilize our GPUs...maybe?
Also do you guys know if putting WoW on an SSD has any benefit?
Yes, and yes. I've noticed a big jump in raids, however, i'm feeling some newer world lag that i haven't before. Loading takes a while in the world too during the first load. My model is invisible for like 15-20 secs. I'm gonna upgrade my pc in a few months with an ssd. I can't wait.
belf war best war
I get the same thing. My performance is fine overall, but certain NPC's and objects sometimes take a bit longer to load into view than they used to. It's weird.Fairly certain the loading thing is a server overload issue. I'm getting the same thing.
I started yet another character today, a belf warrior on my friends server. X_X
Everything I'm using right here.
For heals you need good unit frames, like xperl or shadow. However, the default ui shit isn't that bad nowadays, especially because it defaults to grouping by role. It also makes the dispells pretty easy to see. I personally never liked healbot but a lot do.
dude on the above screenshot is NOT playing on a 40 inch tv.. must be a pve scrub
Sweet! Where do I sign up for all of that?!
Thanks! I'll check out those unit frames.
I still can't believe how few UI customization options are available by default.
Holy shit I missed this post. I'm dying lmao.Everything I'm using right here.
Where the hell is the quest giver for Macabre Marionette. I can't find him/her anywhere in the graveyards.
Where the hell is the quest giver for Macabre Marionette. I can't find him/her anywhere in the graveyards.
Buy the Orange Marigold and then use it by the GY and it'll show up.
I see utorrent and Firefox.
So much wrong.
I like to keep my UI pretty clean and as close to stock UI as I can.
Only things I use are nMainbar, MikScrollingCombatText, DBM, PlateBuffs, Prat, Scrap, Auctioneer, MoveAnything and Postal. The less addons I can get away with, the better.
Everyone at works picks what Saturdays to work this month and since I'm the lowest on the totem pole I go last... and of course I get the 15th.
I am trying to trim down the fat on my action bar display now that we've had so much ability pruning. Would like to have as few of them onscreen as possible but still get a good overview on ability cooldowns. What do you think is the best approach? Should I use a separate addon to display time left on cooldown abilities?
Rösti;136914049 said:Apart from DBM I don't use any mods. I think the default UI works great. I've tried using Recount but it works poorly in 640x480, and it crashed a lot for me.
Skada has a lighter footprint.
You can't go through the portalThere's another portal in the troll area that takes you straight to Hellfire Peninsula. Even if the other portal goes away for some reason, you should be able to take that and reverse through the dark portal from Outland to the Blasted Lands.
Crazy, EH?
Leveled my rogue from 87-90 today as well. 89-90 took just over an hour. Jesus.
So Earth Elemental seems to be the epitome of useless right now. They nerfed his damage so you stop using him as a damage CD which is fine. But he can't hold threat at all. Like can't even hold it for 2 seconds.