Also, latest simcraft results:
They kinda wanted me to play warlock and destro is the only one I know how to play, so maybe...
new lock pet models not in?
When people post these patch day things on reddit or here, I don't understand. I've literally never had an issue with a launch of an Expac, patch drop, etc. And I've been playing since Vanilla.
Master Plan being broken highlights one important thing most have forgotten.
How the FUCK has Blizzard not standardized that addon. The animation completion things in default ui alone feel like watching your life fade away.
ehhhhHow is Warlords of Draeneor?
Anyway, is the game worthwhile jumping back into? What have i missed lore wise? Are Draenei finally getting the love they deserve?
Are Draenei finally getting the love they deserve?
so anyone heard about this bug with sha of pride that if you get lucky enough for it to drop, it'll drop for everyone in your group?
whats "it"
Tanaan is the worst zone since Silithus ;(
What don't you like?
Using the Mage Tower constructs no longer launches you in the air, you just run fast between portals.
This is actually a bit of a bug. The constructs are supposed to give an option of 3 things that happen when you touch a portal, with you being able to set it while riding them. The interface doesn't appear, however.
There's a command you can use while on the construct to set it to the one you want, but I forget what the three options are and the command to do so, sorry. I'm at work so can't really look it up.
So some naval missions have two days wait time before completion? Yuck. I'l sure there are even longer ones.
2 days for 100 gold, I'm so happy.
Going through that tiny space inbetween the Horde garrison and the shipyard seems really prone to disconnecting you, from what I assume are phasing issues because you're not phased inbetween those. Makes me wonder why they didn't just keep that whole area in the same phase.
The raid content is so good, its a shame everything else seems so half baked
Like the feeling that no matter what, they can't unfuck how bad they fucked this up.
Based on that I really wonder if I should just hang it up until the next expansion.
Haven't seen any that take 2 days yet, might be only the legendary missions.