If I buy the complete pack (game + expansion) will I need to buy the next expansion again? If so, what is the usual price?
Not sure if I want them to offer another 'free' character boost or not. While I really liked the idea because it allowed me to re-roll onto a new server with some friends, I'm still not completely sold on the idea.
Battle for Azeroth Expansion
- Continent north of Tirisfal rises, the Titan city of Uldex, home of Tyr!
- Naga ruins west of Ashenvale see a huge resurgence in activity, possibly attempting to resurrect the Old God to which the Faceless Ones pray!
- Med'an returns, and as host of Sargeras
- Demon Hunters enlist with both Horde and Alliance to fight the menace
- Sylvanas and the Forsaken believe they are best suited to lead the Horde
Not sure if I want them to offer another 'free' character boost or not. While I really liked the idea because it allowed me to re-roll onto a new server with some friends, I'm still not completely sold on the idea.
What's the state of the game if I resub but haven't purchased WoD? For whatever reason, the latest expansion doesn't sound appealing at all. Is the game still very much playable just without the higher level cap, etc.? Am I really missing out on anything essential? I still have a lot of characters to get to the prior cap.
So just resubbed back. What the best thing to do to get gear?
Ilvl the now is 638 and left about a month or so into WoD. Understand i need to get my ilvl higher before doing LFR.
I hope that they aren't implying that's a screencap of the new class. Because that's just a screencap from SMV in Outland.
I hope that they aren't implying that's a screencap of the new class. Because that's just a screencap from SMV in Outland.
Apexis crystals is the fastest way to get gear. 25k gets you 695 gear (30k for weapons) and you can make almost 10k a day doing dailes and use the ogre/mage tower.
Making a "leak" is so easy though. A dash of things that will obviously happen, a bunch of stuff people have talked about wanting for years, and some unexpected stuff that must be true because the other stuff sounds it. Bonus points for using obscure bits of lore that can be verified when people look them up. We should make one!
- Wrathion turns up and tells us he was paying attention all along and now we have to go and rescue Gul'dan from where he's been sent, Argus, because he has some vital info on how to defeat the Burning Legion.
- Recruit Illidan to train up a new army of Demon Hunters in preperation for an assault on a major Burning Legion stronghold.
- Liadrin and Yrel together convince the Naaru to lend us The Tempest Keep to get there, and that is our shared capital city in the expansion, protected by the power of The Light.
- Personalised Quarters in Tempest Keep, acting as your home space for this expansion, like Garrisons and Farms did previously.
- Timewalker Zones: Repeat old Azeroth zone questlines at max level for appropriate rewards. Zones on rotation to encourage activity within them.
- Dance Studio
Rösti;173516037 said:A few things I'd like in the new expansion:
- A new class (demon hunter seems nice)
- Updated glyph system (like Path of the Titans)
- A fourth column in the talent tree
- Better profession system (make them more unique, with perks)
- A more trivialized Raid Finder - Only cosmetic gear, automatic modified gear level (increase/decrease to a certain value), no death penalty (damage to gear)
- A big main hub for both factions (like Dalaran)
Rösti;173516037 said:A few things I'd like in the new expansion:
[*]A new class (demon hunter seems nice)- Updated glyph system (like Path of the Titans)
[*]A fourth column in the talent tree- Better profession system (make them more unique, with perks)
- A more trivialized Raid Finder - Only cosmetic gear, automatic modified gear level (increase/decrease to a certain value), no death penalty (damage to gear)
- A big main hub for both factions (like Dalaran)
Timewalking zones is very believable. Gul'dan on our side isn't. But we should tweak this and post on mmoc as a 'leak' lol
I haven't seen anyone claim it, so go ahead. Feel free to use the format in the OP.Does anyone have dibs on the next thread? I'll take it if not
What's keeping you from farming the other cata raids for cash?
Adding a third melee dps class would be dumb dumb dumb dumb
Do you think they'll show the cinematic at Gamescom?
Suppose I could do DS, though it's annoying. I tried Bastion of Twilight but got owned by Halfus, though I think I fucked up the mechanics. Throne is too short to be worth it really. Could do BWD.
