I wouldn't say I have been "entertained" but I certainly have marveled at how many in here have been behaving. I understand that my experience and preference is apparently rare among at least this group of players, but my experience with the game (the description of which everyone has chosen to focus on even though it was just given as illustration) has absolutely nothing to do with the preference, which is the center of the concerns I raised.
It seems like most here only have a perspective of whether or not they can deal with the things a game presents them with, and if they can, that is all that matters. That's not how I look at or evaluate games at all. If I think something would be more enjoyable designed another way, I am honest about that. If I have played other games, even many others, that did particular things in a way I preferred, I can't help but think of them when I'm playing something I don't enjoy as much when it does those things very differently.
Apparently that is taboo here or something, as instead of being willing to even acknowledge let alone discuss these aspects of game design (which I rationally explained several times in an effort to bring things around to real discussion of the differences of opinion we had that some apparently felt very strongly about), instead the majority here decided to antagonize, misrepresent, mock, and condescend either in direct and fairly hostile responses or passive-aggressively from the sidelines. It has left me with a pretty disgusting impression of the community here.
A couple here and there seemed to be sensible, so maybe when new things come up to discuss, there will be some nice discussion in here with people who are comfortable navigating differences of taste and comparing to other games and don't need to tear others down just because they have viewed or experienced things differently from them and others in the little niche they've made for themselves. If not, you probably won't have to be concerned about me raising further complaints about anything in the game around here. I'll keep my blasphemy away from your precious god game.

Don't assume things of others you don't know because you don't like their responses.
If your major complaint is that there is stuff in your way when you're trying to go from point a to point b in the game, then just walk/run/ride around it.