Hot damn. Grats!Got my Raven Lord mount on the second day of farming it. Sorry MountFarmGAF![]()
wouldn't a rogue be better for ganking tho???
It would, until I want to queue for something.
10yearsminutes since LFR queue.
Besides I already have a level 90 Rogue.
Nice scam Blizzard.Character Transfer
World of Warcraft Game Service
USD 25.00
The magic of subscription games.Nice scam Blizzard.
Hot damn. Grats!
Almost every upgrade that's dropped for me in the instances I run has been stolen by Druids, usually Feral.
Anyone aware of a good forum/website for shaman information? Totemspot looks pretty much dead, and the community for shamans on the WoW and mmo-champion forums aren't that great.
The other classes I've played have had some pretty great resources (priest/warlock), but I'm struggling to find good theorycrafting material for shamans.
Shaman community sucks. Can't even come to a census if earthquake is a single target increase.
Lmao. The mount fiend struggle, I know it well! I'm on a few mount grinds that are just taking forever (Ashes and Invincible).ThanksIt was kind of surprising given the White Hawkstrider took me 3 weeks across 3 characters. The real bummer is that now I have to move on to a mount that will probably never drop for me.
What are you guys choosing as professions now that they removed most if not all profession unique perks?
Rogue is on a different server (Spinebreaker) from the one I plan to make my home (Stormreaver) for Draenor.
Nice scam Blizzard.
They probably have a wine cooler at the office to celebrate whenever someone falls for this scam. Every time a high profile raiding guild on one server transfers to another, setting off a chain exodus, they break out the bottles of champagne and take the rest of the day off.
While leveling my rogue, every LFG tank I've gotten has been a Guardian.
No you dont.Herbalism/Alchemy
still get my double duration
What are you guys choosing as professions now that they removed most if not all profession unique perks?
No you dont.
Mixology got hotfixed back in.
What are you guys choosing as professions now that they removed most if not all profession unique perks?
Rogue is on a different server (Spinebreaker) from the one I plan to make my home (Stormreaver) for Draenor.
Nice scam Blizzard.
They probably have a wine cooler at the office to celebrate whenever someone falls for this scam. Every time a high profile raiding guild on one server transfers to another, setting off a chain exodus, they break out the bottles of champagne and take the rest of the day off.
What are you guys choosing as professions now that they removed most if not all profession unique perks?
Druids do seem really plentiful while leveling. I've also noticed that they hit like TRUCKS. Even at low levels where Heirlooms make everything a joke, it's astounding how fast things die when there's a Feral Druid in the party.
I know this isn't a BlizzCon thread, but I took this from the "WoW party" that was held outside.
ANYWAY, that's all.
Yeah, but this would be something that people actually play.
I still find it funny that WoW made it ten years without adding cat girls as a playable race.
Cow girls? Elfs x2! Space Demonesses?
Might be the only popular fantasy MMO to last more than a few years without cat girls.
Upgraded to WoD and boosted a rogue today. It's fun as hell, I haven't played a rogue since vanilla (still had poisons in my bags). I love the combo point change, I don't know if that was in MoP or not but I'm really enjoying the class.
Stealthing around at permanent 205% speed is hilarious. Even with bad gear, battlegrounds are fun. I think I might actually main rogue in this expac.
Abilities that are unreliable are not fun (Feral druid positional requirements)
I still find it funny that WoW made it ten years without adding cat girls as a playable race.
Cow girls? Elfs x2! Space Demonesses?
Might be the only popular fantasy MMO to last more than a few years without cat girls.
Female druids can be catgirls.
Doesn't count.
Too much cat?
Fel Orcs and Felblood Elves look so much better than their normal counterparts. Too bad they can't be made playable.
Cat girls is more of an asian thing, can't think of many western mmos with them.
I can almost understand why they're taking away elixirs in Warlords but then what's the point of being an Alchemist anymore? Did they give us something in return?
Mixology is back after being gone/bugged for a bit in 6.0, and I believe the highest level flasks require a BoP alchemist material to make. So that shit's gonna be expensive.
There is a Ring from Darkmoon Faire that turns you into a Felblood Elf though!
(Too bad you can't get until next month.)
I'd love to be able to make some kind of gold with Alchemy for the first time since Wizard Oil went out of style.