I could see a ranged/melee hybrid. A class with 1-2 trees that use bows/guns and a tree that uses agi melee. It's actually what I am most expecting. A new breed of demon hunter that (for whatever inserted lore reasons) have branched out into Diablo 3-style DH business.
Nope, cinematic always comes later. Gamescom will have an in-engine trailer like all other expac announcements.
Just like this GOAT:
"new dances" lol
Does anyone have dibs on the next thread? I'll take it if not
Timewalking zones is very believable. Gul'dan on our side isn't. But we should tweak this and post on mmoc as a 'leak' lol
Man, they can't balance 3 columns as it is! They should trim talents again and only offer a choice if it's meaningful.
1. Demonhunter Class (Vera like)
2. New Horde Chiefs -- NO Thrall, Durotan or Hellscream Maybe
3. Live to kill? Sylvanas Maybe a BOSS
4. New Legendary Necklace -- Illidan's Storyline
5. 3 or 4 new skills for each old classes.
6. Raptor Strike is back! New melee skills for Hunter
7. Decepline Priest remake.
8. New PvE Modes like Al'Akir Battle.
9. New Arena Maps: Stormwind, Shadow Isle, Darnassus
10. New Silver Hands and Tirion Fordring, together?
11. Vengeance from the deep sea
998. Maiev Shadowsong -----> Maiev Demonsong?
999. Guldan's failure is just a setback, he's finding another titan raid for HC players and died there again
Need a new class that can use bows and stuff. Having just ONE in the game is silly.
Even if they use it in an unorthodox way, like, this new class could be magic wielder, but they use their magic either in melee (for one spec) or ranged (with another), but apply it to weapons strikes.
(Would also fit the currently unused combination of cloth melee)
A dude on mmochampion who posted broken english leaks about WoD before its reveal that (mostly) turned out true posted this:
Personally (assuming this is at least partially true) the bit about melee skills for hunter is confusion about demon hunters having melee and ranged abilities.
At this point, every single thing imaginable has been thrown at the wall as a leak, so something is bound to stick and then those people will have been "right", despite the bits they got wrong.
Shadow of Wall?
lol, that's a terrible name![]()
That's true but maybe its their way of making up for the talent and ability prune that went extremely overboard (I'm sure almost everyone can agree there) It's one of the reasons I have a lot more fun with FFXIV's combat now, there's actually depth and proper flow to most things. I miss the game before the ability prune. They went into it with the wrong plan, should have just fixed what needed to be fixed and cut the completely useless stuff. Cut the completely useless stuff or merge it, but leave in the little fun things like Eye of the beast for Hunters. It's useless to a degree, but there's no reason to remove something like that at the same time.
A dude on mmochampion who posted broken english leaks about WoD before its reveal that (mostly) turned out true posted this:
Personally (assuming this is at least partially true) the bit about melee skills for hunter is confusion about demon hunters having melee and ranged abilities.
Pruning abilities like Eyes of the Beast was a total mistake. They should have only pruned combat essential stuff and left any fun/useless stuff, since you don't need to bind those anyway. Def agree on that.
Disc Priests seriously need a revamp. Fucking shields have been super super OP for 2 expacs in a row now.
Need a new class that can use bows and stuff. Having just ONE in the game is silly.
Even if they use it in an unorthodox way, like, this new class could be magic wielder, but they use their magic either in melee (for one spec) or ranged (with another), but apply it to weapons strikes.
(Would also fit the currently unused combination of cloth melee)
Just 2? Haven't they been pretty fantastical since Wrath?
Yeah, they can't nerf/change disc without essentially nerfing every single serious raid guild, so it's not something they would do mid-expansion. If they are going to do it (and they probably are, given recent interviews), it's going to happen in 7.0.
Holy paladins have no business having effective raid heals. They should've never changed the way healers work together. Now it's only an RPG in name.
Nope, cinematic always comes later. Gamescom will have an in-engine trailer like all other expac announcements.
Just like this GOAT:
"new dances" lol